Chapter 148: Sudden Challenge

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Izuku's POV:

It was finally Wednesday, the day of the party I was made to attend. Before attending school, I made sure I had everything set up: the invitation, the present, and the suit, which was the one that Daichi gave me at Yaoyorozu-san's party, which also was previously tight on me but Nakamura-san had made the proper adjustments so that it would perfectly fit me.

I had already alerted sensei Tanaka-san about my absence for today. When I had told him that I had to attend a party, he jokingly asked if I had made another friend since it was neither his grandchildren's birthday, nor Mei's since I had already celebrated that earlier, or Yaoyorozu-san's since hers was much later. That's when I told him that it was something I was sent in place of Daichi by Tanaka-sama's orders for breaking the contract with him. When I had told him that, it seemed his face turned grim, surprisingly displeased by the news I told him. It took a while for me to get his attention before he regained awareness as he blankly stared at me. When I asked him what was wrong, he just brushed it off as he told me to continue training.

After checking that everything was ready, I set them up neatly on my bed as I packed them and got ready for school.

Once I was dropped off and mom was nowhere in listening distance, that's when the snickers and murmurs started, causing me to look down to avoid eye contact as I made my way to class. I swiftly made my way to my seat, being careful to not make contact with anyone. I then spent the remaining time I had left before class began on reviewing the model of the listening device I had sketched onto one of my notebooks, as I then flipped to another page, with the same sketch but this was the one where I would add changes of my own.

Katsuki: "DEKU!" He yells out as he grabs my notebook and slams it against the table, startling me as I start shaking, scared for what he may be angry at this time.

Izuku: "He-Hey K-Ka-cchan." I said nervously as my eyes wandered away from his glare, seeing his friends were behind him, crossing their arms with a smug look on their faces.

My eyes quickly looked back to Ka-cchan, remaining silent as he had that mean look in his eyes.

Katsuki: "During recess. We're going to have a race. YOU BETTER SHOW UP!" he said threateningly as he soon left, leaving not only myself but those around confused.

While in a state of confusion, the school bell rang, stirring me up from spacing out as I quickly put away my notebook and stood up to greet sensei. We then had a "normal" class, with sensei either ignoring me or giving me a difficult time depending on how I acted, which quickly flew by as lunch/recess had arrived. Everyone quickly got up and left the classroom, but I could see Ka-cchan waiting in his seat, having a determined look in his eyes. Soon, it was just me, Ka-cchan, and his friends, as they were standing right next to him while he stayed seated.

One of them looked like they were going to question when this race was going, but Ka-cchan immediately stood up as he then made his way to me, staring me down. He quickly stopped to look at me before he looked in front of him again and headed outside of the classroom, with his friend following behind. He didna have to say anything as that was his cue for me to follow him.

When I headed outside, I saw Ka-cchan waiting for me as there was an open space on the field, where murmurs could be heard as some of the other kids from different classes were questioning what was going on.

Katsuki: "We're running back and forth 3 times. The first one to complete it wins." he says to me, confusing me as to why he wanted this, along with some of the surrounding students. "Get in position!" he demanded as he positioned himself into a running start.

I don't know the reasoning behind this, but I was too scared to find out what happens if I choose to ignore it. I quickly got myself into position right next to Ka-cchan as one of his friends stood in front of us, acting as the flag person. When they said start, Ka-cchan immediately bolted while I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground, hearing the laughs erupt from the people watching. I looked back to see what I had tripped on, only to see that it was one of Ka-cchan's friends who used their quirk to extend their fingers so they could trip me. They didn't seem to care if I found out or not since as soon as I made eye contact with them, they just smirked as they then chuckled.

I immediately picked myself up as I attempted to run again, seeing that Kaa-chan was already halfway to the end, ¼ done with the first lap. I quickly sprinted at the normal pace that I go when doing laps at sensei Tanaka-san's place.

Katsuki's POV:

I was in the lead because Deku was stupid enough to trip as soon as the race started. I had constantly timed myself during my runs over the past week to show that Deku wasn't better than me, slowly improving myself, and today was going to prove that.

For some reason, I heard something behind me. I didn't want to believe it was him but I quickly looked behind me, only to see that he was already catching up to me. I pushed myself harder as I went faster.

I managed to barely complete the first lap before he did, but I could already feel myself getting tired as I pushed myself harder. By the time of the second lap, I was feeling exhausted as he had passed me already and had a lead on me. He had already completed the second lap without looking tired while I followed ten seconds after him, feeling out of breath. I refused to believe that he was faster than me. I trained so hard for this. I'm the one gifted with a quirk while he wasn't.

Izuku's POV:

It was surprisingly easy to catch up to Ka-cchan. By the second lap, I was in the lead and was about to do my third. I thought this was going to be harder, but I guess I have to thank sensei Tanaka-san for that. When I was on my third lap, I could see the people around us having a surprised look that I was winning. I looked behind me, afraid that Kaa-chan might be mad at me for being in the lead, but what I saw was desperation in his eyes. This surprised me as I haven't seen him like that before and left me questioning why this was so important to him.

I looked in front of me as I sighed. I tripped myself to the ground, making it believable as possible as I waited for Kaa-chan to pass me. When I heard his footsteps pass me, I slowly got up and ran at a slower pace so I couldn't catch up to him.

In the end, he won with his friends cheering for him while others mocked me for losing,

Katsuki's POV:

I stared at Deku while others were busy cheering for me. He had the furthest lead and suddenly tripped. He couldn't even catch up to me after making that slip-up. I noticed how he wasn't even out of breath while I felt my throat was so dry.

Katsuki: 'He let me win!' I thought to myself, enraged.

I glared at him for doing that, and when we made eye contact, he quickly left the scene while my eyes were still locked on him. I pushed my way through the crowd, frustrated how he wasn't trying his hardest as if I needed that kind of charity. I was determined to get him next time.

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