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He remembers hearing a soft voice calling for him to hold on.

He tries hard to keep himself awake, but the strength in his eyelids fade and it felt like there was a boulder on top of it.

He wanted to say something to them, but no words escape his mouth and soon it all went black.

He felt like he was falling. Falling into a dark place where not a speck of light could be seen, but darkness slowly turn bright and before he realises it, he had already stop falling.

He laid down on the ground with nothing but the colour white surrounding him. He had his eyes close, couldn't seem to open them. The place was too bright for him, too blinding.

It was also quiet but it felt peaceful. He thought he was alone there, alone in that place when suddenly he heard a voice greeting him.

"Yow Chifuyu!" The voice said to him.

Hearing that his name being called, Chifuyu force himself to finally open his eyes to look at the person. After a little fight with his eyelids, Chifuyu finally saw who was calling for him.

A guy with long black hair sat in front of him and was smiling from ear to ear.

"Baji-san" he said the name, a mixture of disbelief and shock.

"How have you been doing man" he ask.

"Gr-great I guess? But what are you doing here? Aren't you..." Chifuyu replied, still confuse why Baji was in front of him.

Baji stare at him for a second before saying anything else "Well yeah I am" he answered Chifuyu's question that he didn't even finish saying.

"But how are you-"

"A dream, you're dreaming"

"A dream?"


"I'm in my dream right now?" He ask, wanting confirmation.


Chifuyu look around the area and of them were covered in bright white. It was blinding but it didn't hurt his eyes like a normal light would. It felt calming being there. He kinda like it.

"But why are you here??" Chifuyu ask again.

"What? Can't visit a friend now?" He laughs

"Not what meant but..."

"It's Christmas you dumbass. I come to celebrate and maybe give you a present"

"It's already Christmas???" Chifuyu replied shock by what he said.

He didn't quite remember when was the last time he was conscious, but he did remember laying on a cold ground. Maybe falling for so long finally made him lose his memories, or maybe he was just trying to forget.

"Merry Christmas man" Baji said and gave him another bright smile.

"Ye-yeah Merry Christmas..." he replied back but somehow it felt weird.

It wasn't weird that he was saying 'Merry Christmas' to his friend, rather than that, he felt like he was missing something else. Something important but that stupid brain of his keeps failing to remember what he forgotten.

"I have Yakisoba here, wanna eat it?" Baji ask, as he suddenly took out yakisoba from who knows where. It was cool that it came out of mid-air but also kinda creepy.

"Who the heck eats Yakisoba during Christmas?" Chifuyu joke.

"I do, now you what to share it or not"

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