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It was awkward.

For the 1000 time,

awkwardness takes the role once again.

It was killing both you and him.

You two had finish touring the aquarium. There wasn't much attraction in there anymore after the jellyfishes.

You did saw seahorses. They were so little in real life. You had thought they were a bit bigger, unfortunately not. It would be cool if they were actually bigger. Those barbies movies and cartoons were all lies.

Chifuyu hasn't said a word after the picture accident, neither did you. Suddenly it was hard to even talk.

The two of you walked to the souvenir shop that was playing the role of the aquarium exit. That was the place where you have to take those pictures too.

You were fighting with yourself whether you really want those pictures or not. If you did bought it, you probably wouldn't even have the courage, or mental state to actually look at it. You would be to embarrass.

How about Chifuyu? Did he want it? You quietly wish he did. He was the one who pulled you closer and made that picture happen right?

What are you even saying. YOU'RE the one you agreed to the cameraman when he had ask if we wanted a picture. You couldn't possibly blame the cameraman for thinking that Chifuyu was your boyfriend right? RIGHT????

"Dang I can't even talk to him now" you sigh quietly, didn't want him hearing.

After reaching the exit Chifuyu's attention immediately went to the souvenir there. This guy was just like a kid. He could be distracted by anything so quickly. It would be even more worse if that thing that had caught his attention has something to do with animals.

Well you guess today might be his lucky day. The shop was filled with all types of sea animal souvenirs. He would have thought about buying the whole shop.

"I want to buy all" he mumbled.

Expected of the guy.

"Don't be ridiculous".

Chifuyu then went to look at the the stuff toys and keychains. He looks amaze by everything. You couldn't blame him. Everything there was so well made even you were shock. The detail was scary. You wonder how long did the creator of these gifts took to made it. However long it was, it sure is worth it.

While Chifuyu was busy looking at other stuffs, you saw the chance to look at the pictures of the both of you alone. You quickly ran to the booth that was just beside the counter.

"Hi, can I see my picture please" you ask the worker there.

"Of course!" she replied happily and immediately started searching for your pics. It took her some time to find them, since at first she thought she was looking for a picture of someone standing alone, not a couple.

"Here you go!" she said and showed all the four pictures.

You were hesitant to look, but did it eventually. You swallowed your nerve back in and press the first picture that was taken.

It wasn't that bad. It was the picture of you hugging his arm.

"Cute" you thought.

You were smiling happily while Chifuyu could be seen as a nervous wreck. He was as stiff as a real statue. You didn't notice earlier since you were busy teasing the guy but looking at it now was really funny.

You then swipe to the next picture. It was the picture of you and him looking at each other.

He looked down to you with a serious face. He must have been really awkward about it.

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