Chapter 139: Behind the Dreams

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Izuku's POV:

After I got back home, I said hello to my mom as I made my way to my room. I sat at my desk, wondering what I should do. Seeing as I had a few more hours left before bedtime, I put on my glasses as I then pulled out one of the drawers as I then picked up the earpiece from Nakamura-san, having some parts already missing from it as I had already begun inspecting it, and seeing how I could make possible adjustments to it.

I took out my notebook, "Tech#003", as I open to an already written page of how each part of the device functioned and how they work together with each other. I then continued from where I stopped, continuously picking up the earpiece and using the glasses to pick up any small components that I wasn't able to see and to record the placement of all the parts. I was too focused on analyzing and creating hypothetical uses for it that I had overshot my bedtime by an hour, so I had quickly stopped my notes as I then took a quick shower and headed to bed, feeling excited to use the new facility that Miss Yaoyorozu-sama had made for Yaoyorozu-san and me. I slowly dozed off into a deep sleep, hoping today won't be another nightmare.

No One's POV:

Inside of Izuku's dream, he's being bullied by Katsuki, too stunned to move or fight back. He tried yelling for help, but no one answered. This made Katsuki infuriated that Izuku would try such a useless tactic, while his friends laughed at the back.

Daichi: "Why are you calling for help when you're capable yourself?" Izuku then quickly turns around to see Daichi standing with his arms crossed, looking displeased to see him.

Izuku: "Daichi!" he cheerfully lets out, glad that his friend was there and was ready to run up to him and hug him.

Daichi: "Don't think I'll save you." he says annoyed, which shocked Izuku, unsure why he would say that, "Do you know how much I've done for you? That I'm the reason that your current life is as joyful as it is today? You would be nothing without me!" he yells out frustrated, scaring Izuku as he was at a loss of words for what he can say, "I don't even know why I'm still your friend if all you are is an annoyance to me?" he says as he sighed, facepalming himself as he regretted his decision in introducing himself to Izuku.

Soon, there was a chant going around, composed of words: useless, Deku, annoyance, weak, waste, and many other things that started crushing Izuku's spirit. Slowly, black clouds started surrounding Izuku, as it slowly covered up Katsuki, his friends, and Daichi, as the chant slowly got muffled out by the black smoke.

Back at the two pillars, the current Izuku appears to be unconscious while the Izuku with darker eyes was standing next to him, seemingly struggling as he absorbed some black mist entering his body as it exited out of current Izuku.

???: "Sleep. I'll take the pain for you," he says in a monotone and exhausted voice as he turns around to the bridge, looking behind his shoulder to see the current being at ease as he then walks across the bridge to his pillar. He then walked over seemingly nothing at the edge of his pillar, but the light being shined on his spot reflected fragments, of what appears to be a barrier that was cracked open.

He takes a seat as he watches the barrier being slowly rebuilt as the light reflects the fragments coming back together to fix the hole. He sighs as he looks towards the void in the sky, resting for the next nightmare to appear.

Izuku's POV:

I woke up the next day, feeling sluggish, having no memories of the dream again, just knowing that it was another unpleasant one. I went to the kitchen to have breakfast with mom, having our daily morning talks before I went out again. I packed my things as I waited for my limo to arrive.

I was dropped off in front of Yaoyorozu's mansion, with Miss Yaoyorozu-sama and Yaoyorozu-san, the head butler with a medicine bag in hand and what appeared to be the head maid, as they waited for me at the front steps.

Yaoyorozu-san excitedly waved hello to me as she then struggled to do hand signs that I think were trying to say "How are you doing?".

Nyoko: "That's very good dear, but when you're singing "Doing", you do it like this," as she then gestured some hand movement that meant doing.

MY: "Arakawa, please give a check-up on Midoriya." she ordered as he then bowed and was walking towards me.

Izuku: "No need, I'm already healed up." I said slightly embarrassed that Arakawa had walked for nothing, which got a surprised look from him.

MY: "Is it possible for a ruptured eardrum to heal that quickly?" she questions.

Arakawa: "Without the use of a quirk, no?" he answers, which made Miss Yaoyorozu-sama think to herself as she's been told that my quirk has something to do with heightened intelligence.

MY: "No matter. It's better to have you checked up rather than finding out later that you're in poor health." she says with a suspicious look, probably referring to the time when I collapsed from overworking.

He then bowed as he proceeded to take off his glove and grab my hand. He looked surprised at first as he then touched my earlobe.

Arakawa: "It seems his health is perfect." he reported to Miss Yaoyorzu.

MY: "I see." as she started rubbing the bottom of her chin. "I apologize for bringing you two out here for nothing," she says to the head butler and maid.

ArakawaAndNyoko: "It's our pleasure to be of service." they said as they bowed and then left.

I looked to Yaoyorozu-san, to see her upset.

Izuku: "Is something wrong?" I asked with worry.

Momo: "I wanted to impress you. I asked Nyoko to teach me to sign language because I thought you still had hearing issues." as she pouted, making me feel bad that she tried so hard for my sake, only for it to be for naught.

Izuku: "I'm sorry." I said awkwardly, "We can try communicating with each other for the day using sign language, that way we can practice." I suggested, which seemed to take her out of her despondency.

Momo: "Really?" she questions, to which I nodded my head, which got an excited reply from her. I look back to see that Miss Yaoyorozu-sama had her fan hiding the bottom of her face but her eyes shaped like one who was smiling.

MY: "Let's go then?" she questioned, as I then nodded and so did Yaoyorzu-san, as we then walked up the steps to the mansion.

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