Chapter 67: Awakeners First Exhibit

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Izuku's POV:

I tried moving around the exhibit to see if I was just in a dead zone earlier, but the goggles could not reconnect with the UCS.

MH: "Do they have any security which blocks any signals from going out or going in?" she questions.

Mei shook her head no, which led to her mother pondering again to figure out what was going on.

DH: "We should ask one of the heroes." her dad said in a low and gruff voice.

Izuku: "Good idea. They should have radio contact with other heroes in order to cooperate better. If they can't contact others, something is going on." I then rushed to the hero who recently signed my notebook. "Excuse me, it seems that service is down." as I tug at their waist.

Hero in Weaponry(HW): "I'll check with the control room." as they then put on a finger on their earpiece. They then quickly removed the earpiece as a loud screeching noise could be heard before it got crushed by the hero's foot. "It seems that something is jamming the signal. I'll go ahead and tell the others while you stay here." as they then ran off to the other heroes in the exhibit.

Izuku: 'At least the heroes are now notified.' I thought before I went back to Mei's family.

No one's POV:

The group, called the Awakeners, could be seen breaking through the glass in the mobility exhibit, with the help of their support gear, while the heroes guarding the place were too busy fending off against them while also protecting the citizens in the area.

The hero with the ability to erase any kind of friction was the last one standing with multiple injuries on him. He could barely move his left arm, but he still had to protect the citizens that were in the corner behind him.

FrictionHero(FH): "Ho-How did you guys get in here without triggering the alarm system." he said in between breaths as he waited for backup to come since he used the emergency signal on his earpiece.

He was up against 5 opponents while the other 5 were robbing the exhibit. A few heroes could be seen on the floor, all were incapacitated after battling against the attackers. His opponents were just standing there as if mocking him. The leader then took a step forward as he introduced himself.

Leader: "Congratulations on being the last one standing. You certainly had put up an entertaining fight. To answer your question, the answer is quite simple, technology can just as easily betray the users as they are useful to them. It was quite easy hacking into the security system-", while the leader was going on a rant, the Friction Hero was busy preparing one final attack.

He had some rubber balls in his belt and he was trying his best to eliminate all friction from each ball. One downside to his quirk is that he can only apply it to one thing at a time and it would only last for three minutes, after that, it takes ten minutes before he could reuse his quirk on it. That's why he had to be quick and sneaky before his opponents could notice his surprise attack.

Leader: "So, when are you going to be done with preparing your ultimate move?" he questions with a devious smile underneath his mask. The Friction hero was stunned as he thought he was being careful.

FH: "H-How-" before he could finish, the leader interrupted him.

Leader: "There's a monthly poster to show off the guards of the museum as a promotion tactic. We then looked up clips of the hero's abilities and found ways to counteract them. Every hero here has used up all of their moves while you still have one more to use." as he was pacing back and forth, excited to see the hero's final struggle and move to defeat them, "So go ahead, use your final card." as he grinned underneath the mask.

The hero didn't falter and was even more determined to take them down.

FH: "You asked for it!" as he then took out all the pellets from his belt, "Unending Bouncy Chaos!" he shouted before he threw them all onto the ground and then ran towards the civilians, using his body as a shield since his suit was made to absorb impact.

The Awakeners all got ready as they knew that his attack wouldn't last for long. They used their support gear to either help dodge the oncoming barrage of rubber balls, help assist in aiming and deflecting or destroying them, while other support gear was used to boost the defenses of their quirks.

Two minutes had passed and the rubber balls had regained it's friction, causing them to lose momentum. The group made it out unscathed while the hero had multiple bruises since his suit can only take so much blunt damage, even a few civillains got hurt in the process.

Leader: 'Looks like this month's shipments were well worth it. I have to say my thanks to the bosses.'  he thought, "It was a good attempt, but unfortunately for you, technology is our friend, leading you to be the only one hurt."

The hero then collapsed to the ground as his body was nearing its limits. He was exhausted and breathing very heavily.

FH: "D-Doesn't matter. Help w-will arrive." he says in between breaths. He then heard the entire group cackling as he was ever more confused.

Lackey#8: "Sir, I got all the support gear in this area." The leader then smiled even more so as he then walked up to the exhausted hero as he then bent down to his face.

Leader: "As I said, technology is our friend today. We put up multiple scramblers throughout the museum, so your distress call earlier that you sent out, didn't reach anybody." he then got up, leaving the hero devastated before he fell unconscious.

Lackey#3: "What do we do about the civilians here sir?" they questioned.

The Leader turned around to see all the civilians in the corner trembling in fear.

Leader: "Do what you will with them. They lost their purpose in this area. There are more hostages we can get along the way." Which only made the lackeys smile deviously as they slowly approached the hostages. They used any ability they haven't tested yet with their support gear on them, testing them before using their moves in battle. The painful screams from the civilians could not be heard through the thick walls and shudders. "Now, which exhibit are we targeting next?" he whispered to himself as he pulled out a pamphlet with the mobility exhibit crossed out.

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