Chapter 135: New Lesson Begins

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Izuku's POV:

I started off by using a Barrett M82, practicing shooting from 1000 meters while the target is moving. Although I questioned why I would need such a powerful gun against villains, sensei told me that I may not always be able to penetrate through an enemy's defense through normal means, so this is just a small preparation if such an emergency arises.

I did pretty well, getting around 52 out of the 100 bullets I had shot, but it felt like I could do better. I was about to take another cartridge, but sensei placed his hand on top of mine, preventing me from taking another cartridge

Akio: "The injury you were trying to heal doesn't happen to involve hearing loss, would it?" he questions, to which I nod my head. He then sighed, "Although you healed your ears, your body is still having a hard time readjusting itself as you hastened the natural healing process." as I stared at him confused why he thinks that, "Your dynamic vision is slight off. Your accuracy is slightly worse and very few of your shots had actually hit the red target, most of it hit the outer rings." as he pulled up the target for closer inspection.

Izuku: "You really know how the human body works." I said in amazement as I hadn't taken in the factor of the brain not being able to handle the sudden shift in the body.

Akio: "Had to. Otherwise I would be wasting the usage of my quirk while fighting overseas." he says to me with a tense look on his face as he places the sniper back onto its usual spot.

The room then got quiet, making it awkward to continue the conversation.

Akio: "Your birthday is coming up soon if I remember the date correctly." as he started rubbing his chin.

Izuku: "Yes." I said back to him as I was slightly startled.

Akio: "I see." as he continues rubbing his chin while he appears to be in deep thought, "Would you like a snack?" he then questions me, to which I was confused, but felt like I had to say yes.

We went back upstairs as he then prepared some fruits for us to eat in the dining room, as we did nothing but eat and have some small talk. I could hear the car honk outside of sensei's place, alerting me that it's time. I packed up my things as I then said my goodbye.

The driver had dropped me off at Daichi's place, and as usual, as I rang the doorbell, Suzuki-san was the one to answer as it appears that Ichika is watching the television. I walked right into the living room to say hello, but she only ignored me, totally entranced by the show as it shows mechas and other advanced technology used to fight off the invaders.

Izuku: "Nice to see that you're still into this show but wouldn't you be more interested in watching other channels? I'm sure there'll be some hero battles." I suggested.

Ichika: "No." was all she said to me as she continued watching the episode.

I sat in silence, watching along with her, as Suzuki-san came in with a tray of cookies and milk. Before I could grab a piece, Ichika grabbed the whole tray as she then stuffed her face with the cookies, not taking her eyes off the TV.

Hiro: "I'm sorry. I'll go ahead and prepare another-" as he was about to head back into the kitchen.

Izuku: "It's fine. I'll be in the garage working on something. When will Daichi-san come back?" I question as I slung my bag over my back.

Hiro: "I'm not certain. He didn't specify the time as he has extra classes he's taking." was all he said.

Izuku: "I see." I said back to him, nearly about to leave for the garage until I remembered one thing, "Oh yeah. Do you know what I'm supposed to wear for events like these?" I questioned as I pulled out one of the invitation letters that Tanaka-sama had given me.

Hiro: "Where'd you get that?" he says slightly distraught, which seemed to catch Ichika's attention as she decided to peek over what we're talking about.

Izuku: "From Tanaka-sama. Since Daichi will be busy, he decided to send me to his place. Although there was none the past month, the date for the first party is closing in." I said to him.

Hiro: "And when would that be?" he asks nervously.

Izuku: "Next week on Wednesday." I said to him, which seemed to drop his mood entirely.

Hiro: "This is no time for you to be playing around!" he yelled out in a panic mood as he teleported right behind me and started pushing me away from the garage.

Izuku: "What's the big deal? It's just a party. I've been to Yaoyorozu-san before and I did perfectly fine." I said to him.

Hiro: "Did you?" he questions me suspiciously.

Izuku: "Well-" as I then remembered the boy in the blue suit from her party and how rude he was, "No." I said a bit dejectedly.

Hiro: "Exactly." as he then pushes me into his room, which seemed to have a European style to it "That time, you were lucky to have been personally invited by the host of the party. But this time you are going in as a representative." as he quickly sat me at a chair and quickly laid out a table, topped with a plate, a bowl, various sizes of forks, spoons, and knives, and a well-folded napkin on top.

Izuku: "Um, what are you going to do?" I nervously ask.

Hiro: "Of course, to give you a quick crash course of formality, elegance, and manners so that no one would be able to make fun of you at the party. And trust me, I'm no easy teacher." as he then pulled on the elastic band of his glove, letting it go, making a  snapping noise.

I slowly turn behind me, hoping that there was still the chance of escaping, but all I see is Ichika giving me an awkward smile and a thumbs up, as she slowly closes the door.

Hiro: "Well then. Let's get started." as I could feel like I saw his eyes go red, fully determined to have me prepare for next week.

Izuku: 'WHY!' I thought to myself inside of my head as the lessons had begun.

No One's POV:

Many hours had passed and Daichi had finally gotten home, appearing to be exhausted from cram school, business school, and also martial art classes.

Daichi: "I'm home." he calls out, expecting Izuku and Hiro to greet him, but no one responded, which was suspicious for him.

He went to the living room as he saw Ichika quickly trying to hide something that appeared to be metallic.

Daichi: "Do you happen to know where Hiro and Izuku are?" he questions.

Ichika: "Suzuki is giving Izu-kun lessons on how a gentleman should act." Daichi remembers the horrors he had to go through as the usual caring Hiro can be such a strict tutor, then slightly chuckles as Izuku is now the one going through it.

Daichi: "Why is Izuku even getting them?" he questions as he falls stomach first, onto the couch.

Ichika: "He says he's going to some party in your place." as she secretly fiddles with the metal contraption in her hands.

Daichi: "Okay." he says into the couch, sounding muffled until he realized what Ichika had just said, "WHAT!" he yells out as he perks right up, shocked.

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