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You stood in front of your house door while doing little runs. Trying to contain your excitement.

"He's hereee" you squeal like a little kid.

"But why is he here?" You suddenly wonder and stopped what you were doing.

"Doesn't matter!"

You quickly opened the door, forgetting to wrap yourself in a blanket or wear any kind of thing that could keep you warm outside. It's not like you would be standing outside that long anyways.

You slowly peek outside from behind the door, looking at him while hiding half of your face, didn't want him to see that you were actually smiling a bit too wide. You didn't want him to see you smiling like Pennywise don't you.

Chifuyu, who saw the door opened looks at you and raise a hand "Hi"


"What are you doing behind there?"

"Ouh, nothing just hiding"

"From me?"

You nodded at his answer while smiling. Though you were hiding, Chifuyu could tell you were smiling. Your eyes made it pretty obvious. It was amusing to him, to see you like that. Somehow he could tell that your mood just improved a hundred times better.

"Don't wanna greet your boyfriend here?" he ask, while opening his arms ready to claim one hug from you.

"It's cold~" you whine at him.

Chifuyu drop his hands while acting like he's sad. His left cheeks were puffed up "No hug then?" he ask sadly.

"Get over here then I'll gave you a hug" you replied, as you open the door wide enough for him to come in.

Without wasting any of his time, Chifuyu did a little run to you. Wanting to claim his little hug "Hehe" he laughed as he reach you.

"You look happy" you tease him, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Well I got to see you, Of course I'm happy!"

"Hrmmmm come here" you said to him, as you open your arms to give him a nice hug, just like he wants.

Chifuyu puts down the bag he was holding, probably has food it in, which was nice of him, and quickly went to embrace you.

You put your hands around him, hugging the boy tightly. You wanted to hug him longer but geez the clothes he was wearing felt like ice.

Rather than hugging a human you felt like hugging a iceberg.

"You're cold!" You said in a high voice and quickly lets him go, couldn't stand the cold any longer.

"Sorry about that, by the way I bought chicken and some soda" he said as he handed you a white plastic bag.

"Good! I don't have to cook" you replied while taking the bag from him.

"Parents aren't home?"

"They would be back tomorrow afternoon"

"Home alone?"

"Nah Cedars' here" you replied as you jerked you chin at Cedar who was peeking from the living room.

"Cedar~~" he called the cat like he was a baby. A furry baby that is.

Cedar who saw Chifuyu coming to him, quickly started to run. He decided to run upstairs and on his way he hit well a lot of furniture.


"He'll come down later" you assure him.

Knowing Cedar he definitely would. Cedar may look all big but the definition scaredy-cat fits him like a glove. That cat of yours was scared to be alone. Even more scared if you left him alone in the dark.

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang