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Chifuyu didn't know why he was going there.

Like what was his purpose? What did he want? Why was he here again?

Chifuyu took out the picture that has been sitting inside of his pockets. He stare at it, didn't realise how soft he looking at the person in the picture.

"Honestly..." he sigh.

He looks up to the road ahead and puts back the picture in his pockets.

He almost reached the place he wanted to go, but then he stop after seeing the families house.

"Maybe they are already asleep" he mumbled. Chifuyu then took out his phone to look at the time.


He looks away from his phone and continued to walk further, and soon he was standing in front of your house.

He notice that your room was dark.

"Maybe they are sleeping...there is school tomorrow"

Chifuyu was about to turn around when he saw the lights from your room flickered open. He stop himself and stood there looking up at the window.

He could see your shadow moving here and there and then he saw you jump on your bed.

A silent laugh escape his mouth.

He wanted to talk to you but it was already late at night, and your parents must already be asleep at some point.

He thought of throwing little rocks but swept that idea away when realise he had little cuts and bruises on his face because that loser back then hit him with that stupid stick.

Chifuyu then took out his phone and started typing instead.

"Hey" he had type and press sent.

Not even a minute had pass and he received a reply.


Chifuyu tried to control his laugh after seeing your energetic reply.

"What are you doing?" He ask and sent the message.

"Laying down on bed :)"

"You're not sleeping yet?"

"Just finish watching a movie" you replied back


"What are you doing?" You ask, curious.

Chifuyu didn't reply immediately but though about an answer for a second.

"Reading a manga" he said.

"What manga?"

"Action ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ"

"Sure not romance?" You ask jokingly.

Chifuyu pause at the question remembering how he was seeking date advice through his favourite romance manga just an hour ago.

"No -_-|||" he replied.

There's no way you would know right??

"I'm joking (︶︹︶)"

"I'm not mad" he immediately replied after seeing that you sent a sad emoticon.

"I'm not mad Chifuyu ^^"

Reading that he felt relief. He didn't want you to be sad in the middle of the night just because of him.

He put aside his phone for a moment and look up back at your bedroom window.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now