Chapter 71: Battle at the Exhibit Pt.2

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Izuku's POV:

I had no idea what was going on. The last thing I remembered was the guy saying he was going to punish Mei's family, then I blanked out. I had abruptly awakened as I heard screams coming from the Hatsume family. My entire body was aching for some reason, with more injuries than I had sustained earlier, but for some reason, I was on top of the villain earlier as I had him nearly pinned.

Izuku: 'What happened?' I thought, confused.

Leader's POV:


I had no idea what happened to the kid, but one thing for certain, I could not play around if I wanted to stop him. I used both my hands to fire at the kid, which may have been less powerful but it was still powerful enough to pierce through the veil.

The kid showed some acrobatics but I still had the mirrors in place, and with the controller on my wrist, I can reposition the mirrors so that they'll always bounce back to the kid. The smoke also seemed to be dispersing a bit, so it won't be long until I can do multiple shots again.

The beams died down due to the smoke, but the smoke also seemed to die down as well. So I fired all 10 shots at the kid, thinking that it was the end, but the kid threw another smoke pellet on the ground, killing off my beams.

Leader: 'Dam it! How many smoke pellets does this kid have?' I thought as I was frustrated dealing with this smoke.

I was about to reposition myself since I had given away my position once I fired, but I was suddenly met with a kick to the face as the kid had jumped out of the smoke and lunged at me. I had taken a few steps back from the amount of force I took, but before I could even readjust myself, I was then met with a fury of blows.

Luckily the armor I had was able to absorb most of the impacts. I quickly pulled out a knife from the back of my belt as I then slashed his arm so that he would step away from me due to the fear of me being armed. He had frozen for a small moment, but he then looked at me as he lunged at my right arm, knocking me to the floor and trying to wrestle out the knife from my hand.

He was relentless and stronger than I originally thought. I couldn't get him off no matter how much I tried to pull away or punch him, so I quickly set up another light beam with my other hand since there was no way he would be able to dodge it at such a close distance. I aimed at the kid's head as I then fired. I expected my arm to be free since I felt the pressure at ease for a moment, thinking he was done, but the pressure resumed once more as I then looked at my arm to see that the kid only had a few scratches. I didn't know what happened until I saw a small puff of smoke rising in midair.

Leader. 'Did that kid just use one of his pellets to use the condensed smoke before it could disperse to refract and reduce the power of my beam?' I thought to myself as I then groaned from pain as the pressure only increased.

I tried once again, but instead, I planned to shoot out 4 beams using my fingertips since it'll be hard to block multiple of them, especially since they are faster than earlier. So while I was preparing my aim, the kid let one of his legs free as he then kicked my arm the other way, misfiring and indiscriminately hitting people. I saw the rage in his eyes increase as he only applied more pressure on my arm, cutting off blood flow to my arm. Now it was only a matter of time until I lost all feeling in my arm and unwillingly let go of the knife.

Suddenly, we heard a scream coming from the entrance of the museum, which made the kid look up as he had loosened his grip. He looked confused for a moment, unsure what happened, but I took it as an opportunity to free myself as I slashed the kid's other leg, making sure he won't be able to walk for a while.

Leader: "Got to be an honest kid. You were one fun opponent to go against, but I can't let you live if you plan on becoming a hero in the future." I said to him as I set up my hand to fire one laser beam.

Mei's POV:


I was in shock to see dad display such anger on his face but I had no time to dawdle since I'm not sure how long dad and Muscles can last. I quickly had to look over the mechanics of the shutter door to see if there was another way to open it besides using brute force.

I tried searching for a circuit or power source to disable the shutter door, but of course, it's hidden away due to how secure this palace was supposed to be, well so much for that. I was trying to figure out what to do but I rejected many of the plans I came up with since I was afraid of failure for the first time, and the noise of the fighting behind me was disrupting, causing me to constantly worry as well. I could see that my mom was worried for me as I struggled to try to figure out what to do under so much pressure.

MH: "It's okay honey. Everyone is doing their best because they trust you, but the only person that can't trust you right now is yourself. Just take a deep breath and relax. You have shown amazing things and continue to be amazing, so believe in yourself." she says to me with a smile.

I was frozen when I heard that. She was right, I always did whatever I wanted because I was confident in myself, but now that confidence had wavered when it came to the lives of other people. I shouldn't have wavered because I have done more dangerous things than trying to open a shutter door. I slapped both my cheeks as I took a deep breath. I slowly opened my eyes as I pondered ways to open the door. That's when I got the idea to use the goggles and used the scanning feature to see if there were any wires connected to the shutter door.

I found them located near the top right corner. I asked my mom to help me up as I then tried to mess around with the wires to open the door. After trial and error, it had finally opened. I was about to call out to my dad to tell him the news but a loud screeching noise echoed through the place, causing us to scream in pain as we tried to cover our ears.

Lackey #15: "Jeez, you guys couldn't even take care of a small family. They nearly escaped if I hadn't been sent." a man said with the bottom of his mask open to show his fangs and a megaphone shaped object held in his right hand.

Mei: 'Dam it, we were so close.' I thought to myself as nausea had hit me suddenly, causing me to slump over.

I saw the man walk up to us as he then smiled. He pulled me up by the hair as he whispered:

Lackey#15: "Better luck next time." he then dropped me to the ground and started laughing.

Mei: 'Is there any way around this?' I thought to myself as I tried coming up with a plan.

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