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The weather today was windy. It gave out a cool little breeze. A weather I wish we could get everyday. You could still see the sun while walking the streets. It wasn't completely dark wasn't completely bright. Just right.

People were busy walking here and there some going to work some went shopping some are hanging out with their friends.

"Friends huh..must be fun" I sigh as I keep walking heading to the pet store to buy my cat some food. That lazy cat of mine only knows how to eat and sleep. He could finish a whole pack less than a month. How big is his stomach anyways. Jeez can't it do some kind of backflip or something. He looks like a whole ball. I shook my head remembering that lazy furball back home who's possibly sleeping.

I keep on walking. Eyes on the road while observing the people around me. I was alone. Well to be more precise I have friends I'm just not the type to always be with them. Don't get me wrong I love them but I just prefer being alone.

After a while of walking I finally reach the pet shop. I stare at the shop for a few seconds and enter it a moment later.

"Welcome!" I heard the worker scream. I nodded in response and proceed to search for my Cat's favourite food. I went to the usually corner where the food is always at only to find nothing.

"Excuse me is brand A cat food out of stock?" I asked the worker nearby.

"Ouh yes we are out of stock for this week" she said.

"Even the little packet ones?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes even those but new stocks would be coming in on Monday" she explain.

"I see well thank you..I'll comeback on Monday then" I give the worker a little wave and walk out of the shop.

As I was outside I look up to the sky. Black clouds were forming telling me it was going to rain. 'You have got to be joking with me not noww' I whine. I still need to find some cat food before going home. I can't let that thing starve she's going to whine all day at this point ughhh. I quickly took out my phone and search for the nearest pet shop there is. Fortunately there was one right around the corner. Without thinking much I started running afraid the rain would pour down any second now.

I run and reach a corner just as I turn to the right I immediately saw the pet shop. 'Nice' I thought and increase my pace a bit. Suddenly I felt a drop of water on my face not long the rain started pouring. 'Dammit I was close' I put up my pace a little bit more. Afraid of getting even more soaked. As I was getting closer and quickly enter the store.

I stand infront of the door trying to catch my breath for a while. Not having and athletic body sure didn't help. 'Can't you cry a little bit later jeez' I mumble while checking parts of my clothes that got soaked.

'Welcome'. You heard someone say. You looked up and found yourself looking straight to a pair of beautiful emerald eyes. It was the shops worker. You nod in response. Awkward since it was your first time here. His blonde undercut hair was tied up making sure his bangs wouldn't interfere with his work. 'Cute' you thought to yourself.

'Is there anything you're looking for?' He asked. 'Yes I was wondering if you have any Brand A  cat food?' You replied. Hoping there is some you look at him and saw his name tag. 'Matsuno' it said. 'Yes we have some but only in the smaller packing is that ok with you?' He said. 'Yeah it's fine' I replied relieve that there were some. 'It's right here' he said walking out from behind the counter. He lead the way the while you follow from behind.

'Here it is' he said as he showed me. 'What kind of cat?' He asked. 'A Persian please' I replied. Picky cat can't even eat normal cat food without his hair falling everywhere. The things I do for him and what do I get? A hairball.

He then handed me a pack of cat food. 'You can look around if you like seems like the rain is not going to stop any soon.' He said and walk back to the counter.

Ahh yes it was raining. 'Thanks' you said and you walk around looking at the what the shop has to offer.

The shop wasn't actually that big but it was enough to supply the needs. You could find some toys but mostly just food. A perfect place for a quick stop to buy something for your pets.

You stopped and look outside checking if the rain is starting to calm down. Sky still dark and it looks like it won't stop any soon. You let out a quiet sigh. Regretting not bringing extra money to buy an umbrella.

You look behind and saw Matsuno working on something from behind the counter. 'So focus' you thought. Realising you were looking at him he look up. Eyes meeting yours. 'Is there anything else?' He ask. 'Huh?? Out no no..sorry' you said panicking a little bit. 'Still pouring huh' he said trying to start a conversation. You nodded it response 'Yeah'. 'Must suck having to stay at a boring place like this' he said continue on working. You didn't say anything. Not sure how to response. 'Uhhhhhh'. Hearing you struggling to respond he let out a little chuckle. 'It's fine. It is a little boring here you know' he said. 'Yeah' you replied still feeling bad to reply. 'But it's enough for now. The shop is going to move somewhere else in a few months. To a bigger place where we could take in pets to take care of while their owner is away' he explain. You continue on listening. You didn't actually know how to response. Striking a conversation with a stranger wasn't actually a strong trait of yours.

'Are you in high school?' He ask. 'Yeah I'm in my first year' you said. 'Ah I'm older. I'm in my second' he said with a little proud smile. 'You should call me senior from now on!'. Shock by what he said your eyes grew a bit wide. You didn't even know the dude that much suddenly asking you to call him senior? somehow unbelievable. Seeing your awkward reaction he let out a loud laugh. You didn't look but stared at his reaction. Him laughing so loud at a customer seriously is he ok? But at that moment you didn't careless your mind went blank. Looking at him laughing, smiling made you that way.

His smile was 'beautiful' you said a little loud.

He stop laughing but still holding back his little giggles. You realise you said it out loud and immediately clasp your hands to you mouth. You only shook your head saying it was nothing. His left eyebrow went up a bit a little showing that he's confuse. 'Ah anyways I was joking about that. Your reaction was priceless' he said still smiling.

You feel your face turn a bit red. You didn't know what to do in this type of situation. 'Don't be so flustered you're turning into a tomato' he said looking at you giggling.

'Such sweet smile' you thought. Shaking your head again to avoid yourself from daydreaming and letting your thoughts out in public. 'Well who's fault was it' you said turning your back towards  him. He was a little taken aback by your reaction thinking he had made you mad.

You weren't mad not even a little bit. You were just trying to hide your reddening face. 'Stop that. Stop getting red dammit' you scold yourself. But still you couldn't. Remembering how beautiful his smile was did not help you AT ALL.

'Hey I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm sorry' you heard him say. You turn back facing him again. His face looks a bit sad. Great now you feel bad. 'No don't feel bad I wasn't mad. I was just ummmm trying to hide my face' you said. Your voice getting lower and lower as you said the last sentence. His face immediately light up again. 'Really?'. You just nodded in response. Your voice stuck.

Suddenly you saw his eyes move looking behind you. You turn to look outside. Looks like the rain stop. 'Ahhh it stopped' he said. You turn look back at him and started walking bringing the cat food you've been holding for so long. 'I need to go back now my cat is probably dying' you said a bit rushing. 'Literally?' He ask a bit concern. You could see his face turn a bit serious. Now it's your turn to laugh looking at his reaction. 'Of course not dummy' you said letting out a little giggle.

He looks at you laughing. He seems to be frozen for awhile. You look at him who stopped doing his work. 'What's wrong?' You ask. Realising what he was doing he quickly snap back to reality. 'Huh? Out nothing. Here you go' he said handing back the cat food after you payed. 'Thanks' you take the cat food and quickly walk away. 'COME AGAIN' he scream.

You turn you head back and smile at him. 'Bye' and walk away.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now