Chapter 19: The Secret Room

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Izuku's POV

It was the day after I met the Yaoyorozu family; I woke up at 5 in the morning to see a couple of my notebooks on my bed. I spent most of last night reviewing notes to see if any updates were required. I quickly sorted my notebooks back to where they were originally and got on my computer to do some research. No major news was popping up so I decided to search up weapons and other things that may seem useful for Yaoyorozu to remember when I visit next time.

I checked the clock on the computer and realized it was time for me to leave for work. I finished up my remaining searches as I got ready. I arrived at Tanka Corporations 5 minutes early than I expected, I then went to the front desk where the receptionist knew the routine as she handed me my key card while I said my thanks, to which she just nodded and smiled. I got to the lab where I saw Nakamura-san already busy with one of the support gears.

Satoshi: "So, how was the job?" he said while still looking at the support gear.

I have gotten close to Nakamura-san, he was like an uncle to me where we would have fun conversations which would eventually turn into debates, but at the end of it, we always laughed it off.

Izuku: "It was great, she seems fun and intriguing to tutor, her quirk may not help physically, but with enough guidance, she will be a fine hero." I said without thinking as I was putting on my lab coat as I was excited to execute my ideas that I thought of yesterday. Nakamura-san paused for a moment then turned towards me.

Satoshi: "Wasn't your job supposed to change her mind of becoming a hero instead of helping fuel her idea." I paused at what I just mentioned since I told Nakamura-san what the new job was, he knew I was going against what my job was. He just sighed at me as he started rubbing his temples. "You know, for a kid with a brain enhancement quirk, you really don't think everything through, do you?"

I slowly faced him since I was scared he was going to tell our boss. I was going to speak until I heard a chuckle from him.

Satoshi: "I knew you didn't have it in you to go through with the plan, during the time I met you, you were always focused on helping people, not just heroes but also the citizens. You remind me a lot of Benjiro (Daichi's Father). You don't have to worry about me telling you to our boss. He may have us working under a contract but that doesn't mean he has our loyalty" as he turned back to work on the support gear.

I was grateful for what he said but at the same time, I felt really guilty too. I lied to him that I had a brain enhancement quirk to explain why I was so smart for the fear of him turning on me once he learns I was quirkless. I still have nightmares of when I told Kacchan that I was quirkless, the glares I got from the first dojo I went to, and finally the bullying and the uncaring teachers once they found out I was quirkless. I was afraid to tell anybody that I was quirkless for the fear of being left behind, I may still dream of becoming a quirkless hero but I was still afraid of being abandon by others once they knew the truth, only a few people accepted me even when they found out I was quirkless .

I got rid of those negative thoughts in my head as I just put on my smile.

Izuku: "So what are we working on today?" I said excitedly

Satoshi: "Well you see, this needs....." he continued on the lecture as I interject some ideas and theories on ways how we could either fix it or improve it.

The conversation lasted for nearly four hours until it was time for a break. We brought out our lunches from our bags as we took our seats away from the support gear. Mine was prepared by mom without saying, "A young boy should eat considering all the work you've been doing"' with a heart at the end. I always smiled at these notes since she was still loving me the same even after finding out I was quirkless, although she said she was sorry for me being born without a quirk, I knew where she was coming from, so I couldn't stay mad at her.

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