Chapter 125: The New Facility

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Izuku's POV:

Miss Yaoyorozu-sama had led us outside to a car, as we were then driven off within the estate.

Momo: "Where are we going, mother?" Yaoyorozu-san questions with piqued curiosity.

MY: "Call it a present for the both of you." she said with a smile on her face, while both I and Yaoyorozu-san looked at each other in confusion, wondering what it could be.

It had only taken a few minutes before the car had stopped, surprising me as I was reminded how large their estate is despite driving for a few minutes. Miss Yaoyorozu-sama had directed us to the giant metal-looking box in front of us.

Izuku: "Do you know what this place is?" I whisper over to Yaoyorozu-san as we slowly walk behind Miss Yaoyorozu-sama, but she shook her head no as she then whispered over that she wasn't familiar with this place, making me look back in front of us, thinking what this place may be.

We had made it to the front of the entrance, which seemed to be a metal sliding door that requires a handprint and a passcode in order to get in since there was a handprint scanner right next to the door, that was around a few centimeters taller than our height from the ground, with a keypad right below the scanner itself. Miss Yaoyorozu-sama entered in a code as digital text right above the keypad started blinking, "Ready to Scan."

MY: "Why don't you guy's each plant your hand on the scanner so that you can gain access to this yourselves in the future?" she questioned.

Before I had time to think, Yaoyorozu-san was the first one to step forward as she reached for the scanner with her right hand, and waited for a few seconds until the screen displayed, "Scan Complete." Miss Yaoyorozu-sama had entered a different code this time, but it did the same thing as last time. It was now my turn for my handprint to be scanned, so I awkwardly walked over as I placed my hand on the scanner and waited for the process to be done. The screen then said scan complete.

MY: "Perfect!" she said in a delighted tone, "Now you will not need my help to access this place in the future."

Izuku: "But what is this place?" I questioned, which got her to smirk.

MY: "Why don't you open the doors yourself?" she questioned with a devious smile plastered on her face, making both Yaoyorozu-san and I nervous for what may come.

I scanned for us, allowing the door to be opened up, and when we first entered, we were surprised to see what was inside. There were only four rooms, each that were cut off by a glass wall, allowing us to see what every room had. There was a shooting range, a small arena, a room that had a large touch screen board, and what appeared to be an empty room, each with a camera at the top corner of the rooms.

Momo: "What is all this?" she questioned as she slowly took in the full view.

MY: "Your new personal training rooms!" she exclaims as she had walked in from behind us, which gave both of us a shock. She then walked ahead of us to give us a quick tour.

She gave a long explanation for each room, like how the arena-looking room is meant to handle most battle damages and even can self repair itself, meaning we no longer had to hold back while we spar as we were previously too worried about causing any damages to her room. Next was the shooting range; she said how there were drones and robots hidden beneath the floors and ceilings, acting as moving targets and how there were helper drones as well to maintain them, along with a tablet near the entrance of the room that gave her the formula and instructions to create a variety of weapons. The room with the large touch screen board was acting as a teaching room, in case I wanted to incorporate another lesson she may need to learn in her training. And finally, what seemed to be an empty room happened to be a place for when Yaoyorozu-san wanted to create a variety of items or even take a pill, this room was meant to counteract any danger that may happen in the process of using her quirk while training it.

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