Chapter 116: Reviewing Terms

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Izuku's POV:

I was in the waiting room, on the opposite end of a table from Mister and Misses Yaoyorozu-sama, while Yaoyorozu-san was sitting in between them.

Izuku: "Qu-Quite a lot of people running back and forth?" I commented, trying to lighten up the mood as I heard multiple footsteps going past the door.

MY: "Pay no attention to that." she said quickly, as she repositioned her legs, trying to get more comfortable, "Once again, I would like to thank you for finding our daughter." as she then ruffled Yaoyorozu-san's hair with a relaxed smile on her face while Yaoyorozu-san was trying to get her to stop.

DY: "But we believe that your services are no longer required." He stated out.

Momo: "I may know his true intentions and may have been hurt at first, but he still-". She interjected but she was interrupted by Mister Yaoyorozu-sama

DY: "I know you two have made up but the sole reason he was hired in the first place was to stop you from being a hero. Now that his intentions have been made clear, his tactic will no longer work, making his original objective a failure." he said like a professional businessman, leaving out his dottiness, which seemed to tick Yaoyorozu-san off.

Momo: "Well he never followed your orders from the start!" she shouted out in anger, shocking everyone in the room. It was clear on her parent's faces that they wanted an explanation but Yaoyorozu-san continued, "He was the only one who believed in me! And he even helped train me too!" she shouted out, which made her mother sneer back at me with anger, causing me to nervously break down.

MY: "You lied to me?" she asks in a rather cold manner, sending shivers down my spine.

DY: "What's the meaning of this?" as he placed his harsh gaze on me.

I tried to explain but I couldn't get any words out as I was too frightened by the pressure that her parents were exuding. I thought I could come up with the right words to sort out this situation, but having the truth revealed made things harder for me. My eyes started darting around the room as I jumbled up my words, trying to avoid eye contact with her parents. That's when my eyes met with Yaoyorozu-san's, her eyes didn't show any sign of worry, instead, her whole facial expression looked relaxed as she had put her entire trust in me.

Once I locked onto those eyes, I knew I couldn't afford to falter any longer. I took a deep meditative breath, closing my eyes as I breathed in and opened them when I fully exhaled out. I had calmed down and the pressure no longer felt as heavy.

Izuku: "It's true. I have been secretly giving her lessons so that she can be a hero." which seemed to increase the tension in the air as they seemed to be more infuriated.

DY: "I'm going to make a phone call to Tanaka-san about this unprofessional behavior!" he yelled out as he was about to get up from his seat and make the phone call but Miss Yaoyorozu-sama grabbed him before he could leave.

MY: "Let him explain more before you make that decision. We must not rush things until we hear it all the way through." she says, which made her husband stand still for a moment before taking his seat again.

DY: "Why did you want her to be a hero when that's the opposite of what we want?" he asks in a somewhat calm and irritated manner.

Izuku: "You both seem too overprotective of her that it looks like you're keeping her in a cage." which seemed to increase tensions further but I persevered, "I know that you think you're giving her freedom but what you're really doing is isolating her from others. Keeping her away from schools, not allowing her to go out on her own, and even denying her dreams of becoming a hero." I commented.

MY: "That's because we want her to have an easy and safe life." she added.

Izuku: "But by doing so, you're hindering her own self-growth." which made them look at each other as they were surprised by my words, "I get that being a hero is dangerous, but nobody can be safe forever. A chick needs to leave the nest or else it'll never learn to fly." which had brought down the tension further as they start looking down at the ground, feeling somewhat ashamed, "I think that Yaoyorozu-san has been following you two for a long time, don't you think you can listen to why she wants to become a hero in the first place.

Which made the both of them slightly tilt their head to Yaoyorozu-san as she was also quite stunned by the speech I gave them. She looked at both of them before taking a breather.

Momo: "Father. Mother. I want to be a hero." She said straight to them, clearly seeing that they have something else to say, "I know how dangerous it is to be one, even I've seen how fortunate I am, being in a wealthy family with such loving and caring parents, but others don't have the same fortune as I do, so I would like to give back with everything I have." she says with clear determination in her eyes, making me admire her resolve.

Her parents looked towards each other for a while before they sighed and looked down with a smile on their faces.

DY: "Alright. We'll stop trying to change your mind about being a hero if you're this determined and stubborn about it." he then pats the top of her head.

MY: "Looks like we'll have to find someone else to take over the company when we retire." she says sadly.

Momo: "Why?" she asks, confused.

MY: "Well you're going to be a pro-hero, surely that means that-" but Yaoyorozu-san interrupted.

Momo: "I never said I wouldn't do both.'

DY: "But honey, won't it be difficult to keep up with both?" he questions.

Momo: "Being a hero means I can help people in need immediately, being the president of a company means I can help a society." she says confidently, making her parents hug her tightly as they adored her resolution.

MY: "Now what to do with you?" she questions as she backs away from the group hug, surprising me.

Before I could say anything, Yaoyorozu-san intervened.

Momo: "He can be my training partner." she recommended, "he already helped me a lot." as she hovered her hand over the table, activating her quirk to make a small thin sheet of glass that was roughly 0.5 cm thick.

MY: "That's sweet sweetie, but I don't think that really shows his capabilities to, " but she took the piece of glass and smacked it against the metal rim of the table, causing a loud vibration from the glass itself, making everyone to cover their ears, but throughout it all, the glass did not break at all.

Momo: "He helped me train my quirk." she said happily.

They both looked at me surprised while I slowly got embarrassed.

DY: "Looks like we'll have to update the terms of conditions." which made Miss Yaoyorozu-sama nod while Yaoyorozu-san so widely as she was so happy, putting a small smile on my face as well.

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