Chapter 55: First Day Helping Out Pt.1

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Izuku's POV:

Izuku: "Sensei? How much longer?" I complained.

After losing to sensei, as soon as I recovered from a gutshot, he made me hold a filled bucket with each hand with my arms out, placed another one on top of my head, and one on my left knee, meaning I was standing on one foot while holding onto all of them.

Akio: "Now, now. This wouldn't be a punishment if you got out easily. Just ten more minutes and you can let them all go." he said while sitting down as he licked his fingers to flip to the next page of his book that he was reading.

I was struggling to hold out, my arms and legs were already shaking but I knew that there will be a worse punishment to come if I fail to finish my current punishment. I tried distracting myself by thinking of any unfinished work that I still needed to do. That's when a reminder popped up.

Izuku: "Um sensei, there's something I need to tell you." I said in between breaths as I was getting exhausted holding up the buckets.

Akio: "What is it?" he asks as he takes a sip of tea while staring at his book.

Izuku: "Um, I won't be here on Thursday next week because I'll be celebrating one of my friend's birthdays."

Akio: "Oh, who is this friend you speak of." as he takes a quick glance at me to see me struggling before he looks back to his book.

Izuku: "Mei Hatsume. She is a young inventor who I meet on Fridays where we would help each other out with each other's projects." I said as my breath started getting heavier with each word.

Akio: "So it's another girl huh?" He then closes his book as he then looks at me. "First my granddaughter, then Yaoyorozu's daughter, and now it's a young inventor now? You've got techniques that even I haven't seen." he then starts chuckling while he gets up.

Izuku: "What about Daichi? I also had to skip a day of training to see him on his birthday as well." I was confused about why he only listed three and excluded Daichi, which only made him laugh much more.

Akio: "Alright, Alright. I'll reconfigure your training schedule for when you're here so that you don't miss out on anything on Thursday." he then had a devious smile on his face, which made me worry about what's in store for me.

After I had barely completed my punishment, we moved onto the shooting range, this time he made me hold dual guns so that no matter what arm is compromised, I can make use of my other hand just as well. When we spent around an hour firing many rounds into targets that looked human and varied in sizes and were posed in different positions, he made repeat the process of each move and technique that I have learned in CQC and also do it continuously, similar to making a combo with each attack.

I was sweating and breathing heavily by the end of my training. I went to check my UCS while I was in the changing room to check the time, and after noticing that I need to be on my way to help Nakamura-san, I quickly said my goodbyes to sensei as I burst through the door to see the limo here to pick me up and drive me to Daichi's place. I quickly told the driver that he doesn't have to pick me up for two weeks since I'll be busy for the next two weeks. He didn't say anything but only nodded at me as he then drove off. I ran in the other direction to get to the train station before the train I planned to take leaves.

Ichika's POV:

I was waiting for Izukkun to come over as I waited in front of the TV while Suzuki-san was busy making dinner. Through the years, I have seen how amazing Izukkun can be despite being quirkless, which was very impressive to me, but it's not like I adore him, he's just like my second older brother who's better than my real brother.

I then heard the doorbell ring, which isn't something that Izukkun would do since he knows that the door is always unlocked around his usual arrival time.

Suzuki-san lowered the heat on the stove as he then teleported to the front door, where I saw the limo driver that is supposed to bring in Izukkun. Curious as to what they were saying, I used one of the potted plants nearby to listen to their conversation.

Hiro: "I see, so young Midoriya won't be coming in for today." which made me quite upset, but I was planning on him to make it up to me tomorrow.

Driver: "That's correct. As well as for the next two weeks he says." which made me feel like I fell into an abyss.

Hiro: "Okay, thank you for delivering the message." the driver nodded and left. I quickly ran upstairs to my room.

Hiro's POV:

As I dismissed the driver who was about to close the door, I heard the young miss running upstairs and quickly slamming her door. I then look at the potted plant near the doorway to notice that some of the stems aren't in their original position.

Hiro: "Oh dear, it seems that the young miss has eavesdropped on our conversation."

The young miss is very shy and doesn't know how to express her emotions properly. On the first day that I went to pick up the young miss from school, I noticed that she was uncomfortable with the other kids running past her, and it was like that every other time afterward when I went to pick her up. She has been so closed off towards other people that she only opens up to us three.

I made my way up to the stairs as I then approached the young miss's room. I slowly knocked on the door as I then called out to her.

Hiro: "Young miss, dinner is almost ready, why don't you come out and eat."

Ichika: "WHAT'S THE POINT!? FIRST IZUKKUN SAYS THAT HE CAN'T COME OVER ON FRIDAYS BECAUSE HE IS HANGING OUT WITH SOMEONE ELSE, ONIICHAN IS COMING HOME LATE AND HE'S NOT EVEN TELLING ME WHY, AND NOW IZUKKUN WON'T COME OVER AT ALL!" she screams through the door. "I hate being left alone. What happens if they leave the same way mom and dad did?" she says as I hear her crying through the door.

Her cries tore me up. I wanted to teleport inside to hug her but it wasn't right to barge in. I had to let her let me in.

Hrio: "Young miss, you know that young Midoriya will come back later, he's just busy. You know how hard he works to prove himself to others that he isn't useless. The same is with the young master, he is working very hard for his dreams." but it seems that those didn't reach her yet. "You know, the young master gives me half of his allowance and tells me to use it for you since he knows he won't be here as much to spoil you. The same with young Midoriya, he made sure to come to visit you nearly every day even when he's busy. This shows how important it is to him that he needs to momentarily stop visiting. They both deeply care for you even when they're not here." I had finished what I had wanted to say.

I heard nothing coming from the room, which terrified me. I was prepared to check through the crack under the door to teleport inside, but I then heard the door starting to get unlocked.

I could see the young miss peeking through with some tears still running down her face.

Ichika: "Do you really think that?" she says while she was still sniffling.

Hiro: "I know so." as I gave a heartwarming smile.

She then opened the door fully as she then ran and hugged my leg tightly.

Hiro: "It's okay, It's okay." I said to her while I was patting her back. "Do you want to go get your favorite treat to cheer up?" I asked. She slowly nodded at me while she was still clutching onto my leg, "Okay, Let's go to the convenience store." she then lets go of my leg and holds out her hand. I held her hand as we then made our way to the convenience store to get her some Dangos.

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