Chapter 57: Nakamura meets Mei

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Izuku's POV:

We had made it to the building with Mei still dragging me. I had tried to convince her to stop but her preservation kept her going. When we had made it to the front desk, the receptionist was confused to see a new face.

Receptionist: "Midoriya, who is this?" as she started eyeing Mei up and down as she can see that she was excited to be here.

Mei: "I'm Mei Hatsume, current, and future, inventor." She said proudly, "I'm here just to drop off muscles for work." as she then let go of my arm. "So where is Nakamura-san?" she asks.

Receptionist: "Mister Nakamura-san is currently inside of his lab, which unfortunately you aren't allowed in or anywhere else since outsiders need permission from mister Tanka-san." but Mei looked unfazed when she said that.

Mei: "That's alright, I can wait here until he is done for the day."

Receptionist: "They may take hours, young miss."

Mei: "That's fine by me." as she then took a seat near the entrance of the building.

Receptionist: "Is she seriously going to wait there?" she whispers to me.

Izuku: "She is stubborn when it comes to something she wants." I said to her, which she only slowly nods to before passing me my card.

I made my way to the lab to notice that Nakamura-san was sleeping while slouching over the wrist launcher that he was working on. I tapped him on the side to wake him up.

Satoshi: "Huh what." he said as he jolted straight up, "No Tanaka sir, I was not sleeping, I was just resting my eyes a bit." he says while looking around, still feeling drowsy.

He then looked down at me and I could see his eye bags got darker and larger, his eyes were slightly red, and his hair was all greasy.

Satoshi: "Oh it's you." he says while rubbing his eyes, "Sorry about that Midoriya, just trying to get as much done as I can, we only have around 43 of these made so far and we have nearly a week left before the order is due." He falls to his chair and leans against it as he was growing more worried about the upcoming deadline.

Izuku: "Why don't you take a break. You've been really overworking yourself. You never sleep unless I knock you out, even then you tell me that you wake up at midnight. If you're not in your best shape, it might make you more sluggish."I said worrying about his health.

Satoshi*sighs*: "Maybe you're right. It's been days since I have left my lab besides going out for snacks  and bathroom breaks." He says as he scratches the side of his chin since I can see bits of hair growing out of it. "I'll go outside to take a 2-hour break and as soon as that's done, I'll come back to help you. Does that sound okay to you?"

I nodded at him as he nodded back. He then left the lab, leaving me by myself. I yawned as I didn't get enough sleep myself but it was not as bad as his. I began finishing what Nakamura-san has slept on when I came in.

Izuku: 'Why does it feel like I have already forgotten something?' I asked myself as I had begun making slight adjustments to the circuit board to the wrist launchers.

Satoshi's POV:

I was about to walk outside to get some fresh air but I saw a pink-haired girl waiting nearby. She turned her head and saw me, causing her eyes to sparkle. She quickly ran up to me to shake my hand.

Mei: "So nice to meet you Nakamura-san. I'm  Mei Hatsume and I read many articles about your involvement with numerous support gears when Tanaka-san was in charge before his older brother took over," She says while vigorously shaking my hands.

Satoshi: "Um thanks?" I said awkwardly. "But what are you doing here young miss? Where are your parents?" as I began looking around the room to spot any adults that could be her parent.

Mei: "I came here with muscles since he said that he needed to come here to help you out." as she finally let go of my hand.

Satoshi: "Muscles?" I tried to co figure out who she is talking about until the last phrase hit me, "You mean Midoriya?" I questioned.

Mei: "Yeah, Muscles." she says as if there's nothing wrong with the way she is referring to Midoriya. "He helps me with my babies and I help him with his.

Satoshi: "Babies? So he helps you take care of your siblings huh?"  I said warmly, seeing how kind Midoriya is with others.

Mei: "No, they're my babies. Muscles help me make them." I became wide-eyed as the sudden news of what Midoriya does with her was shocking. "He really is smart. He knows what goes wrong whenever my babies malfunctions or explodes.

Satoshi: 'WWHHHAAAATTT!' I was so confused by what's going on. "Um, what do you mean by exploding?" I asked nervously.

Mei: " I have a habit that whenever I make something, they tend to explode. But hey, you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs." she says proudly, but I was still dumbfounded by what she was saying.

I had to think very carefully before making any more assumptions. I had to piece together what she had said so far in order to come up with a reasonable conclusion.

Satoshi: "When you mention your 'babies', do you mean your inventions?" I asked, hoping that I was correct.

Mei: "Yeah, my babies." she says again, thinking that it is normal for her to call her inventions her babies.

I sigh in relief and exhaustion that the confusion was cleared up and that I need to be wary of her due to her assignment of names to things. I then remembered that she was my fan of some sort and has a connection with Midoriya. Figuring it might be a good way to pass some time to distract myself, I decided to treat her to a meal.

Satoshi: "Do you want to talk a bit more? I'm on break right now and I haven't had a proper meal yet, so we could discuss this over a meal." which immediately got her excited and started rushing through the door and waving to me to hurry up.

I chuckle at how energetic she can be and slowly followed her as we discussed her knowledge of things.

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