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"So....you want to watch horror??"

"You don't like it?" He ask, ready with his bowl of popcorn.

"I mean I can if you're here..."

"Then lets do this"

Chifuyu was all ready with a popcorn in hand, his face turns serious as he was ready to fight someone. He would probably fight the tv instead.

"Ok..." you replied and press the play button.

You scoot over to him quickly since the moment you press play, an eerie music started playing. Haha no.

The lights were all off in the living room. You didn't want to do it or at least keep on one light open but Chifuyu didn't let you. He said to give the 'spooky' feeling.

Ouh it was spooky alright. Since when did Christmas turn into Halloween?? You don't remember the holidays being switch.

The movie was about...to be honest you have no clue. Chifuyu was the one who picked it up, but the scene started with a couple, a married couple to be exact, driving in a car in a very creepy, suspicious, no lights road.

Seriously why would anyone drive through a place like that?? Are they not scared? If its you, you would have made a quick turn without a second thought.

Back to the movie...the couple was driving happily? No quietly and not talking????? Yes. Only the sound of music coming from the radio filled the quiet air they were at.

It was all good at first nothing much, you know the normal., but that 'normal' disappeared when the radio suddenly got busted.

Ouh look the first sign of something paranormal going to happen YEAY!...

You, who knew something was about to happen, quickly hugs Chifuyu's arm. Chifuyu didn't seem to mind you sitting too close to him. He was so focus watching, you kinda want hit him by surprise, but that probably wasn't a good idea since he was holding the popcorn.

If you did, the next thing you knew, you'll have bits of popcorn as a face.

"Somethings coming...." You whispered , as you tighten the hug.

The movie then went on with the car breaking down. Just great! The husband, probably, went out of the car to check it out. Which was an incredible idea.

"I know your car broke down but are not scared?!?!?!" You tried not to scream at the screen, at the same time you tried to not bother Chifuyu that much.

Then the scene started to shift it's pov to the wife. She was watching her husband from inside the car. His man was opening the hood to find what was wrong.

You felt a bad feeling at that moment and decided to hide your face at Chifuyu's shoulder. Again, and surprisingly this man didn't even react. His focus was somehow on another level now.

"Please don't show anything please don't show anything please please pleaseeee" you pleaded to, basically no one at all.

In the movie, the wife watch as her husband opened the hood and yeay, he couldn't seem to find anything wrong. Jolly!

The husband then close the hood and you expected something to stand behind him or beside him, but there was nothing...not a good sign.

The husband then started to get confuse on why their car broke down. The wife that was in the car was probably starting to get scared since her eyes didn't seem to leave her husband.

The wife watch as her husband walks back to the drivers seat. Before her husband opened the door the wife was greeted with the most beautiful thing ever. A half face man, smiling at her.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now