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This was not a good idea.

"You're a hundred percent sure this is safe right?" You ask Chifuyu who busy moving his bike. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I won't fall or tumble over like a piece of meat would I?" You look at his big bike that was kinda scary. It was a bikers bike alright. The big ones not some kind of scooter or mini ones. "What do you mean tumble over? I ride it perfectly fine" he replied, now busy checking the side mirrors.

"Have you even ride with a passenger behind you?" You ask. "I took Takemitchi sometimes" he said finally looking at you. "And no traumatic experience?"

"Hey I'm not a bad driver" he said feeling kind of offended by your questions. "I didn't mean to offend you...I just never ride a bike before" you said feeling sorry for asking to many questions. "It's fine, don't worry to much".

You only nodded but still feeling guilty. "Here" he said and handed you a helmet. You look up and took the helmet from him "How about you?" You ask after seeing there's only one helmet. "I'll be fine" he replied.

You didn't want to complain more so you just give it in. You put on the helmet and to your surprise it was way to big for your head. It was supposed to be tight but this thing could even spin around on you.

"Urmm Chifuyu this thing is to big for me" you said to him. Chifuyu who was still busy checking his bike turn to look at you, but what he find was not your eyes nor face well there was not face. "Are looking back or..."

"No this helmet spun itself around at my face when I called you...help" you said from inside the helmet.

There was a moment of silence. Way to silent you thought Chifuyu had ran off somewhere leaving you to have a date with his bike. "Chifuyu?" you call for him. There was no response but after a while the helmet you were wearing spun itself around and you were suddenly met with a pair of eyes.

"Staying with you could make my stomach burst" he said, you saw his face was suddenly redder than ever. "Did you catch a fever or something?" You ask. "Sure a fever for 5 minutes" he replied. His lips were shaking as if he did something wrong or he was "I see you were laughing" you said.

"Can't blame me for you being such a comedian" he replied, his lips still quivering. "Help. Now" you said while taking off the helmet and handing it to him.

He took the helmet with shaky hands still laughing while adjusting the helmet. You watch as he did it with crossed arms. You weren't mad he laughed, you would too. All you did was trying to hide your embarrassment and denseness.

"The mind and soul of mine why are you betraying me" you said in your head. Looking at Chifuyu was suddenly hard since you wanted to hide how red you think you were getting. A nice pit sounds nice to do so.

"Here. This should do it" he said. Hearing him said that you held out your hand waiting for him to give it to you, but the helmet never reach you hands. Chifuyu instead put the helmet on you and buckle it up to your head. His face was close to yours and you could smell his sweet scented perfume.

He bent his knees a bit when trying buckle the helmet so he wouldn't accidentally hurt you while doing so. You didn't know where to look. Him? The ground? The sky? The building? Or the trash cans?. Your eyes were everywhere except him.

"Done!" He said and gave the helmet that was on your head a knock "let's go". Chifuyu then sat on his bike and turn on it's engines. "The sound is great" he said. You didn't know what was great. Sound? The engine sound??? Was there a bad one? They probably is and would sound like the half dead cars in movies.

"C'mon hop on" he said and pat the seat behind him. You walk near the bike and stare at the seat for a while to rethink your life decisions. After seconds you let out a sigh and carefully got on the bike. It was shaky obviously but wasn't bad. What's bad is how there's nothing behind you to hold you back if you were about to fall.

"How do people not fall again?" You ask him. "Just hold on to me" he replied grinning. "We're going slow right?" You ask again for reassurance. "Nope".

Ah just the thing you wanted to hear "wha-" before you could even finish Chifuyu sprint out of the ally. You, who were unready quickly hug his waist to keep yourself from falling.

You could hear the man laughing, enjoying playing tricks on you. "I HATE YOU FOR THIS" you scream in his ear. He continued to laugh harder hearing your words.

Once you got out of the ally Chifuyu increase his speed again and went through the people who had chase you. They all panic and ran all directions trying to avoid getting hit by him.

Your eyes almost fall off seeing him did that "CHIFUYU WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" You scream. "Serves them right!".

"You could have kill them!" You replied hitting his arm a bit. "But I didn't" he said.

You couldn't seem to argue with this man anymore. You're positive his nuts at some point.

After a while he lower his speed, probably had enough teasing you. You loosen the grip in his waist after finally holding on to it for dear life.

"You know I can't trust you" you said while trying to hide your face behind his head. The wind was making you hard to see. "You ok back there?" He ask. "Yeah"

"You sure?" He ask again. "Unless you speed up all of the sudden I'm good" you answer glaring at him. He probably felt you glare and let out a chuckle.

After a while riding with him, you finally got use to it. It didn't scared you as much as it did at the beginning. Finally feeling at ease again you loosen the grip from him even more.

That was a bad idea.

Chifuyu suddenly went to increase the speed again making you almost fall backwards. You quickly hug his waist while hiding you face behind his back. "CHIFUYU" you scream.

He gave you another laugh, listening to you panicking "You better hold on tight there". You gave the man another glare, so done with his tease.

This time around you didn't let go nor loosen the grip on him for even a moment. To scared he might do something like that again. You couldn't risk it.

The wind blew your hair making it flew all over. You wanted to enjoy it but thanks to him you didn't even bother to look up anymore.


𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now