Chapter 84: Geared up Battle

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Izuku's POV:

Daichi: "How long has it been since we've last sparred against each other?" he asked me while we were changing into our training gi.

Izuku: "I think it has been over two months now." I answered back to him as I tightened the belt around my waist.

Daichi: "Are you ready to lose again?' he said jokingly.

Izuku: "Last time I remember, I was up with 35 wins while you had 34 wins."

We both looked at each other as we then laughed. We then put our things away as we then headed to the outdoors, where sensei was waiting for us with a table full of weaponry that I have all used before.

Izuku: "What's this?" I asked as I looked at each weapon.

Akio: "Seeing as how you just recovered, I'm giving you an advantage. You can use anything that I have laid on the table against your spar against Daichi." I then picked up a pistol and started cocking it and started aiming it against the wall.

Daichi: "GUNS!" Daichi yelled out as he was worried for his life.

Akio: "They're rubber pellets which use compressed cartridges to fire." as I then fire one round to test it.

The pellet hit the wall and ricocheted back. I swiftly evaded it as it went past me and hit sensei's house and lost its momentum when it bounced back.

Akio: "Will still be enough to make you understand the importance  o dodge these." he said with a smirk

I grabbed a holster and a utility belt. I grabbed two pistols with 5 extra magazines for each, some wooden kunai knives and ninja stars, and finally a revolver as a last resort.

Akio: "No rifles or submachine guns?" as I packed everything up.

Izuku: "There is limited spacing in the area and I'm facing someone who can do AOE attacks. Any kind of heavy weaponry will limit my mobility." as I checked if all the guns were working.

He then smiled at my analysis as he then backed away. I walked to the training grounds seeing Daichi doing some light stretches, preparing for our fight. I stretched a little myself as I haven't been active for a while. Sensei walked to the center of the training grounds as he looked at both buses before raising his hands.

Akio: "Hajime!" as he dropped his hand, alerting us to start.

I quickly pulled out my pistols as I then fired at him, but Daichi yelled out "Thunderstorm" as his hair turned purple. Thunder clouds started forming above him. He raised his hand and quickly pulled it down, causing lighting to strike down, disintegrating my shots.

Izuku: "Your transformation is faster than before." I then started running as lightning came down striking near me.

This time, he wasn't using any kind of hand movement to control where the lightning strikes, but it seems weaker compared to the one he used to disintegrate my bullets. Making me assume that for a more powerful attack, he needs to use physical movement to enhance his attack. I started preparing some ninja stars as I then threw them at him, but due to my throwing skills not being faster than a gun, he easily dodged it.

Lightning strikes continued raining down near me as I did my best to avoid them. The ground started catching on fire, making it difficult for me to find places to avoid. I then saw him have an excited look on his face, showing that he had another ace up his sleeve. I threw some ninja stars at him, followed by a full round of bullets at him. He used large movements again to call a powerful lighting strike in front of him, as it disintegrated all projectiles fired at him. While he was busy defending those rounds, I quickly ran behind him with a kunai knife in hand. But before I could get close to his body, lightning surrounded his entire body, making it impossible for me to make any contact with him.

Daichi: "Do you want to see a cool trick I learned?" as he looked so excited to show it, "Strong Winds!" he yells out, as his hair color changed to green.

I was confused as to why he gave up a solid weather type that had both offensive and defensive abilities for something that isn't as strong. He then lifts up both arms, looking so calm. That's when I remembered what strong winds can cause if two of them go against each other. He then dropped his arms down as they crossed each other, causing a twister to be formed.

Izuku: "I see. That is pretty amazing." I was stunned that he could create disasters like this, but I didn't have time to admire the growth he had. I started running away from the twister

Daichi: "There is still more to it." he said calmly as I then looked behind to see the twister started going over the fires that he caused with his lightning strikes. The twister slowly caught on fire until the entire thing was on fire.

That's when more arm movements were used to create strong enough winds to push me into the twister, but I saw that the winds were also going against the twister itself. I grabbed two kunai knives and stuck them to the ground as I then held on, hoping that the winds forcing me into the twitter would weaken it. After around a few minutes of struggling, the twister disappeared. I slowly got up as my upper body was exhausted, trying to hold out.

Daichi: "It seems I need to get used to controlling strong winds." he said calmly, assessing his own capability. "Heatwave!" he yells out, making his hair turn into a bright orange and the area around us starts heating up. "You are already so weak right now! This will be an easy victory!" he said all aggressive and fired up.

I pulled out the pistols and started raining bullets on him, but the heatwave started messing with my vision, making me all dizzy as my shots were all off. He walked up to me as he grabbed me by the collar of my gi and started lifting me up in the air.

Daichi: "This is the end." he said aggressively as I was on the verge of passing out from heatstroke.

No one's POV:

Akio: "I think that's enough." he calls out as he sees Izuku on the verge of passing out.

Before Daichi could let him go, Izuku's mind started recapping all the times when he was grabbed by the collar by Katsuki, making him angry. That's where we see the figure of the boy that Izuku was trying to reach earlier when he was unconscious.

???: "Please, stop this." he begged as he sounded like he was in pain.

That's when the real-life Izuku re-opened his eyes and quickly grabbed a kunai knife from his belt and tried to slash Daichi, making him instinctively drop him as he took a leap back away.

Daichi: "LOOKS LIKE YOU STILL HAVE THE STRENGTH TO GO ON!" he said excitedly/aggressively, but Akio was standing there stunned that Izuku was able to go on. But when he got a closer look at Izuku, he noticed that his eyes were looking dead.

Akio was confused about what was going on, but he let the match continue as he wanted to see how this fight plays out.

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