CHAPTER 81-Ministry Break In and Splinched

Start from the beginning

"Well, you won't have any good compliments to give yourself, if your dead" (Y/N) said as she moved to stand next to him, "Now let's hurry and find this bloody horcrux" 

"Sorry" Oliver threw the paper aside, all of them started to make their way towards the elevators. (Y/N) stepped in first as the rest followed suit, as the door was about to close someone called out Ron's name making them all turned around. 

"Cattermole" Yaxley called out, "It's still raining in my office. That's two days now"

"Have you tried an umbrella" Ron tried joking, the man giving him a bored and annoyed look before his gaze shifted to Mason before looking away, "You do realize i'm going downstairs, don't you, Cattermole?"

"Downstairs?" Ron asked confused. 

"To interrogate your wife" He answered simply, everyone looking between the two, "Now if my wife's blood status were in doubt and the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing. I think I might just make that a priority. You have one hour" 

Ron only standing their not responding, Yaxley gaze switching to Mason, "What are you doing here, Scabior?"

"Why do you care" He snapped, "Don't you have things to do, Go on!"

Yaxley only glaring at him before leaving, the doors closing as Ron hurriedly pressed the button. The group getting thrusted back to the wall as it started to move, grabbing onto the overhead handles at once. (Y/N) rubbing her head as she peeked her head out a small frown on her face. 

"Stupid elevator" She mumbled. 

"Oh, my god. What am I going to do? My wife is all alone downstairs" Ron whimpered as (Y/N) snorted. Harry sparing him a quick glance. 

"Ron, you don't have a wife" Harry reminded him. Oliver patting his back. 

"Oh, right" Ron said. 

"Level two" A female voice spoke, the elevator coming to a stop as the doors opened, "Department of Magical Law Enforcement" 

"This is you, Ron and Oliver" Hermione said, Oliver nodded as he was trying to make his way out but Ron wouldn't move making him roll his eyes before pushing him out. 

"Finite Incantatem. Okay" Ron whispered to himself, Oliver and him glancing over their shoulder as they waved goodbye. The elevator door closing before moving again. 

"Come on, Ronnie" Oliver started to walk, "Let's get this over with".

"Level One" The Female voice said, "Minister of Magic and support staff"

"If we don't locate Umbridge within the hour, we go find Ron, Oliver and come back another day. Deal?" Harry asked, turning around to look at them. 

"Deal" They answered.

(Y/N) looked over at the doors before a gasp fell out her lips and going back under the cloak. They all looked forward as the doors opening, everyone now understanding why (Y/N) reacted the way she did. Standing on the other side was a familiar women dressing in all pink holding a clipboard. 

"Merlin, what did I do to deserve this" (Y/N) whispered to herself, Mason glancing her way. Umbridge gaze falling on Hermione. 

"Ah, Mafilda. Travers sent you, did he? Good we'll go straight down" She smiled, walking into the elevator, (Y/N) trying to stay out the woman's way so she wouldn't get caught. "Scabior"

Mason giving her a simple nod, the tension in the room seemed high. "Albert, aren't you getting out?" She asked, turning to look at him. Harry slowly walking out the elevator as (Y/N) quickly followed behind him. They both turned around to spare Hermione and Mason one last glance before they disappeared. 

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