Chapter 64: Meeting the boy (MH POV)

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A week has passed since I've been told about the boy's connections to Satoshi. It had appeared that my worst fears had come true. I had worked with Tanaka Corporations previously while Benjiro was in charge. He was very admirable and I saw that he had good intentions by using my quirk. He wanted to help not only improve heroes but the safety of the people. I planned out designs for him so that the inventions he made won't interfere with the other aspects of the hero costume. I told my daughter stories of the times I had worked with him, along with Satoshi, as bedtime stories, which piqued her interest in them.

After I heard the news of Benjiro's passing, along with his wife, I was horrified. When I heard that his older brother was going to take over the company, I thought that at least he would continue on the legacy that his brother left. When I met him in order to renew my contract with the company, I used my quirk to assess him myself. What I saw was not the aura of a benevolent person but that filled with jealousy, hatred, and greed. When he finished signing his part of the contract and handed me the pen, I rejected signing it. When he asked why I couldn't answer him but he accepted in a rather calm manner as he faced the window. Before I left the room, I used my quirk one last time to see that he was furious. I quickly made my way out of the room and out of the building, not wanting to hear any news from the company again.

MH: 'So that's your plan huh. You're using your employee to get close to my daughter to get to me. I didn't think he would stoop so low that he is using a child to get close to me. ' was what I thought after hearing everything from Mei.

I had wanted to break off this friendship that my daughter has with this boy, but I didn't want to break my daughter's heart that she was being used by him. I had to meet this boy and confront him myself so that he'll never get close to my daughter again.

We were in the car as we were riding to the place where we would meet the boy. Mei was excited today, which made both my husband and I smile, but there was still a lingering dread for what I have to do.

Once we arrived at the block, Mei bolted out of the car as she rushed to the park.

DH: "What's the matter?" my husband asks.

MH: "It's nothing." I said as I looked away.

DH: "Don't be like that. We've been married for years and I know when something is on your mind." as he continues facing the road.

MH *sighs*: " I'll tell you when we get home, okay?" as I turned to him, to which he nodded.

We waited for about 5 minutes until our daughter opened the door and shoved the boy through the door as she closed the door behind her. I looked at the rearview mirror to get a better look at the boy. I could see why Mei trusted him since he looked innocent, but I knew the truth. I turned around to confirm if this was the boy she was hanging out with all this time. After she had confirmed it, I used my quirk on him to see what kind of child I'm dealing with, but it wasn't what I expected. He exuded an aura that was quite similar to a few people that I know, Benjiro being one of them. I was baffled since my quirk portrayed him as someone who was kind and passionate with no hidden emotion that defines him as a bad guy. All my assumptions were destroyed and a feeling of happiness overflowed in me. I was so happy that my daughter found a true friend that she can rely on. I exclaimed my excitement.

After we had sorted out all the commotion, I heard the boy ask a question.

Izuku: "So where are you heading off to?"

MH: "You didn't tell him?"

Mei:*Slightly chuckles*: "I somewhat forgot as I was too busy dragging him all the way here."

She says, which made me sigh since the boy went in blind and just went along with what my daughter says.

I explained to him where we were going while my husband started the car, which brought out the excitement from the boy, realizing that Mei chose a gift that both of them can enjoy together, which made me giggle since my daughter is growing as a person that is able to think about others, slightly.

The drive was long but it wasn't silent. It was filled with conversations between my daughter and the boy as they were discussing possible future projects or what kind of support gear they may get to see while at the museum. I was having a hard time trying to keep up with what they were saying while my husband has his full attention on the road.

MH: "Sorry for intruding onto your conversation, but I don't think we have learned your name yet." I said to the boy.

Izuku: "You didn't tell them?" he asks my daughter, to which she shook her head no. He turned my way as he was scratching the back of his neck since he was embarrassed that we have not gotten to know his name all this time. "I'm Izuku Midoriya," he says while smiling.

MH: "Nice to meet you. It's so nice getting to meet Mei's friend." I lied. I always have to be careful with Mei's friends since I can tell their true motives, but Mei had finally met a true friend, putting all my worries at ease.

Izuku: "Nice to meet you too!" he says cheerfully.

.MH: "I've got to say, it's impressive working at Tanaka Corporations for your age. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked as I knew what kind of person Fumihiro can be.

Izuku: "It's all-" he yawns, "-right. It's fun working with Nakamura-san."

MH: "Are you sure you're okay? You seem pretty tired right now?"

Izuku: "It's nothing, I've just been busy helping with Nakamura-san."

I was about to ask him more questions, regarding my concerns about Fumihiro, but I heard my husband stop the car.

DH: "Here we are." as he got out of the car.

We got out of the car as well while we took in the view of the front of the museum. It was impressive, but it is to be expected since it is a museum dedicated to heroes. I look at the little young ones as I saw their excitement in their eyes. I decided to save the conversation for later since today is Mei's birthday, so she should enjoy it with her friend. I grabbed my husband's hand as we then made our way to the front of the museum. 

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