Chapter 38: Day Before Birthday Pt.2

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Hiro's POV

While I was making dinner and the young miss was watching TV, I was awaiting the arrival of young Midoriya.

Ichika: "When is Izuku coming? He is late!" she whines which makes me smile

She hasn't shown any attachment towards others besides me, the young master, and Akio. Ever since the incident with her parents, many people tried to console her, unfortunately, she was able to see the wicked smiles behind their masks, their greed oozing out of them, which made her frightened of everybody since she became afraid of those who hid behind a mask. She was like that for a year, even the friends she used to play with, she was scared of them as well, making excuses to not hang out with them, then young Midoriya came into our lives. He was always honest to himself and genuinely cared for others. It was thanks to his repeated visits that Ichika slowly opened up to him, and although to this day she is still scared of others, she is slowly trying to reconnect with others.

Hiro: "It's only been a few minutes, I'm sure he will come through the door any second."

Ichika: "But I'm bored." she complains

Although she got closer to young Midoriya, I'm afraid that she happened to get too attached to Midoriya, which I find fun teasing her about sometimes.

Hiro: "Oh? Is it so that you can cling onto him and have his undivided attention towards you?" I teased.

This made the young miss a crimson red while she tries to deny that she wants to spend time with him. I find this side of the young miss so adorable that I started chuckling a bit at the fact that she can not be honest with herself. Then I heard a familiar car honk outside of our place.

Hiro: "I'm guessing Akio overworked him again." I then turned off the stove as I used my quirk to teleport to the front door.

I opened the front door to see the black limousine with the young master waiting by the side door. I teleported once again to appear next to the young master, then I opened the door to see young Midoriya knocked out in the limousine. I picked him up and thanked the driver, he then drove off as I and the young master started walking back inside. The young miss saw me carrying him and moves off from the couch, which gives enough space to place him down.

Ichika: "Not again. Why is he always so exhausted whenever he plans to miss one day of training? I mean how hard is it to do 3 hours of training per day."

The young master then gave her a look as they went over this many times before.

Daichi: "How many push-ups can you do?"

Ichika: "More than him" she retorts back.

Daichi: "Give me one then."

The young miss looked so flustered but huffs as she got onto the ground and attempted to do one-up. It took around a minute for her to do one.

Ichika: "Th-there see. O-one." she says exhaustingly.

Daichi: "He does 50 of those each day, along with 50 sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, and a 15 km run. And those are just the warm-ups. He also practices a variety of fighting styles. And that's before grandpa increases the intensity. Yet here you are barely able to do one push-up. Must be all of those candies that you have been secretly eating.

Ichika: "N-no it's not!" she complains while being flustered.

Daichi: "Say what you want but don't blame me when Izuku is no longer able to carry you because of all the candy you ate."

The young miss looks even more flustered and embarrassed, which she then storms off to her room and slams her door closed.

Izuku's POV

While the last I remembered was falling unconscious after finishing the last sets, the next thing I heard was some muffled arguing, then I heard a loud thud which fully woke me up.

Izuku: "What was that noise?" I tiredly said.

I see both Daichi and Suzuki-san look in my direction.

Daichi: "Nothing, just another one of my sister's fits. Anyways, are you able to move yet?" as he got closer to my face.

Izuku: "I don't think so, it feels like a bag of bricks." as I chuckled a bit.

Daichi took one whiff and quickly backed away from me as he looked like he was about to barf.

Daichi: "D-dude, what did you eat?" as he was gagging in between words.

I slowly lifted my hand to my face as I took a sniff of my own breath, which made me gag as well.

Izuku: "You're grandpa gave me something to wake me up before. Shoe string or something like that. He said it was some kind of fermented Swedish fish." and on instinct, Suzuki-san quickly walked to the kitchen to make something and walked back to me as he handed me some strange concoction in a cup.

Izuku: "What is this?" I ask as I look at him suspiciously while sitting up.

Hiro: "A way to fix the bad breath. Akio was sadistic when he found those Surströmming during one of our trips. Nobody was able to handle the horrible smell, what was worse was the bad breath. So we formed a concoction to at least neutralize the bad smell. Still can't believe he has those." he then shivers at the reminder of the torture.

Without a second thought, I quickly drank it, which strangely enough, was so sweet. I finished the entire cup in one go. I gave the cup back to Suzuki-san as I thanked him.

Hiro: "No need to be thankful, it was my pleasure." as he then turns around and walks to the sink while quietly saying, "I just didn't want your bad breath stinking up the place."

He thought I didn't hear him but I heard every word. Daichi slowly got closer to me as he inhaled the air, checking to see if the smell was gone. After confirming it was clear, he sat on the couch next to me.

Daichi: "So, are you prepared for the birthday tomorrow?"

Izuku: "Yeah, I got the gift-ready and the suit. I was just lucky to find a suit within my price range."

Daichi: "Are you sure you didn't need my help? I could have gotten you a suit myself."

Izuku: "I'm sure. I don't want to be too reliant on you."

Daichi: "Okay then."

We then began chatting with each other while Suzuki-san was serving dinner. Later Ichika came out of her room and saw me, but then she just sat quietly as she ate. After I finished dinner, I helped tutor Daichi and Ichika about things they don't understand. While they don't appear to be as smart as Yaoyorozu, they can still be on top of their class. After I gave them work to practice on, I went into the garage as I then began to fiddle with the prototype.

After some time passed, it was time to leave. I said goodbye to Them as I headed home and plopped onto the bed.

Izuku: 'Hopefully she likes the gift.' I thought before I fell asleep, prepared for tomorrow.

Author's Note:

To explain what Hiro Suzuki's quirk is, it is a type that lets him teleport anywhere as long as he has a live visual. So things such as images or replays can't make him teleport there, making eyesight is the main source of where to teleport. I would like to point out that I am exhausted. I had so much work due from school, but you know what, I pulled through and I finished them so that I had free time to write to you guys. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day,

Who said I needed a quirkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant