22. I'm Not Led, I Lead

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"She said to stay in the car!" I repeated louder just in case Happy missed it the first time. Natalie climbed the stairs and begins unlocking the door, Happy followed, directly disobeying orders. I run up the door also.

"What are you wearing? Look, I'm not letting you go in there alone," he said having Natalie's best interests at heart.
"She's fine. She's got me." I informed him.
He frowned, "At least she's wearing something more appropriate," looking at my shirt, pencil skirt, and heels.

"I'll be fine," I said, taking off my jacket, and undoing a few buttons on my shirt leaving the front open so my bra and the top half of my torso were exposed, "Running in heels has become a hobby of mine recently," I reached into the pocket of my jacket pulling the air-blade out, tossing the jacket at Happy.

"You want to help? Keep the car running," Natalie suggested to Happy as she managed to bypass the security system and open the door. Natalie and I ran in and like a dog with a bone, Happy followed as the security breach alarm went off.

Happy was quick to throw a punch at the first security guard that came running towards us, giving Natalie and me a way around him.

A second guard came through as we ran through a set of glass doors, Nat slide underneath him and tossed two taser discs at either one of his legs causing him to convulse at the electric shock and fall to the ground.

We both continue down the hallway until we hear the footsteps of another guard making his way by.

"Let me take this one," I whisper to Natalie as I run towards a blue trolley parked against the wall of the hallway. I press one button on the air-blade to unveil a sword as I jumped onto the trolley swinging the blade into his head as I jumped down, landing with my feet on either side of his unconscious body.

We ran along the hallway, Nat sliding under a guard's legs and hitting him in the crotch causing him to bend over in pain. I pressed the button on the air-blade to conceal the blade again and popped it into my bra to stow away. I then ran to the crouched man, using my hands to push off his back and swing my legs from underneath me to kick the next guard down.

Jumping over the unconscious bodyguards we sprinted down the hallway, taking a right at the end.

We heard two guards talking, so Natalie threw two flash bombs at them. They went off releasing white smoke that disoriented the guards so that we could attack them blind. At the same time, Nat delivered her guard a high-kick, while I slid to the ground serving him a low blow to the legs because my pencil skirt was limiting my methods of attack. The guards fell to the ground one after the other, making two loud thuds as they did so.

The noise summoned another guard who came forward us with a baton. Natalie catches his arm with a wire, pulling him closer so she can punch him in the face and wrap the wire around his neck.

"I guess it's okay for me to use weapons now," I mumbled, pulling my air-blade out and releasing both blades this time as two more guards came rushing out. I swirled the air-blade around in my hand before using one side to clothe-line the guard on my right. Once he was knocked down I switched my blade to my other hand and swung the blade into his abdomen, knocking the wind out of him.

One more man came in with pepper spray in his hand but Natalie took care of him by grabbing the arm holding the pepper spray, twisting it around until he loosened his grip, and then swinging her leg around to kick him in the back of the head.

We then strutted our way forward, stepping over bodies on our way out. I spotted that Natalie walked past a guard who went by untouched. I stopped and made a "psst" sound, making Nat throw the pepper spray back to me.

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