Chapter 45: (Title)

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Izuku's POV:

I returned home as I placed my glasses onto my nightstand and lay flat on my bed, relieved that one of my problems was easy.

Izuku: 'Good thing that Yaoyorozu is willing to help me but it still doesn't feel right for her to do all the work. Maybe I should get her some tea that can probably ease her body aches since she is training so hard and is still trying to handle the side effects of the pellets I gave her.'

To make sure that the shut down her body experiences after ingesting the pellets doesn't hinder her training, we plan to train her body in getting used to the pellets by having her digest them once a month.

Izuku: 'I should ask Suzuki-san see he likes to drink tea as well.' I then flip onto my back as I face the ceiling, 'Now what should I get for Mei?' I thought.

I stare at the ceiling for 30 minutes as I try to come up with an idea for what would be a good gift for her. After struggling to come up with an idea, I turn to my side as I plan to think about it later after I sleep. But as I turned to my side, I saw my glasses on my nightstand as they were still turned on since I could see the lights on the lenses still being active.

Izuku: "That's it" I shout as I sit up from my bed. I then went over to my desk as I started making designs for Mei's present.

I went to work the next day as I was woozy from lack of sleep.

Satoshi: "Hey there buddy." he then saw my eyebags, "Didn't get enough sleep?"

I lazily nodded my head as I went to my seat while I was in a daze.

Satoshi *sigh*: "I'll give you an hour to rest. Once that time is up, you have to start work." he says to me as he walks over to his desk and starts on the given assignment for the day.

Izuku: "Thanks" I yawned out before taking a nap.

I and Nakamura-san have gotten closer in these past few months. He was like a real uncle to me who I work with. He is the only adult that actually talks with me throughout the building as well, besides Daichi's uncle's occasional calls, since everybody else that works here sees me as nothing more than a kid. Also, Nakamura-san is being avoided by his co-workers but he never tells me the reason why but says that he is happy to have me around at least once a week to brighten up his day, which caused me to go red from embarrassment

I then woke up an hour later as I was still pretty tired but more energized than when I first came in.

Satoshi: "Have a good nap?" he asks without looking away from what he was working on.

Izuku: "Yeah," I said more energized than before as I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder.

Satoshi: "So what reason is it this time that caused you to miss sleep." he asks.

Izuku: "I somewhat pulled an all-nighter as I was trying to design a gift for a friend." I said shyly as I was embarrassed that I lost track of time to miss sleep.

Satoshi *chuckles*: "That is so like you. Always putting others first before your own needs. So I'm guessing it must be a great gift for you to pull an all-nighter then." he asks as he turns around.

I nod my head vigorously to him as I was excited for the gift I had planned for Mei.

Izuku: " Anyways, what is today's assignment?" as I began looking over some boots with a conductor for electricity on the sides of the shoes, probably for a person who has an electric quirk who focuses on kicks or CQC.

Satoshi: "The boss says that he wants the conductors to increase the output for electricity for more damage." he then sighs as he then leans back on his chair.

Izuku: "It's possible to increase it, but it'll make the shoes heavier." I then began muttering all possible solutions to this problem. "I think I have a solution, but why does Daichi's uncle always focus on the fighting aspect of a hero, there is more to a hero than just fighting."

Satoshi: "I don't know the reason, but the sooner we get this done, the more we can talk about it later." I then nodded at him as we began working on the boots.

I finished all of my assignments for the day but sadly couldn't talk with Nakamura-san as much since we were both so busy. I got back home to see that my mom wasn't there, she was probably working the night shift at the hospital again. I enter my room to see some hero merch, some blueprints, and some of my notes all around my room. I went to my desk and opened a drawer to pull out a blueprint for Mei's birthday present. I then pull out the glasses from my bag as I then started taking them apart to see the internals of the glasses.

Izuku: "I think I have everything I need for this from the leftovers I had for the prototype, but I still need to get the missing pieces later."

I then called it day for working on Mei's present and went on the computer to see if any hero news article popped up, which there always is since heroes are so popular, as I then pulled out my notebook to see if anything interesting was found about the hero or something that people may have misinterpreted as I wrote my own theories. Seeing as how there was still an hour left before bedtime, I then switched gears and began researching/self-studying since I need to keep my brain active so that all I knowledge I had accumulated will not be forgotten.

I went to sleep after I did a crash course on college-level physics and biology and woke up the next day for school. My mom dropped me off at school as she then gave me her hugs and kisses before she left and said her goodbyes. I then walked up to the front gates of the school as I then sighed since it was going to be another long day. I then fell to the ground as someone nudged me forward.

Classmate #1: "Did I bump into someone?"

Classmate #2: "I don't think so, after all, there was nobody there. Just some piece of trash that was in front of you." They then both laughed and continued walking towards the school.

I got up as I then started patting off the dirt from my clothes as I then walked towards the school, where I would once again face torment for being quirkless and I couldn't fight back due to my subconscious preventing me from defending myself.

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