Chapter 43: Aftermath of Yaoyorozu's Birthday

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Izuku's POV:

A few months had passed since Yaoyorozu's birthday. After the incident with the blonde kid, he was forced to study abroad due to the humiliation his father has suffered from his undisciplined son. Also after the party, I had requested that I would need some time off from singing since I needed to prioritize the prototype nano-bot, which the Yaoyorozus agreed to, but I would need to sing two songs to them at the end every month on the day I visit, with me playing the guitar and Yaoyorozu on the piano.

The rest of the months were spent normally, I would go to school and train on weekdays, as well as hang out with Daichi and Ichika after training, meet with Mei on Fridays to hang out with each other and help each other with our designs, primarily mine being the prototype and her's being her babies, on Saturdays, I would tutor and train Momo, and on Sundays, I would help assist Nakamura-san with his creations.

I would like to say that everything was fine, but there were still problems I still had to deal with. Kacchan kept on bullying me whenever I did something that displeased him while nobody did anything to help but either ignore me, watch, or join in, with the teacher playing it off as kids being kids. The teachers were no better, they were very strict with me, whenever I did something else that wasn't taught by them but still got the right answer, I would get deducted points for it, and whenever I try to argue that they were being unfair, they would say that a quirkless nobody like me should at least be smart enough to listen to others. I stopped trying to fight back at school and just accept it the way it is, at least I still had friends who still care about me outside of school.

It was now the last week of March. It was a Friday after training while I was hanging out with Mei. Throughout the months we had hung out together, she still calls me muscles, which I had gotten used to and I found her to be fun to work with, besides the occasional explosions. The prototype I had was complete, it was fully functioning, and was able to listen to the commands from my UCS. I was taking it on for a full test run while I recorded it with the glasses. After being satisfied with the performance, there was the next step to make this prototype into a final product of a nanobot, which was getting it to be actually nano. After I was designing how I would get it to make it on a smaller scale, I suddenly heard another explosion. I turned back to see where Mei was, but she was nowhere in sight, then I heard something falling from the sky. I looked up, only to be immediately hit by whatever was falling.

Izuku: "Ow." I say out loud as I was trying to lift off whatever was on top of me.

Mei: "Nice catch muscles, you really softened my fall." she says with her usual assertive face as if the fourth explosion of the day didn't happen.

Izuku: "You really should give me a warning before you crash into me." I groan out.

Mei: "But how else am I supposed to surprise you while also checking out the progress you made so far with your body." as she starts groping my pec.

Izuku: " Can you please get off me?' I asked as I was used to how handsy Mei can be already.

She slowly got up as she began dusting off the smoke from her body. I then got up myself as I walked over to the origin of the explosion and began examining what was left of her baby. After making some quick analysis of it, I then handed it off to Mei.

Izuku: "It seems that the energy cells that are being used produce too much energy for the wires to handle, which seems to have caused the explosion. What were you trying to make anyway?"

She then began examining it herself as she answered my question.

Mei: "Pants that are supposed to look fashionable while still being useful."

I looked over the charred object as I slowly started blinking, trying to process what she had just said until it finally clicked.

Izuku: "Fashion? I didn't know you cared about that stuff, you usually go for functionality rather than design."

Once finishing her examination, she then sighed as she then threw it behind her, landing inside a box filled with destroyed inventions.

Mei: "Mom says that if I plan to continue making support gear in the future, she says that I need to make it appealing for buyers or investors to be interested in it, so I tried adding onto my old babies, making it more compact and sleek to please the eyes, but it seems it couldn't function properly." as she then fell on her butt as she looked exhausted, "It's so hard trying to make something appealing. I think all my babies look great but my mom says otherwise."

I began thinking to myself as I tried to think of the right words to say to her. Once I had figured it out, I sat behind her as I leaned my back onto her's.

Izuku: "You know, there are many people out there. Many with different tastes, different opinions, different views. You can't please all of them, but those who stick around are the ones who know your true worth. So it doesn't matter if it doesn't look appealing, you are still making inventions to help people, if people have a problem with the design, it's their decision to not want it, but what I think what you are doing right now is amazing." I then looked up to the sky to see the sun slowly fall as the clouds passed by us.

There was silence for a moment. Not saying a word to each other as we still leaned against each other. Then I heard a small chuckle from her.

Mei *chuckles a bit*: "Thanks Izu- muscles, you really have a way to encourage people huh."

As I was about to take the compliment, I noticed one small thing she was about to say.

Izuku: "Wait a minute, were you about to call me-" as I turned my head to face her, but she quickly got up, making me fall on my back.

Mei: "Onto the next invention." she says all chirpy as she then marches to her box without looking back at me.

I slowly sit back up as I look at her being focused on her baby. I sighed as I was so close to hear her say my name again, the only time she called me by my real name was in the first week of school. Accepting the fact that I may never hear her call my name again, I looked at my left wrist, where my UCS was on, as I then began scrolling through the different methods to miniaturize the prototype.

No one's POV:

We see a blushing Mei as she is working on her new invention.

Mei: 'AAAAHHHHH, I nearly called him Izuku. It's okay, stay calm, just continue working on your baby. I mean he is the first friend you had who is able to handle my outgoingness, so it's fine if we get closer since he is used to how close I can be physical, so it's fine to be closer as emotionally, right?'

While Mei was having her conflicted dialogue with herself, Izuku, not knowing how Mei views him, still continues scrolling through his UCS.

Izuku's POV:

It was the end of the day. We packed up anything we had left before going home, but just as I was right about to leave, I heard Mei calling me.

Mei: "Hey Muscles, I forgot to give you something!" she yells while I look back at her to see her running towards me.

She then hands me an envelope.

Izuku: "What's this?" I asked as I took the envelope from her.

Mei: "My birthday is coming in around 3 weeks. My parents are planning to go on a trip to a museum for my birthday and I want you to come. I'll see you again next week on Friday." as she then ran back to her stuff and began carrying them and leaving the scene.

Izuku: "HUUHH?" as I was surprised by the sudden invitation. "Why does she always pull me into these kinds of surprise situations." as I began thinking back to all the other times where Mei would bring up weird events that included using her babies. I then look at the envelope as I started opening it and reading the card, 'So her birthday is coming up, I wonder what would be a good gift for her?' I thought to myself as I started planning out what gifts she would like. 

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