Chapter 47: Time spent after sparring

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Izuku's POV:

I woke up with a bad headache as I sat back up and clutch onto my forehead while it throbbed. I try to remember the last thing that happened, after a while, I remembered the risk I took to get a hit on sensei and seeing the state I was currently in, I assumed I lost. I was sad that the risk I took was all for nothing.

Izuku: "Looks like I failed again. Not a single clean hit on sensei." I then lean back and look at the ceiling, trying to savor the memory so that I could use it as a lesson for next time.

Akio: "I wouldn't say that." I turn my head to see sensei by the doorway with a plate of sliced oranges. He then walks up to sit next to me as he places the plate down and takes a slice, "Even though you were passed out, you still managed to land a clean hit on me, although it wasn't powerful, it was still a clean hit." he says before taking a bite from the slice.

I suddenly felt giddy after hearing that. After many years of training, I was never able to land a single hit on sensei until today, which shows that I am definitely improving. I was happy at my accomplishment but upset that I was knocked out to experience it myself. I then notice the blanket and pillow that were set up for me while I was knocked out.

Izuku: "Thanks sensei, for everything." as sensei had done so much for me and I haven't been able to do anything for him.

Akio: "I'm just doing what a sensei should do for their student, besides, all your achievements come from your own hard work. Many people can try and attempt what you try to do, but it is your determination that allows you to thrive and continue forward. You should be proud of that." as he takes another slice of oranges

His compliment made me blush since none of my teachers had ever complimented me, all they did was admonish me for the simple things, so it was a nice change of pace for sensei to compliment me.

Akio "Now eat up. We have some lost time that we need to be making up for."

Izuku: "Hai!" I then took a slice myself and enjoy the sweet taste in my mouth.

When we finished eating, he trained me in the shooting range, although I still had a headache, he told me it was good to get used to it since many things in battle could make me disoriented, so I needed to practice aiming while I suffered the headache. We then finished off the day with some CQC reviews with some dummies.

I went to Daichi's place after saying goodbye to sensei. I open the door to see Ichika watching some TV while she is lying on the couch.

Izuku: "How was your first day of school?" I asked since today was the beginning of April, where school starts anew for everybody.

Ichika: "It was okay. All we did was introduce each other and made us do some activities to get us closer." as she continues to focus on the TV.

Izuku: "Made any new friends?" I asked, but she chose to ignore me. I sigh as I never know what is going on inside of her head. "Want to watch while I work, I have another project I plan to work on." which seemed to pique her interest, instantly making her sit up, turn off the TV and jump off the couch as she walked up to me with her eyes sparkling in excitement.

I chuckle a bit at her sudden change in mood as I then gesture her to follow me to the garage. The garage itself has been modified to be both storage space and a workspace for myself. I drop my bag near my workbench as I then take out my glasses and the blueprints.

Ichika "What are you planning on making today?" she asks as she had a curious look.

Izuku: "I'm planning to make another version of these glasses as a gift for someone."

Ichika: "Who?" as she tries her best to try and understand the blueprints that were laid down before me.

Izuku: "Mei. The girl I told you about who helped me make adjustments to one of my projects."

When I mentioned her name, her face suddenly lost interest in what I was trying to make, and was on her way to the door.

Izuku: "What's the matter?" as I was confused as to why she lost interest so quickly although she was always excited to see what projects I would typically work on.

Ichika: "What do you think!?" while she then slams the door behind her, making me flinch from the sudden outburst.

I sigh once again since I never understood Ichika's actions. I placed that behind me as I swiveled my chair to my bench to focus on what's at hand. I first begin dissecting the glasses to their components since I never made these myself but made adjustments to them and added additional programming to them. I started taking notes of each mechanical and technological makeup of the glasses while I planned on how I would replicate them and fit them onto a steampunk design while I waited for Daichi to return from wherever he is.

I took notes for 2 hours, making sure I dissect it and repair it properly since I didn't have the original blueprints. I then heard the front door open, which I assumed Daichi was back. I temporarily stopped my notes as I exit the garage to see Daichi at the front door, still in the middle of taking his shoes off.

Izuku: "Hey Daichi. What took you so long?" since his martial art classes end at the same time when I'm done training with sensei, but lately, Daichi has been coming home later than usual.

Daichi: "It's nothing, I just had some business to take care of. Anyways, are you ready to play?" he asks me to try to change the subject, but since he is my friend and doesn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to pry into it.

Izuku: "You're on. I'm going to win again." as I smirked.

Daichi: "You're on!" as we then both rushed to the couch and inserted Mega Crush Sis. into the tenetode switch (Definitely not a different version of an existing game or console.) and played for the remaining time that I was going to stay at their place.

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