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The week past quickly. Nothing happen much in your life. Chifuyu? Well the boy has ran off somewhere else. You don't where he was. You didn't even see him at the pet shop only little, only his shadows from the corner of eye. 

He looks like he's busy doing something and you wanted to what but it was none of your business and he would probably not tell you anyways.

Your life was dull for the rest of the week there was nothing. Last time you were with him you didn't even ask for his phone number. Just great.

You lay there on your bed tossing and turning yourself everywhere but your eyes just won't seem to close and there's school tomorrow.

'ARGHHH' you scream while throwing the blanket away having enough of it. You sat on your bed staring at the wall in front of you. The room was pitch black, you could see anything except door the only way out well minus the window in your room.

To lazy to turn on the lights, you then decided to open the window near your bed letting the street lights to light up your room. After feeling the cold midnight breeze you just sat and lay your head near the window hoping that the cold feeling will eventually put you to sleep.

It felt great and you were slowly drifting away to dreamland when you suddenly heard noises of people talking. You immediately open your eyes and hide yourself not wanting people to see you there sleeping. Showing your sleeping face to strangers was not a great idea.

The voices sounded distant from where you are but that's normal since you were upstairs but you could hear them clearly.

'That was rough' a voice said pretty sure it was a man. 'They sure beat you up buddy' another voice said. 'You really couldn't stop sacrificing yourself huh Takemitchy' the last voice said.

'Wait...Takemitchy?' you swear you heard the name somewhere not so long ago. The little things in your head started to work and go through all your memory files trying to remember who it was.

'him??' you said after remembering where you heard it. 'Does that mean...' you thought of Chifuyu. You couldn't recognise his voice since you could only hear just bits of their voices. You wanted to know but not wanting to risk it but you did anyways. Yolo you know.

You slowly took a peak at the corner of your window looking at them like Cedar looking at his food that was up the drawer.

You didn't see them clearly but it was them alright. The guy who offered you help last Monday, the dragon head boy and him. Chifuyu was there. You didn't know if you see it right but all of them especially the guy name Takemitchy was covered with bruises.

'A fight?' you thought 'in midnight?'. Questions began to storm in your head. 'Where did he go?' 'What happen?' 'Who did he fought with? 'Is he ok' and so on. The question keeps going and going it seem endless.

You wanted to stop but decided to take one last look at them before they were gone. You thought they were already far away since you couldn't hear them talking anymore well you thought wrong of course. They stopped in front of your house. In all of the place of course it's near your window.

'Huh why are they standing there' you ask yourself. You didn't realise Chifuyu was staring up at your open window seeing a head moving here and there.

'OI!' he scream. You thought he was calling his friends ouh boy did you thought wrong. Again.

'The hell are you staring at this house for?' you heard possibly the dragon head boy. You didn't want to take another look thinking they would notice you there sooner or later especially if they were near your house.

'Oiiiii the person up there show yourself!' He scream again. 'Wait...up there?...ME?!?!' you finally realise he was calling for you. 'Come out I see you'.

'Ouh great with this face?? GREAT' you thought to yourself. Hair was a whole bird nest. Face was clearly tired from the lack of sleep. 'Oiiiiiii' he called out to you again.

You hesitate REALLY hesitate but ended revealing yourself little by little. Once you came to his whole view he smiled and gave you a wave. You wave back of course but at the same time thinking if this guy was ok. Now you could see a clear view of all three of them and they sure was mess up.

He had bruises everywhere and he could still smile. Even the Takemitchy guy manage to smile and he was way worse than Chifuyu. You thought if they were ok or something had hit their head. Smiling like they were ok unless the were use to this.

'Who's this?' the dragon head guy asked. 'A friend' is all he said. 'Well hello the name's Draken' he introduce himself while giving you a simple wave. You gave him a little bow 'nice to meet you'. 'You too' is all he said back.

'I'm Takemichi!' the other guy said. 'Yes hello I remember you' you replied smiling at him. 'Hehe nice to see you again!'.

Chifuyu looked between the both of you 'you two know each other?' He ask. 'Huh? Ouh just a while ago we accidentally bumped into each other' Takemichi explain. Chifuyu just nodded saying that he understands. He then turn his focus back up to you.

'Why are you still awake?' He ask. 'I don't know. Why are YOU still outside?' you ask back. The three of them didn't say anything but just glance at each other probably thinking of a dumb excuse. You only sigh at the sight of the three injured boys in front of you.

'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to it's fine' you said. 'Sorry' is all Chifuyu said back with an apologetic face. Still staring at the three of them having untreated wounds you remembered you have a first aid kit somewhere in your room. 'Could you guys wait for a second?'. They only gave you a look of confuse and watch you disappear into your room.

Not even a few minutes pass you return with a box of first aid kit with you. 'Catch!' you scream at them in a little voice. Chifuyu who was the closest quickly tried to catch the flying first aid kid and luckily he succeed. 'I would help you guys treat the wounds but I'm scared my parents are going to hear the door open sorry!'.

'No! It's fine thank you!' Chifuyu said to you. 'Looks like you're going to get treated quickly today Takemitchy' Draken said to him patting the poor guy's back. 'Please stop my ribs are going to burst' he replied while hugging himself.

'You guys better go home quick! You don't want to get caught by the patrollers right!' you warned them. Patrollers would usually walk around the house areas to make sure everything is safe and seeing three teenagers out in the middle of the night seem a bit to suspicious.

'Yeah! Thanks again!' Draken scream to you and continue to walk dragging Takemitchi with him who's probably dying at some point. Chifuyu look at you one last time 'goodnight' and ran off to his friends.

'Yeah goodnight...'

After they were gone you close your bedroom windows and lay back on your bed suddenly feeling like you could sleep. You let out a deep breath and immediately fall asleep. That night you had a great dream. A beautiful dream and he was in there. That night was truly a good night.

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