Chapter 109: Waking up

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Izuku's POV:

I was prepared for the shadowy being that stood in front of me. Although it was deemed likely that I would lose, I had to try. Suddenly. The dark being roared as it came at me. I braced for impact, ready to take it as there was no time to get out of the way, but when it made contact with me, it phased through me, putting me in through a veil of darkness.

I had no idea why it put me through a veil of darkness, but I heard the sound of someone getting hit. I quickly turned around to see a younger me getting beat up by a younger Kaa-chan and his friends, realizing that it was the first time that Kaa-chan had hurt me ever since he found out I was quirkless. I had only stood afar, watching the memory play put in front of me, feeling sorrowful that this had to happen between us.

I then heard crying coming from another direction, making me quickly turn around to see that it was when mom hugged me, trying to give me comfort when I was distraught when I was first diagnosed as quirkless. The pain of reliving through these was hurtful, something that I had hoped to get over with by proving them wrong, that I can be a hero without a quirk, but I then heard what sounded like guts getting punctured through, making me slowly turn around, afraid for what was to come.

It appeared to be an older me, decked out with gadgets, weapons, and a hero costume, all destroyed as he had a fist going through his chest by a shadowy figure.

???: "Unbelievable?! They allowed this guy to be a hero? He can't even put a scratch on me and it only took so little effort to beat him. Well, what can I expect? He was proclaimed as the quirkless hero!" He says in a demonic as the older me was slowly sliding off the figure's fist, falling to the ground, landing next to my feet.

I looked down in disbelief at what I was seeing. I saw the lifeless eyes of what was once me, drain away as blood came out from his mouth.

OlderIzuku: "I-I sho-should had lis-listened to them." he spurted out before he had stopped breathing.

I took a few steps back in shock, not wanting to believe that this was my future. Suddenly I began to hear voices in my head, all familiar lines, and voices, telling me that I can't be a hero, telling me that I should just give up. I dropped to my knees as I refused to listen to them.

Izuku: "R-Remember. Th-this is just an illusion. None of it's real!" I told myself in order to keep a cool head, but the voices didn't stop, slowly putting me into tears as the words were echoing through my mind.

I was slowly caving in, ready to give in to the voices, but suddenly, a voice came out that sounded different from the rest. I tried ignoring it, but the voice wasn't something that I could ignore, it had sounded too familiar to me. I slowly tried to focus on that single voice among the others, slowly listening in until I realized why the voice sounded so familiar to me.

Izuku?: "Wake Up!" they yelled to me, in what seemed to be my own voice.

Izuku: "Wake up? It's not like I'm in some kind of-" I whispered to myself until I paused to piece the events together.

Everything so far had seemed to be an illusion, even a different space in itself. There were many opportunities to attack me physically but chose to attack my mental state, or more like they had no choice but to attack my mentality since I can't sustain pain if I'm not in my own body. The possibility of it being a dream made more sense, and if this was only a dream, I can wake up from here. I tried all the tips I had learned from papers that I read before about lucid dreaming in order to wake myself up.

No One's POV:
5 minutes had passed since the first 10 minutes when Akane used her quirk on Izuku. As Hiroto was watching over her, he saw her face look like she was struggling. Her body began to shake, a few drops of sweat started coming down the side of her forehead, her eyes looked strained to keep on focusing.

Akane: "HIROTO!" She calls out as she raises her hand up for him, which surprised him as he then quickly ran over to her and grabbed her hand.

The leader was confused about what was going on; then he saw both Hiroto and Akane disappear in front of him, leaving him alone with the two kids.

Leader: "You sons of-" he calls out to them but he realizes that Izuku was solely waking up, which made him tch.

He had let go of Momo from the effect of his quirk, since he can only use the full effects of his quirk on one person at a time and planned to use it on Izuku since he seemed more dangerous at the moment, and planned to reach out his hand to touch him to reactivate his quirk on him.

Before he was able to touch a single piece of clothing on Izuku, Izuku had fully awakened and saw that the Leader was going straight at him, which made him think it was an attack, and decided to roll over to evade him, making the Leader slam towards the ground.

Izuku quickly got up and was prepared to fight. Izuku was still wearing his glasses and UCS, but his bag was to be found at the wall behind the leader. Using the chance for the leader to get back up, Izuku dashed for his bag to grab any kind of pellets to fight with, but before he could go past the Leader, he stuck his arm out, reaching out for Izuku, which Izuku reacted quickly and slid on his knees to dodge his arm.

Izuku didn't have enough time to go for his bag as both he and the leader had gotten up at the same time, leaving no time for him to go through his bag to find the pellets he needed. He was now in a stand-off against the Leader, who didn't seem too happy.

Leader: "Why did it have to be her?" he says out loud, annoyed, confusing Izuku about what he was talking about, "GUYS! I NEED SOME BACKUP!" He yells out, alerting the others.

Izuku heard footsteps rushing in from the door, making Izuku take a stance as he was preparing to fight his way through.

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