Chapter 94: Betrayed (Momo POV)

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Momo's POV:

I was in the limo with my father while Arakawa, our head butler, was driving us back from the hotel we had stayed at. I was invited to one of my father's associate's son's birthday parties. I reluctantly agreed to keep up the good relations my father had with his associate.

When I got there, everyone had taken notice of me and my father since he isn't someone you could ignore, so as we tried to walk to our seats, many other CEOs that we passed by tried to appeal to my father in order to gain support for whatever business venture they had planned. Figuring the discussion may take a while, I left my father and tried to converse with other children that were invited.

When I got to the group, they had acted friendly with me, trying to get on my good side, but I knew that it was due to my status as being a Yaoyorozu. I had formed good connections with the other kids but none of them would be considered as a friend.

DY: "So how was the party, darling?" he asked across from me in the limo.

Momo: "It was... beneficial." I answered back to him, which got a joyous smile and a nod.

I spent the rest of the ride looking out my window, thinking about how today is the day when I get to see Midoriya again.

Arakawa had pulled up at the front of our mansion. Father and I had gotten out of the limo as Arakawa had driven off to park the limo. Before we could head back inside, my father had a sudden call, and when he saw the caller id, he told me to go inside without him.

Walking through the halls and seeing that I had arrived later than my usual time to meet Midoriya, I asked one of the maids where he was. She told me that he was with my mother in the room with the view of the garden. I thanked her as I then headed off to the room myself. When I got there, I heard them talking with each other. I was about to knock until I heard my mother say something.

MY: "So how is it going with the plan to make my daughter give up on being a hero?...." I had stopped right before my knuckle could touch the door.

Momo: 'Th-That can't be!' I thought to myself in disbelief. Midoriya had been training me to become a hero since the first day we met, there was no sign of him trying to downplay the idea of becoming a hero, instead, he fully supported it,

I planted my ear against the door again to see if I only had misheard something. That was when I heard of Midoriya's plan to gain my trust and use my own self-doubt against me. I felt betrayed, hurt, and hated not only my parents for secretly plotting against my dream, but also at Midoriya for forging a fake bond that I thought was real. I slammed the doors wide open as tears were coming down my face.

Momo: "Ho-How could you!" I yelled with grief.

MY: "Momo! Ho-How much did yo-you hear?" she questions as she was in shock.

Momo: "Enough to know that you made everything up." I cried out.

Izuku: "Yao-Yaoyoruzu, it's not what you-"

Momo: "Quiet!" I yelled. I couldn't bear to hear his voice, for every word I heard, I was reminded of all the times we spent together, only to be destroyed by this revelation of it all being a part of his plan. "You're no different to those kids who wanted to get close to me for my status." my heart began to ache. This was the first time I felt this kind of pain, and it was the worst thing I have ever felt in my entire life.

Izuku: "If only you could let me explain to you privately, we can-"

Momo: "Enough! I'm tired of being the daughter of Yaoyorozus! I can't go to school like other kids, I can't go outside unless I am surrounded by at least five bodyguards, even then I am not free to do whatever I want, and I can't make any real friends, and the one true friend I thought I had was apparently a set up by my parents! I am tired of being a sheltered little girl. Sometimes I wish I was never born." I cried out all of my pain and frustration as I could no longer deal with it.

MY: "Honey, we can talk about this." she said worryingly as she got up.

I could no longer bear to see them, let alone be in the same place as them, so I ran. I ran through the halls, ran past my father who was at the entrance as I only kept running. I ran all the way to the gates while they were being opened to let in some delivery trucks as I ran past them and continued running as far as I could go, far away from my home.

I had exhausted myself as my legs had given up on me, causing me to fall to my knees and hands as I tried to catch my breath. I then felt something dangling from my neck. I looked down to see the necklace that Midoriya gave to me. I stood up to take it off as I then opened it. I saw the inscription reading, 'I believe you can be a hero',  causing tears to drip down from my face. I dropped the necklace, causing it to play the song, Count on Me, from the time he sang it on my birthday. I crumbled to the floor as I cried it out.

After a while, I could no longer cry as my tear ducts had run dry. I sat by a nearby wall as I looked at the area around me, unfamiliar and with very few people. Feeling unsafe, I stood up to leave but something grabbed me from behind. I turned around to see what was going on but something was placed over my mouth, causing me to blackout. The last thing I heard was the sound of a vehicle being pulled up nearby as I then felt being carried inside. I don't know what happened next.

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