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Your eyes fluttered open when you heard your alarm. It was Monday today and you have school. Still drowsy you force yourself to get up and walk to the bathroom. Something about Mondays is a curse. It was always at that day people are to lazy to do anything even it was already a daily thing.

After taking a quick shower you toss on your school uniform and styled your hair before going to breakfast leaving your so comfortable room.

Outside your dad and mom were already there. Dad was drinking his coffee ready for work while mom was serving the breakfast. You sat down and ate your food without much talk. To lazy to open your mouth this early in the morning.

Yesterday nothing happen much after you got home. Other than Cedar gifting you a lovely dead lizard. The rest of the day was nothing fun.

You ate your breakfast peacefully Cedar was also eating. You didn't have the energy to play with him yet so you just let him be. Lucky you huh Cedar.

'Mom the cat food money?' You said suddenly remembered that you need to go back to the pet shop that day. 'Ouh yes' you mom got up and steal you dad's wallet took out some changes and gave it to you. You didn't feel weirded out. To you that was normal. You dad just got use to it at some point. Like your mother said his money was also hers. However that works you thought.

Your mom didn't do that always just at the times when she did it jokingly or didn't have any lose changes you'll never know which.

You then put the money into your purse not wanting to forget it. After that you finished your breakfast and ready to go to prison or school whatever you want to call it.

You gave both of your parents a goodbye kiss on the cheek, bothered Chedar a bit who was full and left the house.

Ouh were you lazy to walk that day. The morning breeze felt so good you feel like sleeping at the sidewalk right now. But that would be a bad idea the neighbours would probably think that you had finally lost it.

You fight the urge to do so even if you really wanted to. 'Let's just get to school and sleep there' you thought suddenly feeling excited to lay your head on the hard wooden table at school. At least you can sleep right?

The walk wasn't long just a 4 minute walk and you're there. Reaching the gates of school. You came early like you always do since coming even just a bit late feels like a crime.

The school looked a bit dark but you could care less. You knew most of the teachers were already inside so there's really nothing to be scared of.

You walk to your classroom climbing up the stairs to floor 1 where your class is located. Your class was in the middle of every other classroom which double the noises when it was recess making it hard for you to get some peace not like school ever has peace anyways.

You walk inside and just like you thought you were the first one there. Didn't thought about it much you walk to your seat which was in the third row out of 5 from the right and the second seat in line. It was near the whiteboard and also near the teacher.

You didn't sit there because you're the smart kid in class, no it was because you were blind. You don't have a perfect vision and you need to see but your eyesight wasn't that bad just a bit blurry is all. Probably because you sometimes you stayed up to late reading novels.

Finally seated you let out a sigh and put your head on the table without a second thought. In your head you just want another 5 minutes of sleep.

You manage to close your eyes slowly drifting to away to dream land. The cold morning air blowing softly outside. You felt calm once again. Sadly it would have felt better if the table was softer rather than being hard like a rock. You would most likely woke up with a neck pain but that didn't matter you just want more sleep and more caffeine.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno Chifuyuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن