Chapter 140: Small Talk

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Izuku's POV:

Miss Yaoyorozu-sama left us at the front entrance, saying how she had other work to do, leaving me and Yaoyorozu-san to walk to her room by ourselves. We looked at each other as we then made our way to her room.

Izuku: "Although I can hear perfectly, do you know why I'm having us speak only in sign language for now?" I said to her out loud, which made her confused as she looked at her hands, trying to figure how to ask me something, which I may already know, "We're free to talk until we enter your room." I said to her,

Momo: "Oh, okay then." she said slightly relieved, "To answer your question, no." she said slightly dejectedly.

Izuku: "That's fine. The reason why I'm having us practice sign language is that as heroes, we may need to be silent on missions, and one form of silent communication would be sign language." which seemed to spark an ah-ha moment for her, " Granted, that is if we're able to see each other." I said back to her as we then arrived at her room.

We started going over some lessons that's slightly above her grade level, along with some physics and chemistry lessons to give her a better idea of how her quirk works on a molecular level to form molecules, but it seems she was confused by not only the lesson, but the way of communication as well since she had only started last week, meaning that she probably only knows the very basis of sign language. I decided to drop the whole act of speaking in sign language as it was causing a hindrance in her learning, which seemed to mellow her out a bit as she didn't have to worry about trying to figure out what I was trying to say in sign language.

We continued going over lessons that were above her current lessons at school, which reminded me.

Izuku: " Anything new from school?" I asked, which seemed to startle her as she was writing down notes.

Momo: "Wh-Why are we talking about school?" she asks nervously.

Izuku: "Well, It's been over a month since you got back to school and last week's answer seemed too simple." unbeknownst to me, she was shaking nervously as she was slouching, "So, any new friends yet? Anyone troubling you? Any classes you're struggling on? Though I doubt you are struggling with any classes since you are being taught about lessons above your grade level." but there was no answer from her. I leaned closer to her, trying to see what was wrong, "Yaoyorozu-san?"

Momo: "GYAH!?" she screamed out, scaring me as I flinched backward.

Izuku: "Is everything alright?" I quickly asked as she had a panicked look on her, looking around where she was.

Momo: "Ye-Yeah. Just remembering the time when I was suddenly called on in class and I fumbled on my words, causing everyone to laugh," as she gave an awkward smile, "That was so embarrassing." as she started rubbing the nape of her neck.

Izuku: "Is that really all?" I said suspiciously.

Momo: "Yeah nothing bad has happened to me. Just, I haven't been able to make any friends at school," she said dejectedly.

Izuku: "Are they bullying you?" which caught her off guard.

Momo: "WHAT?! NO! No. They just don't seem like the right people for me." she says.

Izuku: "And who are the right people for you?" I asked curiously, as I tried getting closer, which caused her to blankly stare at me.

Momo: "I don't know." was all she said, "How about you? How's school going on for you?" she then questions me, which made me freeze up.

Izuku: "Well......" as I tried thinking of something to say, "Everyone at school knows me. My childhood friend always checks up on me after school. The teachers would always call on me, where I could show off my intelligence." which are all not technically lies since they are the truth, just a lighter and happier version is all.

Momo: "Glad that it's going well for one of us." she says exhaustingly as she stretched her arms out and back on the chair.

Izuku: "Yeah." I said to her happily that things are going well for her.

We continued with her studies, ending it at around 14:00 so that we would have time to get to the facility and train. I packed up things I may need as we then made our way outside to the front entrance.

Izuku: "How are we supposed to get there? It took a while to drive there, and it'll take longer by foot." I asked her as I realized the situation we're in.

Momo: "Oh right. You weren't here when my mother explained the method of traveling." which she may be referring to the way how I was sent home early last week.

She gestured to me to follow her as she ran down the stairs, looking excited. We ran to the other end of the mansion, where a small shed can be seen. She put in some access code as the door then opened. When we entered the place, it was a simple storage room for gardening. I looked around the room, wondering what this place has to do with our transportation. Something caught my foot, causing me to trip but I caught myself as I placed my other foot in front of me very abruptly. I looked down to see that my foot was stuck on some kind of handle.

Izuku: "Don't tell me." I said to her in disbelief, but she nodded her head.

I stepped away from the handle as she then pulled it up, revealing a secret ladder. She climbed the ladder down first, as I followed behind. When we got off, I saw a platform, similar to a train station, and right next to it, a railroad with what appears to be a train. I stood there stunned, not believing in what I was seeing.

Momo: "H-How.... Wh-What?" I fumbled on my words, not sure what to say.

Momo: "Mother already had this set up last week. She had heroes and workers make the tunnel along with other companies to get the parts needed to make a safe, self-powered, self-driven, train. But because your ears were ringing, she was worried the sound of the tracks would hurt and further damage your ears on our way to the mansion, which is why driving was a safer option." She then pushed a button on the wall to turn on the lights, alerting the train to open its door. She was the first one to take a step on the train, "Are you coming?" she questions, stirring me up from my stunned self as I then walked onto the train and took a seat.

The train then closed its doors as it immediately started going.

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