Chapter 93: Caught

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Izuku's POV:

Friday came and I was waiting for Mei in the forest after I had finished my training. Mei arrived after 10 minutes of our usual time, dragging over a huge crate filled with her inventions.

Izuku: "How did you even get one of the public transports to bring this with you?" I questioned as I came to take the rope from her and started dragging it myself.

Mei: "My parents have a pickup truck to bring over any large parts that I need for my babies." she says.

Izuku: "So your dad drove you here?" I questioned as I was still pulling the crate.

Mei: "No, he was out grocery shopping." she answers.

Izuku: "Your mom then? That's rare for her to have a free day." I said since I know how busy designers can be, especially those who are working on redesigning hero costumes.

Mei: "No, she was in a meeting." she answers, making me puzzled.

Izuku: "Your aunt then, because there is no way you drove all the way here by yourself, right?" I asked, but Mei only whistled away, pretending to not hear anything. "Don't tell me you really did drive here by yourself?" I asked with concern as I then dropped the rope.

Mei looked behind me, seeing the worried look on my face before laughing.

Mei: "Sorry about that Muscles." she said in between laughs. "M-My aunt was the one who drove me here." which made me sigh in relief, "Still haven't figured out how to make the AI stop crashing into buildings." She then opened the top of the crate while my eyes widened with shock.

Izuku: "You're not really-" I question but Mei threw something out of the crate as I then caught it.

Mei: "Nice catch Muscles." as she climbed down the crate holding other parts.

Izuku: "What is all this stuff anyway?" I questioned.

Mei: "Parts for experimentation to see what goes well in the support gear for the Tanakas," she says as she then lays all the parts onto the ground.

Izuku: "I didn't know they were requesting support gear for themselves. Why wasn't I told about this?" I questioned as I work for their uncle and was the closer one of the two.

Mei: "They didn't. In order for someone to see the effort of someone else's, they need to be able to experience it themselves. So what better way is there than to showcase my ability to make custom support gears dedicated to them." she said as she then started sorting through the parts into piles. I was impressed by her idea since it showcases her skills in manufacturing and analysis of the customer in question.

Mei: "Since Ichika is able to manipulate vegetation, I think I might give her an air blaster that could shoot seeds so she can implant them into the target. It'll come with a large backpack that can hold in pounds of seeds. It should also be powerful enough to break through armor or tough skin"

And that's when I changed my mind. I crouched down to her level as I then offered my help to give suggestions since her first idea will have recoil that Ichika could not handle and was probably too heavy for her to carry, but I won't interfere with the build. I spent the day telling her my observations of the natures of their quirks and their personality types, which helped her steer into a better direction, but it was still a bumpy road.

It was now Saturday; I was packing up my things as I then headed inside of the limo. We drove off to the Yaoyorozu mansion but I only saw Miss Yaoyorozu there.

Izuku: "Where's Yaoyorozu?" I questioned as I looked around the area while I got out of the limo.

MY: "My husband and daughter attended a birthday party for one of our associates. The party seemed to run longer than expected so they stayed the night at one of the nearby hotels. " She answers, getting a nod from me, "Why don't you come in and have some tea. I think it's been a while since we had tea together."

I walked with her up the steps, as we then made our way to a room with bay windows, which had the perfect view to see the garden. Servants came in with a cart of snacks and tea as they prepared it right in front of us.

MY: "So tell me, how is it so far at Tanaka Corporations?" she questions.

I told her that it was pretty easy so far, nothing too complicated or exhausting for me to work on, which brought a smile to her face as she was then served tea. Then I got onto describing the troubled look on Nakamura-san's face, which made her look concerned.

MY: "How is it going with the plan to make my daughter give up on being a hero? I know we haven't discussed this ever since you started working here since you were doing an amazing job as a tutor, but I like to hear how the progress is going so far." she then adds sugar to her tea and stirs.

I was baffled, I didn't know what to say. Not only was I not fulfilling the original job description, but I was completely going against it. I decide to tell half-truths in order to not get caught.

Izuku: "I've been slowly getting her trust by training her." I started off with, which got her to raise a brow, "I've been teaching her martial arts and how to use her quirk while using drones to keep an eye out for us to further the trust she has with me."

MY: "I didn't know you knew martial arts." she said, surprised.

Izuku: " I have a sensei training me." I say back to her.

MY: "And how will all of this discourage her from being a hero?" she questions, "It seems to me that you are encouraging her to become a hero." she said in a threatening tone, making me gulp down my saliva as I had to be careful with what I say next.

Izuku "To show how it isn't possible for her to be a hero," which caught her off guard, "I've been doing numerous spars against her, and each time I would always win. Her biggest issue is her self-doubt, which can be used against her, thinking that if she can't beat someone like me, what chances does she have at becoming a hero."

MY: "Well although it sounds like a good idea, I don't like the idea of her continuously doubting herself, it won't be good for her mental health." She said with concern, "And won't it result in despisement later on?"

Izuku: "Everything I've done so far was according to my assignment. Even I-" before I could finish, we heard the sound of a door being slammed open.

Momo: "Ho-How could you!" she yells with tears in her eyes.

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