Coraline Part 4

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"Tony, wait! De mice wanted me to give you a message...Don't go through little door...Do you know such a thing?". "The one behind the wall paper? But it's all bricked up"I lied, well technically that wasn't lying. It was bricked up well if you don't count last night. "Bricked up? Hmm, well sorry for the bother. Sometimes the mice are a little mixed up..."Roger apologized then let go of my forearm. I stared blankly at what Roger meant, how did he know about the mouse under my bed last night? I shrugged my shoulders and walked off.

I straighten my explorer hat and walked to another home, I had some more mail to return. The house wasn't too far away, I knocked on the door hoping they would answer. A teenage girl answered the door, I knew who she was. She was Tabithas girlfriend, the girlfriend of the one that crashed the car into a truck. "Oh, you must be the kid that just moved in and Jason's friend, Tony was it?"Courtney asked kneeling down to me, I nodded. "Come inside, me and Tabitha were just about to play cards"Courtney said taking the mail from my hands when I gave it to her, I nodded and walked inside Courtneys house.

"Hey Courtney, I think you're being followed"Tabitha sarcastically pointed out seeing me, did she forget who I was already? "Tabi, this is the new boy that moved here. He'll be have the oolong tea"Courtney said then I sat down looking around, there were a bunch of magic stuff and fancy music playing. "I'm sure he'll prefer Jasmine"Tabitha commented avoiding looking at me. Did I remind her of 'the accident' she felt kinda bad for crashing into that truck, it took her awhile for her parents to trust her with driving again. Courtney laughed a little, "Oolong would be good"Courtney said.

"Jasmine it is then"Tabitha joked then started making the tea. Tabitha came back and set down a tray with my tea, these witches weren't so bad after all. "Have one, it's hand pulled taffy from Brighton, best in the world"Tabitha smiled. I tried to take a piece of taffy, but the taffy ended up getting stuck to my hand. Heck, even the bowel was stuck, I swung my hand around hoping the taffy would get unstuck from my hand. Luckily when I tried to use my foot to get it off it got unstuck, but when I used my foot the taffy got stuck on the ceiling. Oops...

"If you'd like I can read your tea for you"Courtney offered, "My tea?"I asked with curiosity, "They'll tell me your future, drink up"Courtney instructed, I nodded and started drinking my tea. "No, not all it"Courtney corrected, "That's right, now hand it over"Courtney said asking for my half full tea cup. I nodded and handed my cup over to her, Courtney took it and slightly shook the tea in my cup and took a closer look inside.

Then, her face turned into concern. "Oh, Tony, Tony, Tony...You are in terrible danger..."Courtney said without looking at me for a second staring down at my tea. Tabitha did a confused look at her girlfriend and walked towards us, "Danger? Let me see that cup!"Tabitha requested stumbling over to see my tea cup. Courtney handed the cup to Tabitha for her to see, she squinted at what was inside. "Well, not to worry child, it's good news. There's a tall handsome beast in your future"Tabitha teased. "A what?!"I asked.

"Tabitha, I think you're holding it wrong. See danger"Courtney corrected. "What do you see?"I asked her. Courtney looked closer inside and told me what she saw, "I see a peculiar hand...", "I see a giraffe"Tabitha chimed in, "Giraffe?! Giraffes don't just fall from the sky, Tabitha!".

But Tabitha and Courtneys talk was interrupted when the bowel of taffy I accidentally got on the ceiling fell on the ground. "Well...What should I do...?"I asked hoping to distract them from the taffy that fell from the ceiling so they wouldn't get mad at me. "Never wear green in your dressing room"Courtney instructed, "acquire a very tall stepladder..."Tabitha said. "And be very very careful"Courtney said.

"Now, was there anything else you wanted to tell us?"Courtney asked, "No, guess not...Thanks for the tea though"I thanked them and got up from the couch, the witches said bye and let me leave. That didn't go too bad...

The next day

I saw that it had became a little foggy that day at the creek, once again Jason and Boris couldn't come. It wasn't too hard to tell where each place was, behind me I heard foot steps. I knew who that could be, I pretended I didn't notice and walked past her. I wonder how she didn't notice I was just faking not seeing them.

I knew who was following me, Kelsey. "Great! The creek stalker!"I shouted pulling off Kelsey's mask by the long part of it, why did her dad even let her wear that mask..."I wasn't stalking you! We're hunting banana slugs!". "What do you mean we?!"I questioned hoping she wasn't referring to me and her, but thankfully she wasn't. The same cat that Kelsey would take care of sometimes popped out her shirt, I assume she was hiding the cat in there. "What? He hates to get his feet wet, geez!"Kelsey said putting her mask back on.

"wuss puss..."I mumbled rolling my eyes, the cat got on Kelsey's head as she got out a stick to look for the slugs she mentioned. I remembered I never really thanked Kelsey for the doll nor did she mention it. "So...That doll, did you make it look like me?"I asked out of the blue. "Oh, no. I found it that way"Kelsey said, her voice was muffled a tiny bit because of her creepy looking mask. "It's older than Cheyenne now, as old as your house probably"Kelsey added on. "Come on! Orange hair, my scout uniform and exploder hat!"I listed not believing her, but besides that. If Kelsey actually made the doll look like me, she has some talent...

She didn't answer for a few moments, but she seemed to have picked something up with her stick. "Dang! Check out slugzilla!"Kelsey said showing me a slug she found. "you're just like them..."I muttered in frustration kicking a rock nearby, "Huh?".  "I mean Boris and Jason! They don't listen to me sometimes..."I mumbled crossing my arms, I didn't mean Kelsey was like a slug...I would never call someone ugly! Kelsey saw that I was pretty upset at the current moment, guess something came to her mind to make me feel better.

"You mind?"Kelsey asked handing me a camera, I shook my head as a no and took the camera. Then, she pretend to start eating the slug like food, I held back a small laugh and took the pictures. In the second photo she pretended the slug was a long snot, pretty gross but funny. The third photo she pretended the slug was trying to attack her, I was struggling to hold back my laughing. We just ended up joking around and playing with the slug she found, Kelsey put her arm over her mouth and then revealed the slug on her upper lip. "Ew!"I laughed struggling to take a picture.

But I pulled myself together and took the photo with the slug on her face like she requested. Kelsey laughed a little and took the slug off her face, I smiled and gave Kelsey back her camera. Maybe she wasn't so bad as I thought she was, she's pretty funny and chill. "You know, Tony. Cheyenne doesn't really let me hang out with many kids...Neither does she herself..."Kelsey said, "You're kidding?! Why?"I asked. She gulped and looked around to make sure no other creek kids were around, "Well...She had a younger brother...You know...When she was a bit younger...But one day, Cheyenne's brother disappeared. She says he was stolen"Kelsey said.

"Stolen? What do you think?"I asked her as we both began walking together, "Well...I don't know, maybe he just ran away-"Kelsey said, but her opinion was interrupted by someone familiar.


Kelsey stopped talking and pulled down her mask, "Look, I gotta go..."Kelsey said walking back to her bike, "Wait a minute-"I tried to say, but Kelsey rode off on her bike back to Cheyenne and she was gone. I sighed and thought hard about what Kelsey said about Cheyennes brother. Stolen? How long has he even been missing anyways? I sighed and decided to go to the Trading Tree for a snack, but I know one thing, I gotta keep this stolen brother thing between me and Kelsey only.

Craig of the creek oneshots because why not Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon