Chapter 130: Recovery

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Izuku's POV:

After handing over the final design of the nanobots to Yaoyorozu-san, a few minutes had passed before Arakawa-sama and Miss Yaoyorozu-sama had come through the door as they saw the chalkboard on the foot of the bed. Arakawa took the board as he had written down that I'll be excused for the rest of the day so I can head home and rest. I can see the troubled look on Yaoyorozu-san's face as it looked like she wasn't ready for me to go home early, but with the look of defeat on her face was shown, accepting that I have to go home to rest, she gave me a hug, which surprised me, as she then waved goodbye to me after letting go.

After I packed up all my things, I was personally driven by Arakawa-san, probably to do a check-up just in case my eardrums worsened over the course of the ride. Once we arrived in front of my apartment, he and I both got out of the car as he then removed his right glove as he then gently touched my right earlobe, then my left earlobe. After confirming that there were no changes, he gave me the thumbs up, telling me that there were no changes in my condition. I gave him a thumbs-up as well, to thank him, as I then headed up the stairs to where my apartment was located.

No one was home as this wasn't my usual arrival time. I headed inside my room and walked over to my nightstand, cluttered with All Might merch, among other hero merchandise, as I then pulled one of the drawers, showing an assorted mix of vials. After going through all of them, trying to find the vial I need, I took one pellet from the vial as I then plopped it on my tongue and swallowed.

About three months ago, after finding myself covered in injuries many times before, I wondered if there was a way to hasten the recovery time of the human body. So after a long research of medicine that had properties of hastening the healing factor, and finding the right compound and ratio to use, using the pellet machine from Daichi's dad, I was able to find something that enhances the recovery time of the human body, which is really effective for an hour and can make the body recover injuries that would take two week's time. The downside is that it's too effective that the human body can not handle it as the pellet essentially increases productivity in the cells on the human body, which uses a lot of energy and would require 24 hours after an hour of ingesting to recover all the lost energy, otherwise they would feel sluggish.

Despite the side effect, I thought this would be useful in the field of medicine and was going to present this to Mister Tanaka-sama so he can redistribute them to those in need, but when I first showed Daichi, he said that it would be a bad idea as other companies dealing in medicine may target his uncle's company and me for having a pellet that has better effects than theirs, and even hospitals would most likely reject this so that they can charge their patients the normal prices instead of losing one-seventh of their income.

After hearing what Daichi had to say, I decided to store these pellets in case of emergencies. Although I might feel sluggish during work tomorrow, it would be harder for me to live with near deaf hearing, so I would rather put myself through a short time of exhaustion rather than a long time of troubling others with my hearing but I may have to repeat this process for a while as it'll take more than two weeks worth of healing to fix my eardrums.

During the one hour period before I have to rest, an idea popped inside of my head to learn sign language as well, seeing as how I covered most other common languages and how it might be useful to learn sign language to communicate with other people if they're hard of hearing as well or better form of silent communication between heroes on a stakeout in the future. So before my body crashes from exhaustion, I spent the remaining time trying to learn the basic gestures in sign language.

I woke up the next day in my chair, in front of my computer, probably from running out of energy while studying sign language. I didn't feel like moving at all as my body was still rejuvenating from its lost energy, and my mind wasn't well itself as it felt like I had another nightmare, but once again can't remember what it's about, which was a common occurrence for me everyday for over a month now. I pulled myself off the chair, despite feeling like I could drop at any minute now, as I still had to do my job at Tanaka Corporations.

No One's POV:

After taking multiple bus and train trips, Kaitou arrived in front of an abandoned storage facility, wearing a trench coat, shades, and a fedora. He wheeled in his suitcase as he entered the seemingly empty building. Once inside, the place seemed to be deserted.

Genkei: "Boss?" a low and raspy voice questioned as they appeared from behind a wall, appearing to have burn marks on the right side of their face.

Kaitou: "Genkei? How are you? I forgot to ask when you last called us but how did you survive?" as lets go of his suitcase and slide his hand inside of his trench coat, eyeing at Genkei's eyes, which seem to be fine.

Genkei: "Like shit. My entire crew is gone and I only survived because I used my quirk to ignore all physical damage right after waking up from being burned alive." as he looked really pissed off, "Did you guys give that bastard Hiroto and bitch Aka-" but Kaitou interrupted.

Kaitou: "I wouldn't say that about her. Even though her recent track record isn't great, at least she's more useful than you." as he continues gliding his hand through his trench coat, seemingly looking for something.

Genkei: "What are you doing?" he questions as he takes notice of Kaitou weirdly reaching out for something.

Kaitou: "100%? Golf Ball it is then." he whispers to himself, which was barely audible to Genkei.

Before he could question what he said, Kaitou pulled out a golf ball from his trench coat, which seemed completely off trajectory, before it changed its course mid-air and directly went for Genkei's eye on his burnt side. Genkei fell to the ground as he clutched his right eye while it was bleeding. He screamed in pain, questioning why he did that to him. Kaitou walked over to Genkei, only to crouch down and pick up his golf ball to put it back inside his trenchcoat.

Kaitou: "And the organization prefers someone who is loyal over a traitor like you." as Genkei still screamed in agony as the pain in his right eye was so severe, "Luckily you still have some uses left, so the pain in your right eye will have to serve as punishment for now." as he stood back up and walked away from him, leaving him to suffer.

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