Chapter 117: Conclusion of Kidnapping

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No one's POV:

Yaoyorozu-san's parents and I were trying to renegotiate our current contract, from trying to stop her from being a hero to being her training partner, with the side deal of being her continuous tutor and partner for music rehearsals.

Once we finished rewriting the contract, Mister Yaoyorozu-sama called one of the servants so he could hand it to them and notarize it for later.

DY: "While we are on the subject regarding my daughter. I think it's about time we allow her to go to school instead of hiring so many home tutors." which shocked Yaoyorozu-san and I while he was talking with his wife.

MY: "I suppose we must. Like what Midoriya-san said, we can't keep a bird caged forever." which slowly brought joy to Yaoyorozu-san's face.

Momo: "Really!" she yells out in excitement, to which her parents nod, making her all giddy.

DY: "But I need to contact the school first to notify them that you'll be returning to be in person at school." which made her nod along as she was happy to go to school.

Yaoyorozu-san's parents soon left the room to discuss her transferring back to school, leaving me and her behind. It felt really awkward being just the two of us since we had only just made up a few hours ago, but when I looked back at her, she was still smiling.

Izuku: "So...." I started off as my eyes started to avoid eye contact with her, not really knowing where I was going with but I then heard her chair move, quickly catching my eyes as I saw her bowing in front of me.

Momo: "Thank you for everything Midoriya-san." she then stood back up straight, catching me off guard as I did weird hand movements as I was too embarrassed.

I then calmed down after a while seeing how sincere she was. I recomposed myself as I planned out the words I wanted to say to her.

Izuku: "You've been through a lot, partly because of me, so this is the least I can do." I said back to her while I got off my seat and walked back to her, "If anything, I'm quite grateful that you're still willing to be my friend despite what I've done." as I then bowed to her, which seemed to catch her off guard.

I then heard some giggling, causing me to look up to see that she was trying to hold in her laugh.

Momo: "I'm the one who should be lucky." she says while still laughing, which confused me at first, but I only smiled as I stood back up straight.

No one's POV:

Mister and Misses Yaoyorozu were out in the hallways as they were trying to figure out what Momo may need for when she attends school.

MY: "So when are you going to tell me?" she suddenly asks, but Mister Yaoyorozu already knew what she was talking about.

He began telling her about the methods that Izuku used to find their daughter, and how when he arrived at the scene, the building where her daughter was supposedly trapped was found to be burned to the ground.

MY: "OH MY! You don't think that-" Miss Yaoyorozu asks out but her husband only shakes his head no.

DY: "I don't believe so but I have some people helping out the police to look more into the matter of the building."  he says as they continue on with their walk.

MY: "I see." she says as she starts reflecting on Izuku's current actions, "Smart, skillful, and brave. Seems to me like he'll be a very good influence for our daughter." as she giggled slightly.

DY: "So when are you going to tell me what happened here?" he questions, but Miss Yaoyorozu plays dumb, making her husband sigh, "There was the police officer outside our home, the multiple servants heading in the direction of your office, and the frequent turns that lead away from your office. What happened?" as he deduced something was not right, making her sigh.

MY: "I was able to find the leak among our staff." but she was hesitant to say the last part, "b-but even though we got rid of the hidden poison in her mouth, she was a...... suicide bomber." which made her husband halt for a moment before he rushes towards his wife, grabbing her by the arms.

DY: "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Do you need me to call a doctor? I think I may know someone who has a quirk to heal your injuries?!" he said panicking as he took out his phone and immediately started dialing the number, but his wife put her hands on top of his to calm him down.

MY: "I'm fine." she says in a soothing tone as she cups his cheeks, "Luckily our secret bodyguard was there to protect me. If anything, he's the one who needs to go to a hospital." she says back to him.

DY: "I should probably give him a bonus then." as he straightened himself up, "So where is he?" he questions.

Ninja: "I'm right here." he says, popping out of nowhere while kneeling, startling Mister Yaoyorozu.

DY: "I can never get used to that." he whispers underneath his breath.

MY: "You should be resting." she tells him off.

Ninja: "I'm fine. I'll rest when I know when the two of you are safe." he says to them.

DY: "I appreciate the effort you're putting in but there's no need for that now. I'll just increase security while you're taking a rest so that you rest easy knowing that we're safe." he says to him to call him down.

Ninja: "Thank you for your generosity." as he then uses his quirk to blend back into the background.

DY: "So were you able to find any other details about this leak?" he questions, but she only shook her head head no.

MY: "There were calls to multiple burner phones, but that's about it. No clue who she was working for." which got her husband to think deeply about what was going on.

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