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NOTES : Before you continue this chapter,I just wanted to say that I'll be using the gang Tenjiku from the manga BUT this does not follow the plot and storyline in the manga at all. Ok that's all. Enjoy reading!!!

"Man do we need to leave this early in the cold?" Chifuyu question as he's drives his bike with Takemitchi, who was wearing a ton of jackets, trying to warm himself.

"Ho-honestly" he mumbled from behind him.

They were in their way to the warehouse, just like it was planned. The others, Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya basically all of the others were in front of him.

All of them had the same expression. They were determined to win, to keep their so call winning streak the slogan or whatever 'Toman never loses'. Which was true. The gang had never lost a fight. Not even once.

All of them were strong but Mikey and Draken were on another level. Kinda makes him jealous if he thinks about it but he's satisfied with the way he is now.

"Is it still a long wa-way?" Takemitchi ask, still shuttering because of the cold.

"Just a few more turns"

"Ok ok"

The ride didn't take long and just like Chifuyu said, with a few more turns all of them finally arrive.Though it was a good feeling that you all were there.

The area is quiet. Way to quiet. Looks like a ghost could pop out anywhere at anytime. Thinking about it gives Chifuyu the chills and it wasn't because of the cold.

The warehouse is standing in front of him. For a so calle abandoned warehouse it looks clean. The only thing that makes it look abandoned is the vines that bushes growing and sticking on the walls. Well the roof also has missing parts but if you look at it, it wasn't that bad.

Honestly someone could actually sleep here if there was an apocalypse or something but then again no one is safe in the apocalypse. To put it easy, a nice place to rest or something.

"We're here" Takemitchi mumbles as he stood beside Chifuyu. Now he's trying to remove all of the layers of coats he has on.

"Nervous?" Chifuyu ask

"Who isn't"

Chifuyu return him a little chuckle. It's true, who wouldn't be nervous. In that warehouse, though it looks peaceful now, in just moments two gangs would clash with each other.

The fight would be mainly with hands but if you're desperate enough, who knows what might they pull. A stick? Brick? Knifes? Anything that they could reach just to defeat each other. Even guns were possible in this situation.

Chifuyu had no idea since when gang fights were that brutal. This wasn't the mafia or whatever. Where do they even get a gun is the question. Did they steal it? Possibly. Besides, not all gangs were nice. At least not one of them were like Toman.

They don't do violence to the public. They only do what they think is right. To protect was the reason for most it. To get back, to show power was the half but it wasn't frequent.

"You think Mikey would be ok?" Takemitchi ask, while his eyes were glued to a certain long hair figure that was standing in front of everyone.

From his back, you tell he was in charge. He is the leader. The strongest...but somehow it also shows someone that was carrying a burden.

"Just...worry about yourself first" He replied as he puts one hand on Takemitchi's shoulder.

The boh of them then continue to stare at the building with nothing in mind. Just a blank stare, wondering what would happen next.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now