Chapter 127: The Plan for Counter

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Izuku's POV:

After I had set up the smoke bombs, I had to quickly make my move before the tear gas could spread into the veil of smoke. I knew that Yaoyorozu-san currently had the advantage with the tear gas and the guns, and wouldn't risk fighting in close quarters combat in the smoke, where I could jump her at any moment, meaning she was only going to wait it out. But this gave me the opportunity to hack into the building itself.

After remembering that Miss Yaoyorozu-sama talked about having drones and droids in the shooting range, I figured that I can put them under my control and use them against Yaoyorozu-san. After a few minutes of bypassing many cyber security walls, I managed to override at least one drone and droid. I called them over to the arena and connected the visual sensors to my UCS, which apparently allowed me access to echolocation vision.

(This is what I mean by echolocation vision. Also, this is how I picture Mei's goggles and Izuku's glasses to perceive in the dark, but with better range.)

Once both of them had entered through the door, the drone had registered multiple shots fired in its direction, mainly hitting the droid

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Once both of them had entered through the door, the drone had registered multiple shots fired in its direction, mainly hitting the droid. I had the drone re-adjust itself to the trajectory of where the shots were fired, giving me a visual of where Yaoyorozu-san was at.

She stopped for a moment to look at something, before she decided to head into the veil of smoke herself, meaning that the tear gas had seeped into the smoke. I had to quickly put my plan into action before the tear gas could spread even further. I set up the drone at a distance where Yaoyorozu-san's movement can be seen entirely while I placed the droid far away enough from the tear gas while also still being near her, acting as a decoy.

Once Yaoyorozu-san had taken the bait and planned her assault, that's when I planned my counterattack. I couldn't rely on the UCS for this part as the tear gas was creeping closer, and I didn't want to take the risk of getting affected, so I had to close my eyes as I held my breath, but using the estimated position of where the droid was from the drone's viewpoint, I quickly navigated myself through the smoke, until I could sense someone's presence nearby. I estimated the distance between us by how far away the presence felt as I then did a sweeping kick, feeling that something had fallen.

I quickly opened my eyes for a brief second, trying to locate where each limb was, as I then quickly closed them again and did my best maneuvering myself to get on top of her, pinning her stomach with my knee and using my forearm to be pressed against her throat.

Izuku: "Nice try." I said to her in a volume that was audible enough for me, trying to give her a compliment about how well she did in countering me, but in the end, I still managed a victory.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to open my eyes, seeing that Yaoyorozu-san had raised her hands in defeat. I released the pressure I had on her as I then stood up, offering a hand to help lift her up, which she accepted as I then pulled her up from the ground.

I could feel flowing air in the arena despite there being no open windows. Yaoyorozu-san then tapped my shoulders, getting my attention as she then pointed up. I looked at the ceiling, seeing ventilation fans had been uncovered from the ceiling, sucking out all the gas in the room.

Soon, all the smoke and tear gas had cleared up from the room. I looked back at Yaoyorozu-san to see her smiling at something, making me curious about what she was smiling about as I then turned to what she was looking at. It was then I saw Miss Yaoyorozu-sama clapping at us with a big smile on her face, trying to tell us something, probably compliments, but her attention then turned to me as her face looked curious about something as she attempted to ask me a question, but my ears were still ringing as the EMP explosion had caused my glasses to send feedback.

Yaoyorozu-san then stepped in front of me as it looked like she was trying to explain something, probably about my hearing situation based on the hand gestures she was using. Miss Yaoyorozu-san looked shocked as she looked back and forth, between me and Yaoyorozu-san. She took out her phone as she began dialing a number, facing away from me as she then started the phone call.

She then turned around and grabbed me as we hurriedly exited out of the arena and the facility itself.

While I was watching the match, I was surprised by how much my daughter was pushing back Midoriya with the utilization of her quirk. Then a veil of smoke appeared from Midoriya, blocking up part of my view and a few cameras that were set up to record the match, but I had multiple cameras in place so that every angle was recorded to see the smallest progression my daughter has made in her fighting capability. I was then confused as to why Midoriya was fiddling with the gadget on his wrist, which later was then surprised by a drone and droid, from the shooting range, walking past me as the doors had opened for them to enter the arena.

It appeared that Midoriya was controlling them, using them as decoys and surveillance for himself, which he was able to use to his advantage, leading to his victory. I was slightly upset that my daughter didn't win, but the smile on her face told me that she was fine with it. I quickly turned on the ventilation fans to clear up the room, and once it was done, I entered the arena to say my congratulations.

MY: "I'm so proud of you!" I yelled out to her with open arms, which seemed to make her happy as Midoriya then turned to face me, "And you. What a clever way to utilize not only your spacing but the outside as well." I then gave him a curious look, "But I'm quite curious as to how you were able to hack the drone and droid? I'm pretty sure I hired top specialists in the programming field so that they wouldn't be easily hacked into so that no viruses can be sent into them." I questioned him about it but he didn't seem to hear what I said.

Momo: "He may not be able to hear you, mother." as she took a step forward.

MY: "Why?" I questioned.

Momo: "When I had sent out an EMP, it may have been disruptive to the glasses that a high-frequency feedback was sent out. So he's temporarily deaf." which raised some concerns for me as hearing damage may have happened.

I quickly pulled out my phone as I then called for the Head Butler to quickly prepare a room so he can do a check-up on Midoriya. I then turned around to quickly grab him so that he could get the check-up as soon as possible so that there would be no permanent hearing damage.

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