Chapter 58: Izuku's Break

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Izuku's POV:

It's been around an hour and a half since Nakamura-san left for his break. I had finished the one that he was currently working on and I was halfway done with another one.

Izuku: 'I wonder if he's taking his break properly?' I questioned.

I felt parched since I had nothing to drink since lunch and it was almost time for dinner. I didn't have anything on me to eat since mom only packs my lunch and I was doing this of my own volition, so I couldn't trouble her any more than I needed to.

I took a step back from the wrist launcher as I stretched my arms, exhausted from how busy I was throughout the week.

Izuku: 'Just one more week then I could take a proper break.' I thought.

My stomach started growling, which meant it was time for me to get something to eat. Normally I would've gotten something from the vending machine like I had done this past week, but I wanted to check on Nakamura-san to see if he's doing okay.

I stepped out of the lab with my bag and exited out the hallway to the front desk.

Izuku: "I'm going to take a 15-minute break," I said to her, which she only nodded to before I left the building.

I was making my way to the nearest cafe since I needed a bit of caffeine to keep myself up while also being on the lookout for Nakamura-san.

Izuku: 'Now that I think about it, I didn't see Mei on my way out. Did she leave that easily?' I questioned.

I passed by a Mcdonald's, paying no special mind to it until I noticed a familiar lab coat and pink dreadlocks by the corner of my eye. I took a step back to make sure what I saw was right, and there they were, my boss and my friend chatting with each other while having dinner.

I went inside the place to see what they were talking about. As I was walking up to their table, I overheard Nakamura-san giving her suggestions for her 'babies'.

Izuku: "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" I asked.

They both turned in my direction as both then looked happy to see me.

Mei: "Hey there muscles, me and Mr.Nakamura-san were talking about the babies we made together." she said so loudly, which caught the attention of everyone.

I didn't want to deal with the stares directed at me for such a misunderstanding, I indirectly corrected everyone's thoughts.

Izuku: "So Nakamura-san, have you gotten used to her calling her inventions her babies?" I said loudly, hoping it would clear the misunderstanding with everyone.

Satoshi: "Well, I was highly confused at first, but thankfully I understood what she was saying. And I got to say, it was pretty interesting talking about her inventions, but she still has a lot of room to grow." he then ruffled the top of her head, making her smile, "Anyways, what are you doing here? I thought you would be busy working?" He asked.

Izuku: "Well I got hungry and needed some caffeine to keep myself awake. So I took a 15-minute break and was planning to head to the cafe that's just a few blocks away from here."

Satoshi: "I see." As he then checked his watch, "I have a little less than half an hour left, I think it's time for me to get ready to leave." he then puts all of his trash onto his tray and leaves the table to throw them away.

Izuku: "You didn't tell him about the prototype nanobots did you?" I whispered to her.

Mei: "No, we were too busy talking about Tanka's previous achievements and my babies that there was no room to talk about yours." she says.

I chuckle a bit to see that Mei was still the ever prideful friend who leaves me out of her stories.

Mei: "Besides, you wouldn't need my help if you were working with Nakamura-san, he would have helped you more than I ever could. But since we are working together, that means that you haven't told him about your project." she says before she ate a few of her fries.

I was surprised that she was able to figure out that I hadn't told him yet.

Izuku: "Th-Thanks." I said

Mei: "No problem muscles, just remember to get me his autograph. I didn't have a pen on me so I couldn't get his signature."

I laughed a little bit as she still wanted something in return.

Izuku: "Okay, I'll give you his autograph the next time I see you." as she started crumpling up the wrap for her burger.

She then placed all the trash and got up to throw them away herself.

Mei: "See you next week Muscles." she said somewhat cheerfully before she left.

Nakamura-san came out of the bathroom as he was patting his hands on his lab coat to dry them.

Satoshi: "Are you ready to go?" he asks.

Izuku: "Sure, just let me go get some tea from here and we'll be on our way."

We then left as soon as I got my tea and headed back to the lab. We continued working on completing more wrist launchers for our quota, not speaking to one another as we were too focused. That was the case until Nakamura-san spoke out of nowhere.

Satoshi: "It was nice talking to your friend. It felt good to hear that Benjiro's achievements were still recognized by someone as young as her." while he was putting on the finishing touches on the WL(Wrist Launcher).

I could tell that he felt glad by the last statement. Although he doesn't say much about Daichi's dad, I could tell that he was a great man who was respected.

I spent the remaining hours finishing two more WL before I left.

Satoshi: "Thanks a lot Izuku, you were a great help again." he says.

Izuku: "No problem, just make sure that you get proper rest this time."

Satoshi: "Yeah Yeah." he says obnoxiously.

Izuku: "Oh, before I forget," I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and pen from my bag as I then handed them to him, "My friend didn't have the chance too but she would like to have your autograph."

He took them as he then quickly signed them and handed them back to me.

Satoshi: "Could you tell her that I had a great time talking with her?"

Izuku: "Sure." I then looked at the clock at the wall, "Well it's time for me to go, bye," I said waving before I left and was on my way back home. 'Less than a week left to finish her present.' I thought before I took a small nap on the train back.

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