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'Yooooo' Jess greeted you. 'Can you at least tell me you were on your way' you said walking outside. Jess then reply with a simple laugh. 'Where are we going?' Still not knowing where your friend is taking you. 'The mall' they said while checking their phone. 'Your mom asked you to buy something I'm guessing' you said looking how your friend was reading a list full of things.

Jess reply with a little nod and started counting how many things they had to bought. 'I swear my mom is opening a whole restaurant or daycare center WHAT IS THIS LIST' they then keep scrolling down and down the list seems to never has an end.

'You throwing a party of something there buddy?Looking at the list you could probably feed a whole zoo' you said peeking through Jess's shoulder looking at the list of things. 'Ouh shut it you'. You chuckle a bit looking at them who was still trying to process the amount of things on the list.

'Is Cedar ok?' Jess ask suddenly. 'Just the usual eat sleep and so on' you explain while walking through a crowd of people speeding up your pace 'Still lazy as ever' Jess said trying to catch up to you. You only reply with a simple shoulder movement nothing much to say.

Then the both of you walk on the pavement side by side chatting to each other. Many gossips came spilling out of Jess's mouth. You being the loyal listener you are just stood there listening to your friends stories. They seem endless. Sometimes you wonder where they got all of these stories from.

'Honestly Jess where do you get all of these gossips from' you finally said interrupting the talk. 'I have my sources'.

'Well it's scary you probably could even get news from the underworld or something'. Jess looks at you eyes shining. You look back at her confuse with the reaction given. 'What?' you ask. 'Do you want to?' Jess said phone in hand ready to search for it. 'What..NOO' you scream a bit to their ear.

'Awwww' disappointed Jess. You shook your head like a mother after their child make some kind of random excuse to get away with candy. 'What did I ever do to get a friend like this' you thought quietly.

Not long then you both arrived at the mall. The cold air made by the air conditioner hit your face. The cold feeling travelling through your whole body cooling every single part of it.b'The cool is so satisfying' you said. 'You can say that again' said Jess who was standing directly under an air conditioner feeling all those coldness alone.

'Hey no fair' you said pushing them away a bit so you could stand under it too. 'Life isn't fair sweetheart'. 'Ouch who hurt you ma'am' you said nudging them a bit.

After some time cooling yourself you and Jess finally started moving to your real destination. First stop the groceries to buy some food for the family and it was A LOT. Not going to exaggerate or anything but we almost need to use two trollies. People were looking at us probably questioning if we were trying to cause some trouble or something. Well good thing ladies and gentlemen I have anxiety. The last thing I want to do is attract attention so no.

Next it was the bookstore. Easy place. Jess said they needed more notebooks since the old ones got stolen and became a monstrous colouring book for their siblings.

'Yo did you finish your homework' Jess ask eyes focus looking at all the notebook the store has to offer. 'Yeah, you?'. Jess then only replied with a smile. Knowing your friend they probably haven't even touch it. 'Lazy just like Cedar' you said. 'Hey no need to compare me to him' Jess a little bit offended. 'Awww at least your cute' you said pinching their cheek. Jess made a little pout then continue on their search for the 'PERFECT' notebook whatever that means.

You then started to wonder around the bookstore. It was huge and there were so many novels. You being a bookworm felt like you didn't want to leave. Sadly you have to eventually. At least after Jess finish picking up those notebooks if they can actually choose one.

You wonder for so long you ended up reaching the back of the bookstore. There was a window there. A very big one too. You could see the other shops outside. People walking carrying their stuff. You even saw someone with a unique fashion taste. You wonder where do people like that get so much confidence. You admire that part of them since being confident isn't easy.

Then a certain shop caught your eyes. The walls were painted in a scarlet colour. A really wise choice to capture people's attention. It managed to catch yours. It was not clothing shop it was just and ordinary pet shop apparently. The walls were painted in such striking colour probably bringing the purpose to let people know that there's a pet shop in the mall since it's not very common for pet shops to be put in a mall.

You then remember the blonde employee from yesterday. 'Ahhhh he's coming back' you try to shake him out of your head not wanting to remember him. You diverted your focus back to the bookstore wanting to forget the boy hoping the books would let your mind stray away from that thought of yours.

Not long then you heard your friend calling out your name. You turn around and saw Jess walking to you with some notebooks in hand. 'Finish?' you ask. 'Yupp I got all of them here' Jess then showed you all the notebooks they had chosen. There were 7 in total not sure what they were going to do with that much but you didn't bother questioning it. The both of you then walk to the counter wanting to check the items out.

You decided to wait outside for Jess to finish paying the books. You rested your chin at the corridor's balcony looking at the people walking at the lower  ground. You always like to observe people didn't matter if they did nothing special or not it's just what you do.

Looking down to the people walking you suddenly saw a group of people coming in. A group of boys to be precise. Talking and laughing with each other what a lively group you thought. You then saw a tall guy with half of his head was shaved and showed a dragon tattoo. That caught your interest. It was cool you thought looking at the guys head like a creepy person just staring and admiring it.

Feeling like the guy knew he was being watch he then turn to your direction. You who then realise that you were staring for to long immediately turn away pretending to not saw him. After he failed to see anything he went back talking to his friends like nothing happen. You let out a sigh of relief. 'Stupid' you said to yourself.

Just as you were about to turn back around your eyes caught a glimpse of a certain blonde boy talking with well another blonde boy who hair was styled upwards while the other having it down with an undercut. You felt like you've seen the boy before. Wanted to make sure you decided to change your position and went to the other side of the corridors balcony wanting to see boy's face clearer.

You squinted your eyes to visualise the boy's face better and you were not mistaken. 'It's him' you said as your heart beat suddenly increasing feeling like you just ran a whole marathon. You put your right hand at your chest feeling your heart. 'Why are you beating so fast calm calmmmm' you said to yourself taking deep breaths.

To busy trying to calm yourself down you were surprise by Jess who just came out of the bookstore bringing two plastic bags in hand. 'Are you ok?' They ask looking at you who look a little flustered about something. 'Yeah I'm fine just shock you know' you reply trying to hide the real reason. 'Huh didn't know I scared you that hard'. You then only reply with an awkward chuckle.

'C'mon I promised I'll treat you your favourite dessert didn't I' Jess said still looking at you with curious and unsure eyes. 'Yeah lets go' you said and started walking ahead pretending to be impatient and excited. Jess only followed you from behind busy making sure all of the things they bought were there.

You who was walking a little bit further than here let out a big sigh of relief. You didn't feel like telling Jess about the guy at leat not yet. One day you might depending on what the future has to hold that is.

Maybe just maybe with a bit of luck you would become close to him. Who knows.

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