Chapter 112: Post-Battle

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No One's POV:

As Izuku carried Momo to the door, he took a deep breath, getting himself to focus as what awaited him were the remaining members of the kidnappers. Izuku prepared another hydrochloric acid pellet in his mouth and hid some other pellets in between his fingers. Once he had everything set up, he kicked open the door, ready for the enemies behind them, but what he saw was only a massacre.

Many men and women were on the ground, dead, as there were signs of bullet wounds going through the head and heart. He only walked through the trail of bodies in front of him, not bothering a single glance at them, just relieved that he didn't have to deal with more enemies since getting Momo to a safe location was a top priority, although, there was the issue of who could have done this, but that was a thought that Izuku would get to next time.

Izuku had walked out of the warehouse in the middle of the night, stopping by an alleyway that was a few blocks away, to lay Momo down so she could rest. When he had settled her in, he was about to head back to the warehouse, but as soon as he turned around, the warehouse exploded in front of his eyes as he then shielded his eyes from the blast. Izuku looked back to the warehouse to see that it was completely destroyed as the fire rose from the rubble. Izuku quickly connected what remained of his drones, seeing that only those that were patrolling the perimeter were the ones to survive while the rest were destroyed in the explosion.

He tried to see the stored data of the destroyed drones of what they saw, but nothing could be concluded as they all had been blacked out (Something blocked the lens), roughly around the time when he was in the same room as Momo. He shook his head in disappointment that there was nothing left behind he could use to figure out what happened.

Momo: "Mi-Midoriya?" she said weakly, trying to get up as her vision was readjusting to the different exposure of light from the explosion and from the night.

She looked over to see what seemed to be Midoriya, but when she called for him, his eyes gazed back at her. His eyes weren't like anything she was used to, the difference in their eyes made it questionable whether she was seeing the same person, but the face was undeniably the same. She tried reaching out to him, thinking it was a dream, but the fatigued she had from crying, worrying, and stress had weakened her, making her slowly faint and slowly fall back on her head.

Izuku quickly dashed for her, catching her before her head hit the concrete. He gently placed his bag underneath her head, acting as a pillow as he then got up and pulled up his UCS. Although the drones may not have caught what happened, the glasses he had on still recorded the fight and the after results of what he had missed. He deleted the footage of the night, thinking that his other self shouldn't see this again as he didn't want to trouble Izuku with the image of the dead kidnappers and seeing himself in action although he had no recollection of it.

Once he scrubbed all memories from the night, he looked back to Momo to see that she was shivering as the only thing she had on was a red silk dress that was dirty and torn. Izuku walked closer to her, seeing that she was cold and had nothing to cover her up with, decided to lay down next to her, sharing some of his body heat with her as he slowly closed his eyes, seeing that his time was done.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away in a different direction from where the warehouse exploded, Akane was sitting at the edge of a building as she was swinging her feet while watching the building burn in front of her eyes, hearing sirens in the distance coming over.

Hiroto: "So what happened?" He questions as he walks up from behind, covered in soot and blood as he was the one to take care of the kidnappers and close to the warehouse to set off the explosion to destroy any evidence in there.

Akane: "He had a stronger mind than I thought." Akane answered as she watched the structure of the warehouse crumbled more as the support beams were weakened.

Hiroto: "That's not a good answer!" He yells as he grabs her by the shoulders to face him, "You lost another group of our men, destroyed a hideout that had some of the boosters that were shipped in, lost the hostage, and failed to take over a small kid's mind. This was a chance for you to make up for what happened last time, but you only made it worse." He yelled, seemingly upset, "I-If they find you useless. Th-They'll.." His voice was cracking up as he couldn't handle the thought of Akane dying.

Akane looked over, seemingly looking clueless, until she gave a smile and patted him on the head.

Akane: "Stop being a worrywart. Everything is going to be okay. I thought you didn't care about the lives of others?" she teased as Hiroto always saw other humans as tools for them. Hiroto was confused why she seemed as if everything was going to be okay. "The shipment of boosters were fakes. The ones they got were the only batch that was real, I sent the real ones to a different warehouse since that place would have been a target with such a high profile hostage." as she points back to the destroyed warehouse, "And having another group of ours killed? I dealt with some traitors who seemed to have skimmed a tiny bit of the earnings of our attacks." as she refers to the times when they plundered areas in China with other members. "As for that girl, " as she slowly looks off to the side, "N-No problem." making Hiroto raise an eyebrow.

Hiroto: "And the other kid?" he questions as he slowly regains his composure.

Akane: "Even though plan A failed, plan B was a success. His mind was already starting to crumble, so I added a little something to hasten the process." she says as she smiles, making Hiroto sighed out, exhausted as he got all worked up for nothing.

Akane quickly turns back in the direction of the burning warehouse as she pulls out her tablet, upset that she wasn't able to break through the firewalls of the drone on time.

Akane: 'Looks like I'm losing my touch.' she thought to herself as she looked back to the data she had collected so far about the outer diagram of the drones. Meanwhile, Izuku can be seen turning and tossing as if he was having a nightmare.

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