Chapter 65: The Trip at the Museum

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Izuku's POV:

Mei and I were walking behind her parents as we made our way to the front booth. They handed in the tickets as we then passed through some security measures before we had finally made it in. We were amazed by the spectacle of so many different displays of both retired and deceased heroes of the past.

Izuku: "They even have real heroes patrolling the place!" I exclaimed while I was pointing at some of the heroes walking past us, who then noticed me and did a friendly wave.

MH: "This is definitely some tight security." She says as she takes a look at all the pro-heroes in place, along with their sidekicks and some heroes in training.

Mei: "Of course, although all current displays are not ready at hand for usage, they can be repaired to their full potential." Mei pointed out.

Izuku: "That's why there is extra security. All glasses are bulletproof, with some infrared lasers to alert others of when someone has passed through the glass, along with some steel shutters to close off all exits and displays for when an alarm is sounded." I finished her off.

MH: "You sure know a lot about this place despite only finding out about it today."

Izuku*blushes*: "I-I somewhat research any topic regarding heroes." I said, embarrassed.

MH: "Well it's good to be passionate about something. Isn't that right honey?" as she turned to her husband as she was clinging onto him, to which he only gave out a single nod, "Don't mind him, he really isn't the talkative type. Well then, which section should we start off first?" as she dragged her husband to the map.

Izuku: 'I can see where Mei gets her enthusiasm from.' I thought before I followed them.

The map was divided into different sections of what support gears were used in different situations. Mobility, enhancement, armor, and weaponry were the four main ones taking up the majority of the map.

MH: "Enhancement? Aren't all support gears supposed to enhance some aspect of the hero?" she questions.

Izuku: "Enhancement refers to the boost it has on some quirks, which differs from others as they either readjust the quirk or add onto it." I said as I was thinking of where we would meet the most heroes that are patrolling so that I could get their autographs.

Mei: "Let's go-to mobility!" Mei pointed out with her finger, "Some of the current babies that I'm working on are primarily focused on maneuverability and it would be great to get more references."

I was planning to go to weaponry since that was all I ever worked on at work and probably had the highest chance of meeting more heroes, but it may be a nice change of pace to focus on other projects that I haven't worked on personally.

I agreed and so did her parents, making our way to the mobility hall. There were quite a few people, with one hero circling the exhibit. I recognized him since his quirk allows him to negate any kind of friction, allowing him to theoretically never stop until he turns off his quirk. I immediately left the group as I went up to him and pulled out my notebook and asked him to sign it. He chuckled and signed it for me, which made me extremely happy. I walked back to the group as I saw miss Hatsume giggling as she was trying to hide it with her hand, Mei was smiling, and mister Hatsume looked unfazed.

Izuku: "S-Sorry about that?" I said as I looked away.

MH: "It's fine. The whole point of this trip was for everyone to enjoy it." she says, making me smile a bit but still embarrassed.

We continued on with the tour as we looked at many different support gears for mobility. Many were destroyed from a long time on the field, some had a variety to them for each upgrade they went through, and some were presented with the hero suit.

Mei: "That doesn't seem very practical." Mei pointed out as we stopped by one of the suits.

MH: "What do you mean dear?" she asks as she was confused since the suit looked fine to others.

Mei: "The entire suit is a one-piece and the support gear is permanently attached to the suit. Although companies are meant to be quick with fixing hero suits, it's impractical to have it permanently attached to them since having it be detachable is easier so that a replacement can be ready at hand instead of waiting for it to be repaired."

MH: "Hmm, looks like there is something else I need to consider when making suits then." she says when she pulled out a small notepad.

Izuku: "Making suits?" I questioned.

MH: "Oh right you don't know. I'm a fashion designer that has contracts with other companies to redesign suits in order to incorporate other support gear that may be needed for them." she says, making my eyes sparkle.

Izuku: "That's so cool." I shouted as I got closer to her. "Hero suits are part of what makes a hero. It's their image that they give off which eases the minds of the people." I said excitedly.

MH: "Well thanks for complimenting the importance of my job." as she gives off a small giggle.

We continued going through each exhibit that was in the mobility section while either Mei or I either criticized the support gear or took future notes. A rough hour and a half passed by for us to go through the entire mobility section.

MH: "Well we have 2 and a half hours left until the museum closes. What section do you guys want to go to?" she asks.

Mei: "How about you decide Muscles. I already got all the notes I need to continue working on my babies." as she starts flipping through her notepad.

Izuku: "How about weaponry?" I asked

MH: "And why would you say that?" she asks nervously for some reason.

Izuku: "It's one of the more dangerous areas that need the most protection, meaning the more heroes that will be present." I said as I clenched onto my notebook as excitement filled my eyes.

Miss Hatsume took a sigh of relief and then smiled.

MH: "Okay, we can stop by there to get your signatures while we take a quick look around." which made me very happy as I started running off to weaponry, along with Mei.


MH: 'Phew, I thought that he wanted to learn more about weapons like Fumihiro.' I thought as I heard some bits and pieces that Tanaka Corporations was more of a villain repellent company instead of the citizen saving type that it used to be.

I agreed to his suggestion since it was for his fanboying purposes, which got him really excited and rush to the exhibit, with Mei following behind. My husband and I slowly followed.

No one's POV:

???: "Is everything ready?" an ominous asks over a radio as he eyes the museum from a rooftop.

???: "Yes sir. All preparations are ready at hand." the other person said on the other line.

???: "Perfect. Now let's get our supplies." as some other people revealed themselves from the shadows as they work very dark protective gears with full masks. "It's time for the Awakeners to make society realize the grave mistake of displaying such a gold mine," he says as he starts chuckling to himself.

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