The King X Gender Neutral! Reader

Start from the beginning

You could tell he was getting a little anxious, "Xavier!"You shouted hoping he would snap out of it, Xavier snapped out of it quickly, "S-sorry...Guess I got a little...anxious...Anyways, any questions?"Xavier asked, you shook your head as a no. You and Xavier told the principal that the tour has wrapped up and he excused you both to leave. You ended up walking home with Xavier after the tour around school, you thought maybe he could help you make friends when school starts. "Thanks for showing me around, Xavier. You really think I'll be able to make friends?"You asked, Xavier nodded.

Xaviers POV:I almost melted into an anxious mess back there with (Y/N), guess I kinda got a thing for them...But (Y/N) can't know what I did, they just can't... "So, power punchers at your house?"(Y/N) asked getting me out my thoughts. My cheeks turned a slight shade of red and I nodded in agreement. When we got to my house I opened the door for them and we walked over to my basement. "Ya know, you're not that bad, Xavier!"(Y/N) said sitting down in front of the tv. I redden again shutting the door, "You mean that...?"I asked making sure it wasn't a lie. The other creek kids would always lie about how great I was, who could blame me for double checking. "Of course! Why would I be lying?"(Y/N) raised a brow. "Uh...N-No reason..."I lied then sat down next to (Y/N) ready for power punchers.

Time Skip

3rd Person

"Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?"Xavier asked you while blind folded, and why was he blind folded? Today was Xaviers birthday, you've had a crush on him for sometime and you wanted to do something special for him.

When Xavier wasn't around, you would be at the creek and you made some pretty great friends you knew they'd like Xavier. You and the creek kids even set up a special place at the creek to celebrate Xaviers birthday. "Of course! This is your day! Birthdays are made for you to feel important!"You said walking Xavier to where the creek set up his birthday party. You didn't notice Xaviers cheeks becoming a slight vermilion, "O-okay I trust you..."Xavier said letting you guide him to where you were taking him for his birthday.

"We're here!"You said to Xavier then pulled off his blindfold. But something was wrong.

Xavier wasn't happy about the surprise.

You expected Xavier and your friends to be a tad bit happier. But none of them looked happy, Xavier froze in place realising he was at the creek. You turned your head to your friends and saw they didn't look the happiest seeing Xavier. One of your friends, Omar pulled you aside from Xavier, "(Y/N), you befriended Xavier?!"Omar whisper shouted to you, "You know him?"You asked Omar looking confused. You didn't understand why everyone was so displeased with seeing Xavier. One of your friends Jason ended up hiding in a nearby bush when he saw Xavier.

He was scared of him.

They were all scared of Xavier.

But why were they? Xavier was your best friend, the first friend you've made since you've moved. "You made friends with this wannabe king?"Kelsey whispered to you getting out her sword. "Did he force you to?!"Omar asked you. Before you could answer Xavier had rushed away.

"Xavier!"You called out as he ran, but he didn't turn back to you he just kept running. "What happened?"You said confused on why Xavier ran away from the current scene. Your friends looked at you then each other, "(Y/N), there's something we gotta tell you..."Omar said cringing a little not wanting to bring up whatever he was gonna say.

When Omar was done explaining what happened with Xavier in past, you couldn't believe that was Xavier. He would always give you candy, play power punchers with you and he toured you around your new school and helped you make a few other friends outside of the creek. You didn't see him as a controlling, brat that wanted the world. No wonder he almost melted into an anxious mess when he was touring you around the school. He started to remember his old ways.

"I don't get it...When I first met him, he didn't act like that...He was my friend..."You said not understanding what was happening. "*Sighs* thanks for explaining, now if you'll excuse me. I have someone to check on..."You thanked then walked off to find Xavier.

It didn't take you long to find Xavier, he was curled up crying and trembling. His face was buried in his knees, you were surprised you even found him seeing that he was hiding away. You sighed in guilt that you brought back so many unpleasant memories. "X-Xavier?"You said walking towards him, "(Y/N), just go away!"Xavier said still burying his face. "Xavier...I'm sorry I brought you to the creek...I didn't know you'd be so upset..."You apologised sitting down next to Xavier.

"(Y/N), I get it if you don't want to be friends with me anymore..."Xavier said now lifting his head up, "Xavier, that's not true! I still want to be your friend...Even if you were..."You said, but stop mid sentence not knowing what word to use at the end without sounding rude. "A sore loser? A bully? A control freak?!"Xavier said 'finishing' your sentence. "What?! N-no! Xavier-"You tried to say, "(Y/N), give it up. I know you're remaining my friend out of pity!"Xavier snapped getting on his feet.

You got on your feet as well, "Just say it! Admit it! I'm a jerk! I'm a bully! I'm not a real king! A king looks out for people, but I just shattered that meaning and threw it away"Xavier sobbed. "If I'm not a king, who am I? People want to befriend a king not me..."Xavier sumed up. A depressing silence grew from both of you guys.

Wow, all this was coming from Xavier, your first friend and crush. Then, you ended Xaviers saddness when you put your soft lips on Xaviers forehead. And then, he stopped crying, he felt amazed and shocked you actually bothered to kiss him. "Xavier, you may not have acted like what others would call a king, but you've changed and thats what matters"You said now holding Xaviers hand.

Xaviers POV:When (Y/N) held my hand, I never wanted them to let go. I was a king in my world, and (Y/N) was a monarch in theirs... "I love you, Xavier..."(Y/N) sighed now wrapping their arms around me, and I did the same later. "I-I love you too...My monarch..."I said.

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