Chapter 111: Switched

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No One's POV:

The Leader watches as Izuku slowly makes his way towards him, pumping up his blood from anticipation and excitement.

Leader: 'Did he use his quirk? Either way, I'm going to have some fun today.' he thought to himself as he also started walking towards Izuku.

Izuku was still covered in bruises and splinters, from crashing into the crates, along with his injured foot from hitting the Leader's head, but it seemed that it didn't bother him in the slightest. As he was getting closer to the leader, he picked up his bag by the strap and randomly chose a vial.

As soon as Izuku had a vial in hand, he flung the backpack over his shoulder as he then started charging at the Leader, making the Leader also respond in the same manner. The Leader started it off with a kick, going for Izuku's head, but as Izuku was running, he got on his knees and slid right underneath his kick. When Izuku got past him, he opened up the vial and threw one of the pellets at him.

The Leader turned around to fight once again, but as he did, he felt something break open on his chest, releasing a chemical reaction that had instantly frozen his clothing and the skin it was in contact with. The freezing seemed to spread, so the Leader used his quirk on himself to ignore anything, which meant that the substance that was causing his body to freeze dropped to the ground, stopping the spread of the cold.

The Leader was having a hard time breathing as the pellet had already affected his chest area, making it harder to breathe. Before he had time to re-adjust himself, another pellet was thrown at him, but because his quirk was still active, it was thrown right through him. He deactivated his quirk so he could get his eyesight back, but when he looked back at Izuku, he was already charging at him.

The Leader put his arms up to defend against any attacks Izuku may pull, but Izuku had a few pellets hidden in between his fingers. He threw two of them at his arms and one at each of his legs, instantly freezing his joints. The leader had no choice but to use his quirk again, allowing all freezing components to pass through him.

When he turned his quirk off, his body started getting sluggish as his arms and legs had experienced extreme freezing temperatures. Izuku used the opportunity to pull out another random vial and threw one of the pellets at him.

The leader was caught off guard as the pellet cracked open on him and started releasing gas. He quickly stopped breathing in an attempt to not inhale any of the gas. Izuku looks back to the vial he had and threw it away as it was only just smoke screens, but since the Leader was being blinded, Izuku used it as an opportunity to jump in and unleash multiple surprises attacks.

Izuku threw in some kicks and punches, all aimed at the Leader's vitals, and he kept changing positions so that the Leader couldn't figure out where the next attack would come from. He got sick of getting attacked so he used his quirk so that his body could ignore all incoming attacks and numb the pain. Izuku was now only going through him as he tried attacking him again.

He saw no point to continue his attacks so he got out of the smoke and searched through his bag to find any vials he can use in a fight while he waited for the Leader to turn off his quirk. Fortunately for him, he didn't have to wait long as the Leader was getting exhausted since the more things his body had to ignore, the more exhausted he becomes, and thanks to the smoke continuously passing through his body, he was quickly getting tired.

The Leader quickly turned off his quirk so he could use whatever leftover energy he had to escape and come back with reinforcements. But as soon as he escaped the fog of smoke, he saw that Izuku had already used some freezing pellets on the metal door, freezing its hinges and sides, sealing it shut. Desperate to not lose his reputation from losing to a kid, he went back inside the fog of smoke, which Izuku slowly gave chase, holding a few pellets in between his fingers.

When Izuku went through the veil of smoke and reached the other end of it, he saw the Leader holding Momo by the neck.

Leader: "Drop your bag and whatever pellets you have on you!" he yells out to him.

Izuku didn't seem to care as he continued his slow walk to him, which made the Leader panic and tighten his grip on Momo's neck, making her gasp for air, causing Izuku to stop in his tracks. Izuku slowly took off his backpack and threw to the side, and threw all pellets in between his fingers behind, causing a chain of chemical reactions going off, one after another, as Izuku slowly got on his knees and put his hands behind his back.

The leader smiled as he didn't let go of Momo and walked over to Izuku. When he got close enough, he threw Momo to the side and quickly grabbed Izuku by the neck, using whatever grip he had in his hand.

Leader: "You're going to pay for making fun of me today." he says as his eyes went crazy, tired of being played around by Akane, and now Izuku.

Izuku didn't seem to care in the slightest, despite getting choked out by the Leader, which made the Leader frustrated as he then used both hands to choke him out. Izuku had finally shown signs of having a hard time breathing, which only made the Leader use more force, but Izuku was readjusting something inside of his mouth as he then spat it on his face. The pellet broke and spilled all on his face.

The pellet that was inside Izuku's mouth was hydrochloric acid, which started burning up the Leader's face, and thanks to the increased potency, it burned way more horribly than it should have been. He let go of Izuku as he then tried clawing his face from the severe pain he was experiencing. That's when he realized that he could use his quirk so his body could ignore the acid, but even though the acid had phased through him, the damage was already done. The acid had burned through his skin, exposing his facial muscles and eyes. He lost consciousness as he went into shock from the pain.

Izuku quickly dusted himself off as he then looked over at Momo. He walked up to her to check her vitals to see if she was okay. After confirming that she was in no danger, he put her on his back as he then carried her to the door, picking up his bag along the way.

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