Chapter 5: The Hidden Secret

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Izuku's POV

As I was discussing when I could visit with Daichi, which is after classes on the weekdays, since on the weekends he'll be visiting his grandpa, Daichi's driver said it was time to go. I packed up the gauntlet into my bag as I said goodbye to Daichi and his little sister. As we arrived at my place, I thanked the driver as I rushed to the door, where my mom was waiting. I gave her a hug and asked her if I could visit Daichi's place after martial arts class on weekdays. She smiled at me telling me it was ok, I smiled at her back as we entered our home.

I ate the dinner mom prepared for me and went to my room. I checked the time to notice it was around 18, so I went to my computer to research how to improve the human body as I took notes down. I looked at the clock after doing enough research for simple things to improve the human body to notice that it was 20, so I called it a day as I got ready to go to bed, setting my alarm clock earlier than I originally woke up at. I was still wide awake, unable to go to sleep, so I grabbed the gauntlet from my bag and viewed the information it has collected about the devices in the garage, where I finally fell asleep after a while.

~~~~The next morning at six~~~~

My alarm went off as I sluggishly woke up with the gauntlet right next to me.

Izuku: "Alright, time to build some muscle." I said to myself as I yawned, trying to pump myself up.

I began with 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 squats, and a small 3 minute run around my room. After I was done, I was exhausted as I fell to the ground after my run. I looked at my clock to see that over an hour had passed by, and seeing how I still had an hour before breakfast, I did some studying on sixth year elementary lessons to pass the time.

Inko: "Sweetie dinner's ready." she called for me as I finished studying a quarter of sixth-year elementary work.

I went to the kitchen to eat as I reviewed the notes in my head, unconsciously muttering out my thoughts. When I was done eating, I returned to my room to do more research on heroes before I had to leave for martial art classes

Over the week, I worked out in the morning, while using the time I had left to study and research heroes. When it was time to leave for my martial art classes, I improved the techniques our sensei taught us, which of course I got in trouble for not following orders, so he always makes me spar against somebody who was at least ranked 5 belts higher than me, which made Daichi always angry but it helped me improve dramatically as I was analyzing and fighting a difficult opponent. After the class was done, Taichi's driver would come to pick us up as we head to his house, where I would hang out with Taichi, his sister was still scared of me, or I would sometimes go to the garage to fiddle around with the gadgets that were listed on the gauntlet. I repeated this process until the weekends came where I had no martial art classes and Daichi was at his grandpa's place.

Izuku: "I'm bored." I said to myself out loud while I was laying in my room with my notebooks all over the floor, "I am already at the first-year high school level, I need a break from working out so that my body can rebuild itself, there's no new hero activity, and I'm waiting for mom to get back home since I need new notebooks due to all the ones I have are all filled out." I complained as I sat back up.

I looked around my room to find anything to do until I decided to take out my gauntlet from my bag.

Izuku: " I never really used this besides as a scanner and checklist." I said to myself as I fiddle around with it. "Huh!?" I said to myself as I found a video there.

I went ahead and played it, it showed a man in his mid 30's with tan hair and a scruffy beard wearing a dark gray business suit.

???: "Hello there user, I want to say how glad I am for you using the latest user command and store, or for a shorter term, the UCS prototype as of 2XXX, November 14, that Tanaka corporations have to offer, with the help of David Shield secretly working on this project. Sorry, where are my manners, I'm Benjiro Tanka, the president." he said so cheerfully.

Izuku: ("Is he Daichi's father, he seems very cheerful, I wonder why Daichi's uncle is now the president?") I thought about it as the man continued speaking.

Benjiro: "Now that it is over with, I just want to give you a brief rundown on how this device works. First, this device is able to scan and store data, which is very useful for rescue. Second, is that this can control anything electronic, as long as there is any wireless connection, this can interfere to take over, but currently, this prototype can only lead to the entrance, not the entire thing, so you may need to learn how to access things yourselves. The best part is that if this is connected to your devices, nobody can access them since this has the best security in the world, unlike what happened in 2021 America."

Izuku: (" Huh, I guess I should study computers and programming than if I want to access things wireless .") I said in my head as I took a mental note for myself.

Benjiro: "But the best thing about this in my opinion is the nearly unlimited storage the UCS can store. You can put in notes, stay connected to electronics, anything digital to the UCS since I have been secretly working on a satellite with David that is currently floating in orbit right now. It'll be connected to my company when the UCS is revealed to the public, which may be now connected to the company since you have this in your hands now. Anyways, that is all the time I have, for now, I need to go on a trip to I-Island to discuss things with David. Wish you luck hero." as he waves at me, the video cuts to black.

I stood there shocked as I learned about the unlimited storage capacity. I was also amazed how All might's partner helped create a satellite for Benjiro, they must have been very close.

Izuku: "Wait a minute, if the satellite is not connected to Tanaka's company since this hasn't been revealed yet but thrown away, does that mean I have my own private server" I squealed at the thought.

I rushed to the computer to research how to code and program things since I'll be able to use the gauntlet, or should I say the UCS, to its full potential if I did. But before I start researching, I grabbed all my notebooks as I used the UCS to scan them to make digital copies just in case. As soon as I finished scanning, I went to take a look through the UCS to see if it scanned everything correctly.

Izuku: "I need to go tell Daichi about this, he needs to know how amazing this device is that his dad created is." I said with a smile as I thought about the reaction that Daichi may have when I show it to him.

Author's Note: Hello there readers. I just want to say that this may have been one of the longest chapters so far. I had a hard time trying to figure out what to write for this chapter since I had so many ideas for the future that I forgot to make up on how it would get there. I also realized that this may take longer than the 7th chapter for this arc, so you guys better be prepared. If you have any suggestions or questions about the story so far or any chapters before next week on Saturday, comment here and I'll try to respond on Saturday next week. Also, I'll try to update more on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday every week, along with any other day that I am free since I'll be pretty busy during March. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you have a great day.

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