CHAPTER 39-Prefects and Birthday's

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The room was silent and they were all staring at Mason who still had a smile on his face. Sirius was the first one to clear his throat and smile back at Mason and nodded. Remus Lupin was still looking between the twins but quickly turned around to smile at Mason and walk towards him. 

"That's great news, we'll be down in a bit--" Lupin started but was cut off.

"Mason. I need to talk to you" (Y/N) said.

"Oh, Okay" Mason walked further in the room and sat next to (Y/N). Oliver gave her a look before walking out the room.

"Do you want us to stay?" Sirius asked. (Y/N) shook her head, he gave her a faint smile before walking up to her and kissing the top of her head and gave Mason a smile before him and Lupin walked out.

"Oh no they left me alone with you, I must've done something terrible" Mason joke making (Y/N) chuckle.

"Mason, What do you know about your family?" Mason furrowed his eyebrow and bit his bottom lip thinking. "Well I just know mu--I mean Bellatrix is in Azkaban and so is Rodolphus for what they did to Neville's parents, and they're pureblood crazy but that's it. Why?"

"Me and Oli were trying to find the perfect time to tell you but I think I should tell you now since were almost going back to Hogwarts in a few weeks" (Y/N) started as she ran her fingers through her hair. 

"What is it (Y/N)?" 

"Alright so a year before you were born, Bella had another kid but it wasn't exactly her's. Voldemort had a kid with someone else and she got sick and wasn't able to carry it for any longer so he asked Bella to and obviously her obsession with him she couldn't say no."

"She gave birth to a baby boy and his name is Harvey Tom Riddle. After mum died and dad was taken to Azkaban we lived with uncle Lupin for a few months before moving in with the Malfoys and we grew up with Harvey. Him and Oli never got along and well me and him we were really close."

Mason was quiet for some time and just looking at the ground while biting his bottom lip. (Y/N) was carefully looking at and was getting ready for him to burst out on her. She was waiting for him to get up and just walk out the room without saying anything, she was waiting for Mason to hate her and never want to talk to her again.

"Does he know I exist?" Mason finally asked looking at (Y/N).

"He does, He asked for you a few weeks ago" (Y/N) admitted. 

"How come he never grew up with us, I mean when I got to the manor he wasn't--"

"That's because Narcissa and Lucius decided to send him to America for his 'safety' being the son of the Dark Lord isn't great and well he got locked up in Azkaban over there"

"He got locked up in Azkaban!" Mason said wide eye, (Y/N) nodded. "Did you know what he did?" 

"No and I don't want to know either" (Y/N) told him. "Do you hate me?"

"Hate you? Of course I don't hate you I understand why you didn't tell me I would've done the same in your place. Is going to attend Hogwarts?" 

"Yeah, he told me"

"You've been writing to each other?" 

"Just started, You want to owl him?" 

"No, I don't" Mason huffed, (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"Because, I don't want anything to do with him, he's probably Bellatrix favorite. They have a lot in common getting locked up and not caring about anyone but themselves, I'm fine with you and Oliver, I don't care if were half brothers. I don't want anything to do with him." Mason said.

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