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Well all you know right then is how tired you are. You've been running for minutes. Kazushi and Jess both were running in front of you slowly leaving you behind. You didn't even bother to catch up to them your legs were killing you.

The gang was already out of sight but Kazushi encouraged us to keep running since there would be a possibility that they were just trying to slow us down and catch up later. You and Jess only followed what he said to tired,to lazy to think of anything. You just want to feel safe again.

'Where are we going anyway?' Jess ask between breathes. You could tell they were getting awfully tired too. 'To Musashi Shrine' he replied not saying anything more.

'Shrine? Why there?' You ask raising your voice a bit since he was ahead of you. 'Yeah why a shrine?' Jess ask again clearly more confuse. 'You'll see' is all he said.

'What are we going to do pray to whatever maiden is there to help or something' Jess said they were slowly losing their patience. Jess wasn't the type to just let their anger out unless they were tired and well confuse.

'What? No! My friends could help us' Kazushi said.
'What you're friends with the shrine maidens now you don't look holy' Jess said back. You almost burst out laughing at her response but you were to tired to even laugh right now.

Kazushi only ignore them and continue to lead the way. You exchange looks with Jess. Them trying to figure out why he was going to the open shrine. Being indoor is much more safer than hiding out in the wild.

The three of you run for another few minutes and finally after felt like you forever you finally reach the shrine that Kazushi was talking about. You felt relief but that didn't even last long. To get to the shrine you had to climb a flight of stairs.

'WHAT IS THIS STAIRCASE TO HEAVEN???' Jess scream. They were also to tired to even walk and now stairs. Yeah no.

'You gotta be joking with me' you mumble in between breathes. 'Quit complaining and start climbing will you!' Kazushi was already climbing the stairs screaming at us to do the same. Still panting you got no choice but to do so.

The both of you grunted sounding like ancient people climbing up those stairs. You even started to sound like an angry bull trying to catch your breathe. The oxygen that was all around you felt like it wasn't there at all.

'A...are...we there yet?' You ask clearly struggling to speak. 'Al..most' Jess replied having the same situation as you. Both were dying to the lack of oxygen.

Kazushi was nowhere to been seen obviously the boy had reach the shrine. 'Man...can't he he...lp us...a...bit' Jess mumble under their breath. You didn't have the energy to reply and just gave here an exhausted chuckled. Thank goodness you leg didn't give up half way or else you would tumble down the stairs looking like Cedar, a whole bowling ball.

Jess and you both immediate sat at the top of the stairs once you finish climbing it not being able to walk anymore. 'I CAN'T TAKE THIS!' They scream and lay down on the concrete ground. You waste no time and do the same. You couldn't care less about your hair getting dirty you wanted to rest your whole body. 'Tomorrow's going to ache like crazy' you said. Jess didn't say anything back but you could see they were nodding agreeing to you.

'Oii!! If you lay there you're going to get your hair dirty' you could hear Kazushi scream. 'OUH SHUT UP YOU' Jess replied you could tell they were a bit angry probably because their game got interrupted. 'Get up and come here already' he said again. 'OUH SHUT U-' Jess said while getting up. They turned around and before they could finish the sentence Jess froze. They look shocked about something. 'Jess?' You called out her name looking at them who was suddenly mute. They didn't give you any response back. You could see that their eyes were travelling everywhere scanning the whole place.

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