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"Stop here. I can't let my parents see" you said tapping his shoulder while pointing at a playground near your house. Chifuyu didn't question you but did as he told.

He slowed down his bike and park at the side of the playground carefully so that his precious so call love wouldn't have a scratch.

You got down and took the helmet off, giving it back to him. "Why can't your parents see?" He finally ask. You shake your head a bit to make your hair a bit puffy again. You didn't want to look like flat mushroom or seaweed. Well at least not in front of him. "They don't like bikes that much. Saying it's dangerous and all" you replied.

"I see" he said. You took your bag from the seat behind him and gave him a bow "Thanks Chifuyu I had fun today" you said smiling. Maybe that was the most genuine smile you have given today. "Me too. I had fun too" he replied and ouh look, a smile appeared at his face too.

"C'mon" he said suddenly and got down from his bike and began walking. "Huh?"

"I'll walk you home"

You stayed there frozen for awhile. He had already done so much for you today, it be fine if he didn't walk you home. You would be fine but he wanted to do it. Why? Isn't he tired?

Realising you were not behind him, he stopped and turn his back around "what are you waiting for?"

Getting back to reality, you shake your head and ran to where he was waiting "cominggg"


That night after eating dinner and taking a bath you sat at your study table deciding it was finally time for you to start doing your homework.

You took out your kanji book to work with that first. Well not like you have any other homework anyways. The kanji teacher always gives work for some reason. A new form of torture perhaps? Who knows.

You lay the book on top of your table and opened it. You weren't surprise there were scribbles on the book but still you WERE surprise.

You thought there would only be comments and some simple annotations but no, there were more. You saw Chifuyu had drew little black cats with a pencil doing a sign of thumbs up, a wink, some words saying goodluck...and a little heart at the very end. Only one.

Seeing that your heart did a thing. Not sure what it is but it surely did something other than beating. Probably it stop for a second. Even your heart was failing you now.

You trace the notes and drawings with your fingers, looking at them one by one. He didn't lie when he said he didn't give you an answer. He wrote tips and some advices on how to do kanji better. It was even more surprising that you could understand his short notes better than sitting in class for a whole hour. You actually understand what it's saying.

"Is he good in maths?" You ask yourself "probably not".

Suddenly you thought of him trying to solve a math question. Tossing and turning himself to figure it out. That might look cute.

You push the thought aside not wanting to stray away from your original motives. You quickly started to do your homework following his notes. It made your work easy. WAYYY to easy.

"I better give him something as a thank you" you said and continued to your work in the calming night.


That night  he got back home way to happily. His mother might have thought her son has finally gone mad, but of course that wasn't the case.

He got out of the bathroom, his hair was wet and water was still dripping from it. He took a towel and rub it against his hair way to hard trying to dry it up probably trying to stop the water dripping or giving his brain some exercise, either one.

He walk to his bed and jump on it. A big sigh escape his mouth as he lay there looking at the ceiling. A black cat was beside him sleeping while purring it's heart out.

"Peke J" he called for the cat, which of course he didn't receive any response. "I met someone" he said continuing anyways.

"They're fun..." he said "funny" he let out a chuckle, remembering something "clumsy..." he pause for a second before saying the last words.

He turn his body around, now facing the black sleeping cat, who's eyes were now slightly open. He took his hand and stroke the cats' beautiful shining fur "cute".

He didn't know what he was doing nor saying. After a few strokes his hand lands at his sides. He was now back facing the ceiling. "I still feel it" he said.

The cat tilted his head not knowing what his owner was talking about. "The warmth. I still feel it".

Confuse what his owner was talking about the black cat continue his sleep, didn't want to care about his half on the way to crazyland owner.

The guy didn't mind the cat ignoring him, in fact he might have gone crazy. He recalled every bits of the memories of them riding his bike.

Their back leaning against his, their hands hugging his waist hanging to it like their life was depending on it, their little scream, scolding and their warmth. He would do anything to feel that again.

Through the whole ride he felt only his heart beating faster than ever. It couldn't be that he was nervous riding his bike right? He had done that millions of times.

He suddenly remembered the time where they were letting go of the hug slowly, finding the confidence to let go. He didn't want that. He still wanted them to hug him. So he did something stupid. He stepped on the gas so suddenly that they immediately went back to hugging him. A smile escape his mouth, feeling satisfied with his stupid idea. Well of course he got a deadly glare and a hit by them after that but it was worth it.

All the time he was with this person his heart would start to beat so fast for no reason. Maybe because he was excited? He didn't know. It was all new to him. He didn't know what he was feeling. Everything was confusing.

"Peke J..." he called for the cat again.

"Maybe I am going crazy"

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat