Chapter 134: (Return of the Title)

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Izuku's POV:

Although still confused, I still pushed my body to the limits in trying to run away. I ran past many people, doing my best to dodge them as I continued running. I had made it past the train station and narrowly missed the train, but luckily, I slid right in as the doors closed on behind me. I sigh in relief as I then take a seat on the train as I wait for my stop.

No one's POV:

Izuku's bullies continued giving chase, but Katsuki's friends were already tired out as their breaths started running ragged, barely catching up with Katsuki, while he was also slowly running out of breath, so far behind Izuku. Katsuki then stopped as he saw in the distance that Izuku had already taken the train station, bending over as he did his best to catch his breath, feeling his throat so dry.

Friend#1: "B-Bakugou!" one of his friends called out as he then collapsed to the ground, feeling completely exhausted as the others came along and did the same thing.

Friend#3: "W-Was Mi-doriya always that fast?" he asks in between breaths, still in disbelief that the scared, weak, quirkless Izuku was able to outrun all of them, especially Katsuki.

Katsuki: "QUIET!" he yells out angrily, "That nerd was only lucky he got a head start." he says back to them as he refuses that Izuku was able to outdo him, 'I'll swear that I'll get him next time.' he promised himself as he then told off his friends to follow him back to school as they had other things to do.

Izuku's POV:

I had gotten off the train, feeling refreshed as the 24 hours were up, meaning I'm slowly regaining energy. I made my way to sensei's place, greeting the guards at the front, still ignoring me while they did their duty, as I then pushed the doors open to see the scenery of all the plants that sensei has been taking care of, bringing a tranquil mood for when breaks are needed.

Sensei said that my CQC and marksmanship have overall improved but that I mustn't slack in my exercises at home. He also said that I won't be learning how to use any melee weapons yet since my body is still on the smaller end to use any weapons properly, while the range weapons are easier to use.

Once I dressed in my gi, I headed to where I would see sensei every time, in his garden with the small pond and koi, as he peacefully drank tea. Although he says he was just enjoying the tea and complains about Suzuki-san's idea that European tea is superior to herbal tea whenever I ask him, I believe the reason why he may do this is to teach me about patience, since rushing in is not the way to win a fight.

It took 5 minutes for him to finish his cup as he then settled it down, calmly admiring the birds flying and chirping, embracing the breeze as summer is coming.

Akio: "Let's start." he calmly says as he slowly gets up.

Izuku: "Hai!" I yelled out as I straightened out my back.

We started off with some light exercise: 50 laps around his house, 100 push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and many other exercises that fitted my entire body, despite myself feeling slight fatigue as my body finally had the time to recover energy. I could have done more, but due to my limited time, we shortened it to this until my breaks came up. While I was exercising,  sensei had been eyeing me weirdly, which frightened me as I thought I may be doing something wrong. He didn't say anything throughout the exercise as we then moved on to practicing my forms. Halfway through, I started to lose my breath.

Akio: "Stopped!" he yelled out as I was in the middle of a twist kick.

I stopped as I then took a stance as he approached me, still breathing heavily.

Akio: "What's wrong?" he questions as he tries to get a better look at me from both sides.

Izuku: "Nothing." I said to him as I felt nothing wrong despite the shortness of breath from only just having my body freed from exhaustion.

Akio: "Then why are you already so tired out? You normally can last much longer than this." he commented, as I then got the idea of what he was talking about.

Izuku: "Oh! It was a pellet I had taken yesterday that hastens the body's cellular regeneration by two weeks for an hour, which will eventually wear the user out for twenty-four hours." I said to him, slightly excited to tell him about the capabilities of the pellet I made.

It looked like he was in deep thought, probably trying to understand the concept of what I was trying to say.

Akio: "Let's move to gun marksmanship." as he then headed to his house.

Izuku: "Are we not going to continue practicing CQC?" I questioned as I followed him from behind.

Akio: "You're putting too much strain on your body already as you're trying to force yourself into doing heavy training. The body has limits before it collapses. Trust me, I know how much the body could handle and the number of times I had to use my quirk to fix that." as it looked like his face had a pained expression, telling me that I shouldn't try to pry.

We then headed to the basement, as he switched the power box to light up the room.

No one's POV:

Katsuki can be seen at his house as he tries running in place, trying to build up endurance, causing a lot of sweat to drop off of him as he runs out of breath.

Katsuki: "I'm going to show that nerd who's the better ones out of us." he says angrily.

Mitsuki: "Sweetie! I have snacks for you!" she yells out as she knocks on the door.

Katsuki: "I'm busy!" he yells back in a rude tone.

Mitsuki: "HUH?!" She says surprised as she then kicks open the door, carrying a tray of cookies of milk, looking furious as Katsuki is startled. "Don't take that tone with me, mister! Now here are your snacks!" as she slams it on the table, spilling some of the milk on the cookies.

Katsuki only grumbles as he walks over to the table to take a cookie.

Mitsuki: "What do we say?" she asks in a ticked-off mood.

Katsuki: "THANK YOU!" he says back to her angrily as his mouth was stuffed with the cookie.

Mitsuki: "Good. Now make sure to chew properly and don't speak while eating." he says to him as he mouths off what she's saying as he takes another bite of his cookie to spite her, but he quickly choked on it, causing Mitsuki to hardly take the glass of milk and hand it over to her son, as it dissolves the cookie stuck in his throat, "This is what I was telling you." she says in a ticked mood that he soon did exactly what she just said not to.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel frustrated by how his entire day went.

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