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The mall was kind of pack. It was Sunday what do you expect?

Since you arrived, you've been looking from store to store for some new clothes. Almost all of them were a bit to thick for your liking. Make sense since autumn is almost here. Which also means exam weeks are about to come, but you didn't thought about the last part that much. It was a joy killer.

From all of the shops you had visit you either came out with one bag or just nothing.

"Dear me why are so picky" you asked yourself. Thinking about how many pretty clothes you had seen but to scared to wear it since you though you would ruin it.

You look down at the two paper bags that your were holding. One of them are some new sweatpants and the other a nice sweater.

"Am I dumb?" You ask yourself again. "This was not the plannnn"

Buying this just increase your collection of 'comfy clothes to wear at home!' section. Obviously NOT for a date or outing or whatever.

"Yeah I'm dumb, no doubt"

You sigh and continued to walk further into the mall. Looking at other shops that was there. Nothing particular caught your interest. They were all either doing to much or just a big no to you.

You had almost given up when you suddenly you saw a really nice shop. It looks great. It wasn't as 'dark' themed as the other nor was to 'light'. The clothes there look pretty simple too. Not thinking about it much you quickly entered the shop.

The moment your entered the sound of a really soothing music greet your ears. Just the right thing you need after being shouted at. A honorary mention to Jess.

"Now I can shop" you said and started exploring the whole place.

The clothes were really great. All of them were soft and not the type that gives you the itch.

After searching for quite some time, you finally found just the right clothes for you. It was simple but not to simple. It's comfy and easy to move in. Didn't give you the itch nor anything. Which was splendid.

Finish shopping for clothes your next place to stop by was the grocery place which was at the lower floor.

You walk to the nearest escalator and went down until you reach the lower floor. Just like the upper floors the grocery was also filled with people.

You look around, searching for where the cart is. It wasn't hard to find, the carts were all lined up at the right corner of the place near the entrance.

You quickly walk there, avoiding the workers that were handing out flyers and other stuff. You were to lazy to receive any of those papers, besides you were going to throw it away anyways. You could have ignored them, well yes you could but you had always felt bad doing that. Avoiding was the better option for you.

After taking a cart, you took you phone out from your pocket and look through the list of groceries that your mom had given you.

It wasn't that many, just a few things which was great!. There should be extra change from the money you mom had given. Extra money means you could go eat some desserts after finish shopping.

"Nice" you said to yourself.

All fired up, you began to look for the things that your mom had listed.

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