Chapter 62:Reminisce of the Past Pt.2 (MH POV)

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It's been a few months since I heard about this boy and Mei still hasn't given me his name yet. She keeps referring to him as Muscles,  which I thought that he was deliberately keeping his name hidden from her at first, but when I asked her directly, she said that she thinks that the nickname fits him better rather than his actual name, which just led me to believe that she knows his name but doesn't want to reveal it. On Fridays, whenever I asked about the boy, it seems that he really is capable of helping her babies. The results were very clear when my husband and I had less frequent clean-ups for explosions. I started seeing the boy in a better light, but I still couldn't let my guard down since I know how manipulative a person can be since I was able to see people's true intentions with my quirk, but since I haven't been able to meet up with the boy, I can't give fair judgment yet.

It's now a month before Mei's birthday. We are currently eating at the dinner table as my husband and I was eyeing each other as we then decided on the yearly question.

MH: "So Mei, what is it you want for your birthday this year?" I asked this time.

Every year, my husband and I take turns asking her what she wants for her birthday, and it is always such a complicated part for her babies that we always have to have a long discussion of changing it if it was deemed too dangerous. Just last year she had asked for a small warhead so that she could make gloves that have more firepower to them. My husband was the one who had to deal with that one and the conversation led overnight until she decided to settle on something safer.

She was thinking to herself really carefully until she then pulled out a pamphlet that was advertising a new museum that will be opening just a week before her birthday.

Mei: "Is it possible to get tickets to this museum on the day of my birthday?" she asks, shocking both my husband and me.

This was the first time that she had asked for something so normal since she was 6 years old. Not even once during her birthday or Christmas did she not ask for a part that would be used for her babies.

MH: "Ar-Are you sure that's what you want?" I asked, still in shock.

Mei: "Yeah, can you get 4 tickets?" she asks.

MH: "Four? But there are only three of us?" I asked as I was confused.

Mei: "The other one is for muscles. I want to bring him along as well."

My husband flinched when he heard the nickname. He didn't like his daughter being alone with another boy all by themself, especially when she calls him muscles. I had to keep on reminding him that our daughter doesn't even know the idea of a crush and that it was good that she found a friend that she can rely on, although I kept the part hidden of my suspicions of him being a gateway for others to get closer to me.

I took the idea into consideration since this was the first time she wanted a normal thing. We get to take a trip together as a family, plus I get to meet the boy I've heard so much about. So after weighing the pros and cons, I had made my decision.

MH: "Alright, give me two weeks to clear up my schedule on that day and to prepare the tickets for that day." which made her more cheery than normal.

We finished eating our food; my husband went ahead and cleaned the dishes while I made sure that Mei was properly sleeping and not sneakily building one of her inventions.

Two weeks had passed and it was nearly April. After sorting out my meetings and rescheduling them, I finally cleared up my day for Mei's birthday. I came knocking at the door to give her the good news, but she didn't respond to me. I slightly opened the door to get a slight peek inside, and that's when I noticed some sparks flying around. I widely opened the door as I then walked up to her to tap her on the shoulder. She quickly turned to me as I was giving her a smile.

MH: "I have some good news. I finally cleared up my schedule and-" I then pulled up something from my back pocket, "I got the tickets earlier than expected, so we are all set to go for your birthday." which got her to smile and hugged me as she was so excited.

While she was hugging me, I overlooked her shoulder as I was looking at some blueprints and notes that were not my daughter's handwriting. When she let go of me, I placed my hand on the blueprint as I was reading what the notes were saying.

MH: "What's this?" I asked.

Mei: "Some adjustments that Muscles recommended since we didn't have the proper tools at hand to fix my babies. He gives me his notes on what he believes needed to be fixed."

I was looking at the design and thought how weird it would be if the public saw this since it looks so out of place if paired up with many hero costumes.

MH: "You probably should learn how to make them more stylish." I said as I picked up the blueprints while she gave me a curious look, "One thing inventors have to deal with is the way their inventions look. If it doesn't appeal to the masses, the less likely they will sell. That's one of the reasons why I'm always so busy. It's so hard trying to reform a support gear that goes well with the costume itself while still keeping the functionalities in check. If you are able to make it fashionable to wear, then there is no need to hire people like me in the future, which leads to more profit." I said to her as I then handed back the blueprints while she did some thinking of her own.

Mei: "I'll try." she says unenthusiastically as she took another sheet of paper and tried redesigning the baby she was working on.

MH*sigh*: 'Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.' I thought to myself before leaving her room.

I sat down at the dinner table while my husband was cooking miso soup. I sat down thinking whether it was the right choice to tell her off of how her babies should look when I don't even know anything about making them from the start.


Just some context of the family dynamic of the Hatsume's. The father is burly and scary-looking, but he is quite sweet and tends to hide it because he is embarrassed to show it to others. He also is a great househusband who is able to do all the cleaning and cooking, but socializing isn't his strong suit. The mother is a bit on the smaller side in height and is slim, but she is the one with the job as a redesigner for inventions to fit better with the look of hero costumes. She is able to have long conversations with others and knows how to do small business. She is also able to do simple chores, like cooking eggs and folding laundry, but when it comes to more complex stuff, such as seasoning food, cleaning stains, etc, she can tend to make it messier. I think you guys know Mei pretty well, so I'll leave it at that. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day.

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