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Well you were NOT expecting that.

"Stay with...me...." He said as he voice got smaller and smaller. His head now was also looking down to the ground.

You didn't know what to say nor do. You were surprise by his sudden scream. He was even holding your hand or to be more precise your wrist.

"Urmm...Chifuyu?" You called him in a soft voice worried that he might going through something.

"Sorry" he said to you. His head was down not wanting to look at you "you can go now".

Is what he said. He just asked you to stay and now you can leave? You would be heartless if you leave the poor boy alone. "Nah I'll stay for a few minutes more"

Hearing you said that Chifuyu finally looks at you. He was wearing a little smile but you could in his eyes that he was desperate to get away from something.

"Thanks" he said.

You replied with hum. You wanted to give him a pat on the back or head or something to make him feel better but you're worried he wouldn't like that, so you decided not to.

Still you wanted to comfort him in some way. He didn't look good and you didn't like that. Where was the smiley and cute like puppy Chifuyu? It wasn't like him at all.

You think hard about what to do to make him feel better but then realise the both of you look like idiots standing there and not talking. Beside Chifuyu looks like he needs some rest.

"Let's sit down first" you said and walk closer to the water fountain so you could sit the edge. There are benches nearby but it was dark all around. It looks like a panther could jump out of the bush at any time.  Yeah that wasn't calming.

You rest yourself and the edge and pat the sit next to you asking Chifuyu to sit there. He looks at you for a while and walk slowly to your direction. Soon he too was resting himself there.

You look at him who felt relief about something after sitting. He took a deep breathe and let it out all at once. His eyes were shut close probably still trying to calm himself down.

You didn't bother to say anything so he could have some space to make himself better. You sat there waiting for him patiently. Rushing it would be awful. He should take his time.

While waiting you decided to admire the night sky and the cold breeze. That night felt so great to you. The sky didn't actually have that many stars like those in movies but still, you could see shining beautiful dots painted to the sky.

The water that was flowing gently behind you too made you felt like this it was a dream that you wanted to feel in real life all a long. This feeling of calmness and worry free. You hope times like this would just stop.

"Sorry for surprising you just now" you heard Chifuyu say.

You stop looking at the night sky and quickly gave your attention to him. "It's nothing big really" you replied.

He didn't say anything afterwards and you being the person you are also sat there in silence.

"I really need lessons on how to start a conversation" you said in your mind.

You continue to look around, searching for something to talk about or make a fool out of yourself again. Unfortunately, your luck ran out. There was nothing to talk about at the park.

There were benches, light poles, trees, the dark road and of course the fountain. You had already talk about the fountain, should you talk about how tall the trees are right now? Obviously not.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now